Saturday, January 22, 2022

Um discurso directo da minha alma gémea Hélia para o nosso coração partilhado


- Vamos dançar um pouco... 

- Sinto-te rouco... 

- Nada silenciosa...

- Deito a minha cabeça no teu ombro, nada nervosa...

- Saber que lazer não é parecer...

- Amanhecer não é anoitecer...

- Não penso na forma...

- Ou na retoma...

- Agarro os teus braços...

- Cheio de força...

- Laços de aço...

- Sou tua menina e moça...

- Mais que uma qualquer Valkíria...

- Nosso anel de Suspiria...

- Mais que um relógio...

- Algo lógico...

- Digital/analógico...

- Lello livraria...

- Escudo energia...

- No bar...

- Degustar... 

- Sabor a mar...

- Fiquei a saber...

- Tempo sem desvanecer...

- Esquerda movimento...

- Direita contratempo...

- Cabelo doirado...

- Por ti amado...

- Mais que uma simples vaga...

- Nunca o nosso sentimento naufraga...

- Vislumbro a tua camisola...

- Tenho frio enquanto vejo a bola...

- Ela fica no meu corpo...

- Teu Porto...

- Descemos o tabuleiro de baixo...

- Esquecemos o facho...

- História mundial e universal...

- Completamente sobrenatural...

- O Papa é louco...

- Completamente mouco...

- O presidente dos Estados Unidos...

- Faz parte dos alcoólicos perdidos...

- Na Ucrânia, celeiro da Europa...

- Peculiar rota...

- No Vaticano...

- Tudo profano...

- Não me interessa conhecer...

- Sequer saber...

- Quero contigo estremecer...

- Meu dever...

- Por vezes sei que não sei...

- Outras sei o que te dei...

- Deixo para trás tudo o que atei...

- Ato e desato...

- Mil nós num facto...

- Agarro o teu pescoço...

- Nada nervoso...

- Vou te mordiscando...

- Estás em lume brando...

- Não quero ir á Transilvânia...

- Castelo de Vlad Tepes...

- Miseravél Estefânia...

- Roménia Estepes...

- São os ciganos no romance de Bram...

- Mais que camomila...

- Sou a tua Carmilla ...

- John, Haigh perdido... 

- Polidori desnutrido...

- Nosso beijo apertado...

- Tempo realizado...

- Voltamos a subir a ponte...

- Água brota da nossa mútua fonte...

- Na rotunda nada esquecida...

- Jardim cheio de vida...

- Dá-me novamente a tua/minha mão...

- Tu e eu somos união/fusão...

- Mútua energia...

- Nossa eterna emoção/paixão...

- Durante nosso dia...

- Tempo emana energia...

A direct love speech from Monali Roy to our heart


- Loving you, my Man...

- Delightful glam...

- From Binsar's jungle forest...

- Inside our love's test...

- Just listen to me...

- Endless source of energy...

- Marriage's made...

- We're each other's shade...

- Life's what it's...

- Endlessly thee kiss...

- I do know...

- That our love ain't a show...

- Look at our shared bed...

- Where our skin does shed...

- My love, my tiger...

- Feline's no driver...

- Not only thy style...

- Meanwhile...

- Go way deep...

- Not on top of a jeep...

- Deers by the lake...

- Our human's shape...

- Kiss me again...

- Feel a bit lame...

- My king...

- Don't spin...

- Thy queen...

- Never inside a dream...

- Forget not...

- Thy alien's knot...

- By our house...

- Wearing a greenish blouse...

- Preparing me breakfast...

- That'll forever last...

- Love of my life...

- Cookies slice...

- Daughter always tell...

- That I'm thy belle...

- Also loves thee she...

- Thy identity...

- Glamourish personality...

- Deepest empathy...

- But come again...

- My sugar cane...

- Take me to the moon...

- Not too soon...

- Life's our choice...

- Be my inner voice...

- Like o2...

- Totally love you...

- Sometimes my mind's a mess...

- Can't all express...

- Give me something fast...

- Indiana Jones always is last...

- No Holy Grail...

- Religion's a snail...

- Don't make me sad...

- Women admire you bad...

- My jealousy...

- Choice as enemy...

- Your spikey hair...

- Gel's sphere...

- Tell me that you'll love me forever...

- Not in the land of never...

- Europe's small...

- India's our nature's call...

- Our home...

- Heavenly zone...

- Forget about David Cronenberg...

- He's an iceberg...

- Pay no mind to Wong Kar Wai...

- Do try...

- Listen not to music loud...

- Water's our crowd...

- Together we must feed...

- Indeed...

- Thy body again...

- Like a tramway train...

- Our flag together...

- Human fever...

- Let's test ourselves again...

- You know that I've no shame...

- Remember when I was 19?

- Earth did scream...

- When you always hold me?

- Sincerely thee...

- Daughter says that you're my light...

- Not a simple insight...

- Planned something good...

- Love's mood...

- Don't be like that...

- Always acting as a stray cat...

- Our ceremony...

- Bathing by the sea...

- No request...

- We're the best...

- Towel by the floor...

- Want again more...

- Volcano does pop...

- Love being on top...

- Releasing me and thee...

- Duality's free...

- Inside me...

- Like a forest tree...

- Flower must peel...

- Deepest feel...

- Hair's wet...

- Make me sweat...

- Soap and shampoo...

- Let's make something new...

- Me and you...

- Not afraid of anything...

- Together we do sing...

- Factual love's scene...

- Kissing thy chest...

- No rest...

- Upon request...

- Tongues are together...

- Union ain't ether...

- Like a leopard's move...

- We must...

- Should...

- Be just...

- Teeth by your neck...

- Don't care...

- Blowback...

- DNA do I dare...

- Blood Portuguese...

- Our shared chemise...

- Me dress...

- No game chess...

- Bra's a mess...

- Our goal...

- Not being small...

- Don't wanna stare at a lousy wall...

- Be my angel sweet...

- Again deep...

- Kiss me upon a star...

- Love me eternally...

- Never far...

- Together we're always free...

- Just be...

- Wider than the sea...

Um discurso directo da minha alma gémea Hélia para o nosso coração:


- Eu e tú...

- 1...

- 2...

- 3...

- Nada crú...

- De vez...

- Por vezes deixas-me louca...

- (sigh) a tua voz rouca...

- Tua/minha energia...

- Nossa una melodia...

- Pensei sem pensar...

- Tua mente...

- Sempre a remar... 

- Nada ausente...

- Meu corpo...

- Teu porto...

- Nosso mundo...

- Algo profundo...

- Sei o nosso saber... 

- Tudo o que acabas por me dar... 

- Volta a crescer...

- Sinónimo: abraçar...

- Ciumenta sou...

- Onde estás, também estou...

- Cabelo loiro meu que na tua face esbarra... 

- Antónimo: uva parra...

- Alface para a tartaruga...

- Sem uma única verruga...

- Peixe para o gato...

- Teu/meu prato...

- Nosso cão...

- Atira-nos ao châo...

- Lazer/sensação...

- Hoje é a tua vez...

- Coloca no tacho a batata...

- Esquece a bebida de lata...

- Garrafa que partiu...

- Frígorifico (não) sorriu..

- Tua calma desmesurada...

- Pimentos por ti cortados..

- Nossa mão dada...

- Dardos amados...

- Meu/teu avental...

- Com sal...

- Algo normal...

- Fico contigo aturdida..

- Nunca perdida...

- São mais que 2022 lábios...

- Anos sábios...

- Música sem parar...

- Luz no nosso ar...

- No entanto...

- Tua/minha comida: Um espanto...

- Saber comer...

- Meu/teu prazer...

- Amar/dever...

- Na panela colocamos uma costeleta...

- Tempo/ampulheta...

- Agarra-me com prontidão...

- Sumo profícuo: Paixão...

- Minha esquerda mão...

- Bater o molho com emoção...

- Cominhos espalhar...

- Pimenta irá deslumbrar...

- Sobremesa...

- Com toda a certeza... 

- Coloca garfo, faca e colher...

- Tu homem, eu mulher...

- Falam de tempo...

- Nosso momento...

- Aumentamos ainda mais o som...

- Nosso bem/bom...

- Duas xícaras de café...

- Estando ambos de pé...

- Agarras a minha mão direita...

- Dança rarefeita...

- Na mais bela cidade..

- Unidos sem idade..

- Olho para como acabas por te mover para mim.. 

- Meu desvanecer sem fim.

- Caminhas comigo..

- Nossa boca unida num figo...

- Armário está o fermento...

- Sem lamento.

- Forno a alumiar...

- Num deslumbrar...

- Gato que salta para o banco de madeira... 

- Volta para a minha beira..

- Nunca me deixes a pensar...

- Tu e eu formamos o verbo amar..

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Me and my soulmate Hélia inside a saying - eternal love


You walk past human beings...

You walk past machines...

You walk past animals and plants...

You walk without making amends...

You walk in numbers foretold...

You walk in memories of old...

You walk in fields covered with gold...

You walk while staring beauty everywhere...

You walk as a savage elsewhere...

People shout this to you:

"Humans will always choose what they understand over what they do not".

While you're walking inside a cave where we stay...

People whisper this to thee:

"You live only as long as the last person who remembers you"

You look left and right crossing a road while seeing a light in a street sign and you say this to yourself:

"A shattered image sculped in a tree makes you wander free"

Friday, January 14, 2022

A short direct love speech from Monali Roy somewhere in between our together heart, soul and body


- Love you, my Man...

- Stating I am...

- With glam...

- Sometimes jealous am I...

- Breath inside an inner sigh...

- Making love is our cure...

- Continuing us to be pure...

- Walking street with thy name...

- Bear I no pain...

- Not stand I by the door...

- Always want I more...

- Play our dual melody...

- Let's waste energy...

- Inside me and thee...

- There's no rank...

- No logical prank...

- True it's...

- Give me immediately a kiss...

- I'm thy miss...

- Prepared us a new dish...

- Typically Portuguese...

- Just don't talk...

- Blindfolded must we walk...

- No world's mystery...

- Our orgasmic's energy...

- Don't you dare crazy me make...

- Love our together human shape...

- Act like a brat...

- Delightful as a simple cat...

- Make me sweat...

- No need to...

- Be always new...

- Eyelashes paint I...

- No lie...

- Lipstick colour ...

- Never sour... 

- Know that you love my hair black...

- Caress me...

- What the heck?

- Naturally loving thee...

- My beloved river and sea...

- Position's spoon...

- Love staring with you at the moon...

- Not too soon...

- Tell me about Comte Saint-Germain...

- Immortality's plan....

- Again inside me...

- Feel I thee...

- Scribble a paper sweet...

- Let's go deep...

- Not feeling myself Brit...

- Kiss my lips...

- Move my hips...

- Merge again...

- No shame...

- Garden's to blame...

- Wear my eyeglasses...

- Love our classes...

- Press pause...

- Just because...

- Seriously you belong to me...

- Immaculated reality...

- Just me tell...

- No spell...

- During Big Bang...

- There was Yin and Yang...

- Planets did collide...

- Side by side...

- Share with me our bedsheet...

- Be also sweet...

- Don't you sigh...

- All night together we must lie...

- Vulcanology ain't astrology...

- My body's our map...

- No need to chat...

- My nails must thee scratch...

- Don't care...

- We're a match...

- Flag's a spear...

- 2...

- 4...

- 5...

- 3...

- 8...

- Never late...

- Thy left shoulder as my pillow...

- Nature's willow...

- Again open gate's perception...

- Purest perfection...

- To be able to...

- 1 being more than 2...

- My hair on thy face...

- Feel like a true ace...

- Me again embrace...

- Need I plenty more...

- Never count I till 4...

- Can not stand...

- When you stare at a blonde bimbo's band...

- Blanket's also sweet...

- Again, let's go deep...

- Don't you dare to make me wait...

- Still soon, nor late...

- Just give me...

- GIVE ME...

- More than 3...

- Let's again spin...

- Top scene...

- Bra's by the floor...

- Don't care...

- Want I even more...

- Don't you dare...

- Loving thy hands...

- Body that does bends...

- Straight amends...

- Law mandatory's...

- Making me thy miss...

- Will share thy name...

- Till eternity...

- No hidden game...

- Forgetting human entropy...

- Our shared bodies never melt...

- Wearing no belt...

- Being again on top....

- Listening to pop...

- No shock...

- Inside you and me...

- Endlessly mimetry...

- Biology's...

- Our bodies bliss...

- Mahabharata does say...

- That forever is our day...

- Kiss me before I sleep...

- My only Man...

- Devotee by thy flourishing pen...

- Dawn will be even more deep...

- But to me you must be always sweet...

A short direct speech from my friend and extraordinary musician Helena Espvall to my left ear


- Man, 5G...

- 4G is now an honey dead bee...

- Thinking on composing something new...

- Out of the blue...

- During the day...

- Heard you say:

"There's a new puppetry's play"

- Chewed a gum...

- Was having fun...

- Then thought this to myself:

"Maybe something delf"

- By the statue you were...

- Saint-Germain Comte was near...

- Not in the atmosphere...

- Picked I a fruit pear...

- Ate it as a Viking does...

- Forgot about the number bus...

- In the prettiest city in the world...

- You do remain tall...

- Told you about my new tape...

- While you were thinking about a new state...

- At Lisbon lost forever...

- Not in the land of never...

- Street with thy name... 

- Carrying no human game...

- Through Spotify....

- Where butterflies do lie...

- Quickly stared at you passing by...

- Music didn't sigh...

- Thy earphones...

- Like sound bones...

- Quickly I forgot...

- About what's not...

- But then again...

- Laura's to blame...

- Don't you dare to be to her lame...

- Where there's a spot...

- There's roll and rock...

- Swedish tales static always are...

- Forged inside any star...

- Picked up a new movie to see...

- Not based on fantasy...

- Overwhelmed I am...

- Thought on a lyrical jam...

- Moved a bit further...

- Cello did I nurtured...

- Staring at the North...

- Ate with knife and fork...

- Later you told me again:

"Helena I'm listening something inside a train"

- Immediately send you...

- Something new...

- A new melody...

- Realistic's empathy...

- Not with latin's blood...

- Stayed away from the flood...

- Navigating in the river...

- Didn't I shiver... 

- Pessoa's statue was also in my mind...

- Coffeeshop was definitely fine...

- Stumbled upon a paper on the floor...

- Written by you with number 4...

- Couldn't quite understand...

- Was listening then to a punk rock band...

- Laurie did told...

- That Superman was cold...

- Easily dislocated my brain...

- Without any kind of pain...

- Inside thy dadaist space...

- Grabbed I my shoe lace...

- Again chewed a gum...

- Listening to a simple slang...

- Through Almirante Reis felt a bit just...

- Shadow of a croissant was a must...

- Put in it ham and cheese...

- Do know...

- No traditional Portuguese dish...

- Universe did glow...

- Made 2022 a wish...

- Then you told me to pick the guitar...

- 4 tracks demos were not far...

- Shouted at you:




- Church being not a physical space...

- Inside us as human race...

- Told you this:

"Don't you even dare..."

"Breathing pure air..."

- Picked my axe and my shield...

- Not in any flat field...

- Felt a bit bored...

- Grabbed my own sword...

- Song was almost done...

- Shadow's not gone...

- Spirit's desire...

- Did brawl a pyre...

- Whispered I softly to you:

"Man, don't be something new"

"There's Bowie's spaceship"

"Mars' trip"

- Iva's still inside your head...

- Don't be bad...

- Anna do shape...

- Porto's lake...

- Invicta's street...

- Ain't no Brit...

- So sweet...

- Let us meet...

- You do owe me a sugarish's treat...

- Don't you dare to forget...

- About your rain's hat...

- Serralves green will be..

- Inside my musical spell to be...

- Put on your new suit...

- I'll share with you an orange fruit...

- Towards Aliados and Santa Catarina's street...

- Must I perform tenderly sweet...

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

A short love speech from Monali Roy to our shared heart


- My love, My Man...
- Not on 1912...
- Bookshelf...
- Not on 1913...
- 1973 is thy birth pen...
- They say that Mahabharata...
- Was a piñata...
- That Vyasa was a god...
- And that on 3.000 BCE appeared a frog...
- Truth or consequence...
- Our birth's essence...
- From the north you're...
- Shining as my only star...
- It's how we're...
- Passing Pessoa's statue...
- Saying "hello" as ipso facto...

- Of course that Crowley didn't know...
- Where Solomon's key did glow...
- Never inside a Kafkaesque mood you're...
- Always near, never far...
- Pessoa's passion...
- Kafka's fashion...
- Vyasa's colateral action...
- To understand your mood?
- It's heart's food...
- Knowing that I love you...
- Walk and breathe for true...
- Not born on your city...
- Flourishly pretty...
- Again by the North...
- Not Lisbon's port...
- Thousand years inside us...
- Love immortal bus...
- Of course that I want...
- To marry you...
- Feed a font...
- Not staring at my shoe...
- Just hold me again...
- My flag's flame...
- To thee kiss...
- Dwelling abliss...
- Enter on my mind...
- Be kind...
- Inside my body...
- Our fetus' glory...

- People can't understand...
- 3 billion people will stand...
- Shot plan...
- Inside a syringe's can...
- Lots of times communication can't comprehend...
- When our bodies bend..
- By Chiado we did walk...
- At Porto we do talk...
- Near Dehli we're a flock...
- Vision I the sea...
- Becoming you and me...
- Want to give you something real sweet...
- Purest love's deep...
- My black hair on thy face...
- Not a spade's ace...
- You I read...
- Eternity's need...
- Never too late...
- Sure that one day...
- Our shape...
- Will have a say...
- But then again...
- My only Man...
- Stronger than steel...
- Huge blam...
- Utmost feel...
- Being you my huge mountain love's hill...

Um discurso curto da minha alma gémea Hélia para mim


- Verbo/pensar...

- Palavra/amar...

- Sem sequer recitar...

- Conhecer-te como te conheço...

- Num eterno começo...

- A mais bela cidade do mundo baila para nós...

- Tua/minha voz...

- Cálculo desmesurado...

- Quando escutamos um triste fado...

- Sentir alegria...

- Minha/tua magia...

- Eterna energia...

- Naquele preciso momento...

- Acariciamos ambos o vento...

- Sem tormento...

- Cabelo escorrido...

- Sumo espremido...

- Lugar prendado...

- Num céu estrelado... 

- Saber crescer...

- Renascer...

- Nosso dever...

- Seres como és...

- Percorrer contigo o mundo de lés a lés...

- Como num qualquer jogo de futebol...

- Sou a tua sereia no nosso mar... 

- Tu o meu anzol...

- Casa/farol...

- Saber respirar...

- Adormece Santa Catarina...

- Nunca pequenina...

- Formosa e feminina...

- Nossa vida como formato...

- Sentimento como acto...

- Verdadeiro facto...

- Bailamos de repente...

- Tempo presente...

- Minha/tua escola...

- Num jogo com bola...

- Encontramos a certeza...

- Sem tristeza...

- Mencionas mais que a minha beleza...

- Tudo o que somos...

- Que fomos...

- Ou o que iremos ser...

- Meu/teu parecer...

- Sem desvanecer...

- Voltar a nascer...

- Simplesmente viver...

- Volto a dialogar contigo...

- Partilhando o meu/teu umbigo...

- Amados e respeitados...

- Em tempos nada sonhados...

- Sentir que a tua Bela sou...

- Reconhecer que para onde vais também vou...

- Agarro a tua direita mão...

- Sinto tremer o meu coração...

- Presença/emoção...

- Novamente no metro...

- De perto...

- Libertamos a nossa lânguida melodia...

- Durante todo o santo dia...

- Meu querer...

- Teu ser...

- Nosso uno amanhecer...

Friday, January 7, 2022

A love speech from Monali Roy to our assembled heart

- My love, food's never raw...

- No flaw...

- Sometimes I don't know how to say...

- That love you every single day...

- Want thy t-shirt in my chest...

- Feel myself the best...

- Enter I again...

- Shyness is lame...

- Don't want to never forget...

- Our eternal love as fact...

- To touch you...

- Hundred years without blue...

- Know that you bloody hate James Joyce...

- That's why you're my choice...

- Make me moan...

- Bodies do shone...

- No dust...

- Tim Burton's rust...

- Licking you like Catwoman does...

- Inside our magical bus...

- Must forget more my own time...

- Want you forever mine...

- My problem is...

- That I only have DNA Portuguese...

- One day talked with you about a love story...

- Thought that it was some kind of glory...

- You listened endlessly to me...

- Clearly you knew about life's fantasy...

- Women can't correctly choose...

- Men love booze...

- With you all different is...

- Mysteries inside an energetic kiss...

- Playing song...

- Our movie zone...

- Fold I my mysteries in your presence...

- Unfold them in our love's essence...

- Always you something teach me...

- Outside fantasy...

- Reality is our communication...

- No borders nation...

- Not only admire you my Man...

- Neither only love thy pen...

- It's how you continue to stylish be...

- Towards eternity...

- Caress my face...

- Tie my shoe lace ..

- Must me embrace...

- Use a spade's ace...

- Inside my heart...

- Beat our together part...

- Daughter baked you a cake...

- She knows that I love you...

- Can't hide what comes from the blue...

- Must eat it us 3 together by the lake...

- Candles to blow...

- Kiss and tell show...

- Daughter wants to know...

- Where the wild things go...

- Melancholy inside her...

- Some kind of nurture...

- When we all happy are...

- She talks to a star that it's never far...

- Living in Porto's city...

- Feel myself way more pretty...

- Of course that you're my handsome Man...

- Full with glam...

- As powerful as Superman...

- Hold your hands fiercely...

- Kinetic energy never fails...

- Ship flags sails...

- Hundreds of years ago...

- During winter's snow...

- Was I born...

- To love you inside a storm...

- Had no clothes to wear...

- Wore yours everywhere...

- Saint Germain as an immortal...

- Lilith as simple myrtle...

- During incubus synergy...

- Currently making love with thee...

- Not caring about any cave...

- Clearly knew that need I to shave...

- Not a strange day...

- People do say...

- When I need you...

- You pop in for true...

- Sometimes selfish I am...

- Only care about a simple tin can...

- Let's open again our heart...

- From the start...

- Big Bang anathema..

- Theory's meta...

- My lips with yours...

- Our endless cross...

- Tell me always that I'm pretty...

- And sweety...

- Thy intelligence's...

- My deepest bliss...

- Nail me again...

- Don't feel tame...

- New child we'll have...

- Daughter'll be shivery glad...

- Just promise me...

- That you'll always be my deep eternal sea...

Um discurso directo da Angela Cruz para o meu ouvido direito


- Era uma chamada perdida...

- Algo esquecida...

- Numa casa pequenina...

- Infância era matutina...

- Saber crescer...

- Durante o amanhecer...

- Raízes que tudo envolvem...

- Mãe e tias resolvem...

- Fora duma lapela...

- Numa capela...

- Mulher avó enorme...

- Nada disforme...

- Dizias-me isto:

"Há que celebrar a vida" 

- De geração em geração...

- Com o mundo na nossa mão...

- Fruto do meu ventre...

- Sorriso nascente...

- Divisão não é normal...

- Pertence ao domínio do sobrenatural...

- Sempre foste assim...

- Distraído num mundo sem fim...

- Nunca perdido num verso...

- Calcorreias o Universo...

- Tua sobrinha emprestada...

- Sempre prendada...

- Pouco para dizer...

- Durante o entardecer...

- Num qualquer tacto...

- Sem um único acto...

- É o copo de sangria...

- Que nutre magia...

- Durante a noite e o dia...

- Munido de emoção...

- Fruto de paixão...

- Sem ilusão...

- Uma perdida fotografia...

- Onde bailava energia...

- Tua altura? 

- Um pouco de doçura...

- Sobrinha minha...

- Luzidia e cristalina...

- Distraído por vezes caminhas...

- Passo ante passo entre pinhas...

- Deixo de pensar...

- Peço para contigo dançar...

- Sem estórias...

- Não só com memórias...

- A minha voz por ti chama...

- Quando o mundo praga declama...

- Nunca perdido num tempo...

- Sem lamento...

- Observando o teu olhar descontraído...

- Algo embutido...

- Lógica que parte do teu presente...

- É nunca estares ausente...

- Com ou sem cigarro...

- Num múltiplo afago...

- Por vezes entre vozes te sussurro..

- Num qualquer muro...

- Volto á janela...

- Visto camisola de flanela...

- Tempo invernal...

- Algo natural...

- De repente...

- No tempo presente...

- Procuro a entente...

- Num dispositivo sem noção...

- Uma rede social desaparece na tua esquerda mão...

- E o que dizer do teu cabelo espetado?

- Nada grisalho a cantar o fado?

- Hino á tua/minha identidade...

- Na mais bela cidade...

- Sinônimo : entidade...

- A pequenina irá ficar contente...

- Escola no tempo nada encapsulado na mente...

- Voltamos novamente a algo que deixou de existir...

- Nosso devir...

- Subsistir..

- Voltar a simples ser...

- Humildade é mais que um simples saber....

- Dançar contigo?

- Partilhar um figo?

- Quebrar uma casca de noz?

- Nossa viva voz?

- Vamos lá...

- Contar Um-Do-Li-...

- Num sorriso com precisão...

- Leva-me onde pernoita a tua emoção...

Thursday, January 6, 2022

A short soft speech from little Camilla to me


- Man in the North, magic is everywhere...

- It's a bit like you tell us always:

"Life has no sideways"

- Grabbed my pen...

- Drew you...

- Not like Superman...

- Mum does smile...

- Videotaping for a while...

- During your birthday...

- Gathered a say:

"There's 24 hours inside a day"

"Only for you"

"Write us something really new"

- Sister was dancing a lot...

- Mum didn't forgot...

- Age shot...

- Having thy coffee...

- Gave you a toffee...

- Candy was late ..

- In winter we do shake...

- Dragon is flying by your shoulder...

- Always are you bolder...

- Stronger than an ox ..

- We all vision you ..

- Smarter than a fox...

- Thinking new...

- Feelings are some sort of light...

- During Xmas sight...

- New year does begun...

- Let's have us all fun...

- Playing hide and seek...

- Near some peak ..

- Birds that fly...

- Real high...

- Ukrainian sky...

- Don't know...

- Politicians show...

- Me, mum and sister will bake you a chocolate cake...

- But you're always late...

- Doesn't matter...

- Education ain't a peacock's feather...

- Must watch a Disney movie...

- Learning English is groovy...

- Remember that you throw your jacket somewhere...

- Right dragon curdled it into the biosphere...

- Santa Claus was at its prime...

- Rudolph's nose did shine...

- Gifts to wrap...

- During our chat ..

- Surprise for you ..

- Magic is always something true...

- Always you told me...

- That I'm future free...

- 2021 wasn't real bad...

- Sometimes it drove me a tiny bit mad...

- Thinking on how to go to school...

- Reading is cool...

- Teacher ain't no fool...

- Mum bought a red lumberjack...

- No cold near a pack...

- From Kiev to Porto...

- And Porto to Kiev ..

- Thought on sugary bread...

- You know me...

- A little sea...

- Wanna be...

- Just like mum...

- Source of energy ..

- While always having fun...

- Sometimes sister jealous is...

- Mum's attention is bliss...

- Whatever I think...

- Near kitchen sink...

- Gather I paper and ink...

- Draw your spikey hair...

- Into thin air...

- Dragon moves from left to right...

- I do know that's because of light...

- Stronger I'll be...

- Camilla, ruler of all Ukrainian sea...

- Will your help need...

- Must we all cats feed...

- Unwrap your gift from me to you...

- Mum does know...

- What's always inside you...

- A magical bright show...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...