Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Something sweet told to me by Pat


- Not inside my mind...

- Movie with colour...

- Forgetting the hour...

- A simple love story...

- Conceptual glory...

- Later reality did stood...

- No mood...

- Talking about the earth...

- Almost like giving birth...

- Seeds we were...

- Seeds we're...

- Seeds we'll be...

- By the sea...

- Like inside a prophecy's ants...

- Near the plants...

- Deep inside a dream...

- Didn't wanted to scream...

- By the city where I was born...

- Thinking on being gone...

- New change direction...

- Delightful highway...

- Action...

- Climbing mountains in May....

- Again the movie in my head...

- Music's by the bed...

- Thought a bit...

- Don't wanna go deep...

- Come again...

- People's to blame...

- Acting like gods...

- While being less than frogs...

- There's a mission's ceremony...

- Deep inside me...

- People say that beauty's...

- An image of a kiss...

- Can't understand...

- Listening to a simple band...

- Inserting giga and ram...

- No glam...

- There's also the war...

- Not by the shore...

- Inside my mind was a dance...

- Not as complex as science....

- Did forget...

- Melody did inside me kept...

- Journeying throught the galaxy...

- Bezos and Musk...

- For free...

- Are just...

- "Genius", people do say...

- Just like Zuckerberg...

- Being a simple iceberg...

- Social networks change people's lives...

- Everybody's being their wives...

- Image is everything...

- Never inside a dream...

- Through fear...

- People call each other "dear"...

- Hypocrisy dwell...

- Inside a spell...

- Magic of earth's elemental...

- Giving way to state's mental...

- You say this to me:

"One in 10 human beings are psychos" 

- Don't know what to answer...

- Talking about the Roman Empire...

- Kissing a barbed wire...

- Talking about Ancient Greece...

- No need to say "please"...

- Talking even about the Chinese...

- Or how Portuguese love cheese...

- Essence's act...

- Being fact...

- Didn't wanted to understand...

- Again, thought on spam...

- Observed I...

- No lie...

- How trees do grow...

- No show...

- How a cat sleeps...

- Not dreaming with ships...

- How a dog eats...

- Thinking about its own treats...

- Of course that I want...

- To hold a magical wand...

- 43...

- Behold I the sea...

- Outside a circle am I...

- No sigh...

- Don't wanna be sweet...

- Wanna be happy...

- Not thinking on a spaceship...

- Denying to be bratty...

- Again the seed...

- No need to feed...

- More than a dream...

- Catcher's spin...

- Weavering no shout...

- Just wanna go out...

- Melody of the movie did me told...

- That life ain't gold...

- It's bittersweet...

- Harmony's lip...

- Tell me today...

- About a human say...

- Let's reject the system...

- We're earth's kin....

- Dehumanisation is my choice...

- Our inner voice...

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