Friday, January 14, 2022

A short direct speech from my friend and extraordinary musician Helena Espvall to my left ear


- Man, 5G...

- 4G is now an honey dead bee...

- Thinking on composing something new...

- Out of the blue...

- During the day...

- Heard you say:

"There's a new puppetry's play"

- Chewed a gum...

- Was having fun...

- Then thought this to myself:

"Maybe something delf"

- By the statue you were...

- Saint-Germain Comte was near...

- Not in the atmosphere...

- Picked I a fruit pear...

- Ate it as a Viking does...

- Forgot about the number bus...

- In the prettiest city in the world...

- You do remain tall...

- Told you about my new tape...

- While you were thinking about a new state...

- At Lisbon lost forever...

- Not in the land of never...

- Street with thy name... 

- Carrying no human game...

- Through Spotify....

- Where butterflies do lie...

- Quickly stared at you passing by...

- Music didn't sigh...

- Thy earphones...

- Like sound bones...

- Quickly I forgot...

- About what's not...

- But then again...

- Laura's to blame...

- Don't you dare to be to her lame...

- Where there's a spot...

- There's roll and rock...

- Swedish tales static always are...

- Forged inside any star...

- Picked up a new movie to see...

- Not based on fantasy...

- Overwhelmed I am...

- Thought on a lyrical jam...

- Moved a bit further...

- Cello did I nurtured...

- Staring at the North...

- Ate with knife and fork...

- Later you told me again:

"Helena I'm listening something inside a train"

- Immediately send you...

- Something new...

- A new melody...

- Realistic's empathy...

- Not with latin's blood...

- Stayed away from the flood...

- Navigating in the river...

- Didn't I shiver... 

- Pessoa's statue was also in my mind...

- Coffeeshop was definitely fine...

- Stumbled upon a paper on the floor...

- Written by you with number 4...

- Couldn't quite understand...

- Was listening then to a punk rock band...

- Laurie did told...

- That Superman was cold...

- Easily dislocated my brain...

- Without any kind of pain...

- Inside thy dadaist space...

- Grabbed I my shoe lace...

- Again chewed a gum...

- Listening to a simple slang...

- Through Almirante Reis felt a bit just...

- Shadow of a croissant was a must...

- Put in it ham and cheese...

- Do know...

- No traditional Portuguese dish...

- Universe did glow...

- Made 2022 a wish...

- Then you told me to pick the guitar...

- 4 tracks demos were not far...

- Shouted at you:




- Church being not a physical space...

- Inside us as human race...

- Told you this:

"Don't you even dare..."

"Breathing pure air..."

- Picked my axe and my shield...

- Not in any flat field...

- Felt a bit bored...

- Grabbed my own sword...

- Song was almost done...

- Shadow's not gone...

- Spirit's desire...

- Did brawl a pyre...

- Whispered I softly to you:

"Man, don't be something new"

"There's Bowie's spaceship"

"Mars' trip"

- Iva's still inside your head...

- Don't be bad...

- Anna do shape...

- Porto's lake...

- Invicta's street...

- Ain't no Brit...

- So sweet...

- Let us meet...

- You do owe me a sugarish's treat...

- Don't you dare to forget...

- About your rain's hat...

- Serralves green will be..

- Inside my musical spell to be...

- Put on your new suit...

- I'll share with you an orange fruit...

- Towards Aliados and Santa Catarina's street...

- Must I perform tenderly sweet...

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