Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Developing a multimedia arts projects with international artists deep inside a screaming blue planet carrying a feeling named "love"

In my honest opinion living in the XXIst century is a bit like making with our own hands paperplanes to be thrown into the atmosphere.

I also truly believe that what matters most in life aren't the clothes that we wear, the money or the possessions that we own, because in my humble opinion, while living our life all that truly matters is how we treat mother nature.

For me doesn't matter also if human beings want to live in other planets like Moon or Mars inside their own private Xanadu's in order for them either to be shown to friends or family, being this a life, that's in my opinion, a void of feelings complemented with fleeting objects.

What I do know is that a normal living being sharing a blue  planet named earth, only needs food, water and pure feelings.

I also know that I'm an humble writer/editor/curator that also works with some of the best international artists that I know of and I really don't care if I possess or not my own published books or even artworks based on my physical form that were created by more than 70 international artists (being myself inside my autobiography) along other art projects that I've organized and developed for years with more than 150 international artists.

I clearly know that all of them were created for a purpose either for present or future time based on a static memory inside communication.

In my mind, I love to see all my published books in movement that probably will be shared with other human beings with a simple thing that's "communication" and shared knowlegde.

What I really know is that I always put in my work, my inner  emotions based on people that I love in a worlwide scale, never forgetting all the art in various forms that I consume(d) in my free time be it in past or present memories and that inspire me on my work.

I really don't care about politics or how we must be towards society either because of its beauty or its uglyness.

What I know is that we're all living beings with a belly to feed and a life to live.

This is a short text that I'm writing to comunicate to all people that I work with or that I love, that I'm planning on creating a TV series or a motion picture with no previous written script based on how I see life and how I also contemplate shared art in movememt.

Artwork by my friend and extraordinary German artist Lars Henkel

Artwork by my friend and extraordinary German artist Lars Henkel (01)

My babe Elena Pavlenka (01) 

Artwork by my friend and extraordinary Serbian artist Branko Djukic 

My babe Elena Pavlenka (02) 

Artwork by my friend and extraordinary Spanish artist Chris Stygryt 

My babe Elena Pavlenka (03) 

My friend and Russian artist Natasha Von Braun loves Godard motion picture Alphaville and his muse Anna Karina.
One day while talking with her for an interview, telepathy developed between us and she told me this:
"Can't understand how you enter my heart and can also display what's on my mind".
Love her character, visual looks and how she creates several art forms in a worlwide scale, either in several exhibitions or in articles written in magazines in several languages.

In life, love is the key to everything in my opinion.

With Aurea

With Polina

With Dovile

With Ineta

With Vaida

With Polina and Dovile

Below is Elena, that's a natural beauty and that was Miss Volga in 2019.
 She's my friend and I write/wrote several love poems to her while she was conducting an interview to me and my girlfriend to Samara TV in Russia where she's reporter.
Whenever she needs my help she whistle to me this: 
"Man, it's Esh. Love you, you're always something new".

My beautiful friend Elena from Samara, Russia

Below are static images that dwell in my memories of movies by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai where what counts in them are normal themes such as life, longing and memories being them art in movement.

Chinese actress Maggie Cheung on her 57th birthday 

There's Daria Kovaleva that's a woman that I love and that visions life as myself while we share emotions towards one another and some movies that we both love.

There're always my memories with my Bela either in the past or in the present while I clearly remember meeting Argentine artist Jorge González in 2003 at Lisbon with her by my side inside our fascinating love story.
 Do notice in present time through books, how both me and my Bela changed and Jorge's artstyle also.

Artwork based on one of my favorite movies ever by my friend and extraordinary Polish artist Bartosz Kosowski.

Artwork based on a women by my friend and extraordinary Polish artist Bartosz Kosowski.

There's also Mascara (that's my blonde bombshell) that I also love along her kitty Estafeta.

Strip page for masterpiece graphic novel "Le roi des mouches"  by French artists Victor Mezzo and Michel Pirus


Extraordinary artwork by Argentine artist Mr Ed as a tribute to Sam Shepard 

Again, there's me and Mascara being overhelmed by some Bruce Lee drawings (courtesy of my friend and Mexican artist Gaston Ortiz who posted them).

There's Terhi Ekebom creating a masterpiece truly knowing that I love my stolen kitty ilvie and Portuguese character "o boneco rebelde" created by Portuguese artist Sergio Luiz.

There's the spellbinding German TV series Babylon Berlin while I whisper something to a woman that I love.

There're two artworks created with pastels by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli based on two women while being myself in the presence of belissima Antonella Adamo.

There's Yeri that's a singer from South Korean musical band Red Velvet with quotes that I love.

There's an artwork based on Hugo Pratt's characters Corto Maltese and Rasputin along Peaky Blinders TV series by French artist Barthelemi Nobili.

There's Victoria being a woman that I love somewhere in Wien, Austria.

Extraordinary artwork by Italian artist Andy Prisney.

There's an artwork published at Bizarre magazine by British legend John Willie.

There's me and my belle Isabel

There's a stunning original Daredevil cover drawn by legendary American artist Frank Miller.

There's me and Sonia.

There're two artworks by Korean artist Se-Eun Yang that both me and my youngest niece love.

There's an artwork by my friend and Ukranian artist Igger Bigger.

There's a still frame for the first Portuguese animation movie ever made named "o boneco rebelde" by Sergio Luiz.

There're photographs by South Korean singer Seul-Gi.

There's my stolen kitty Ilvie and mesmerizing manuscripts/artworks by my friend and Indian writer Monali Roy with whom I'm developing a book series to India illustrated by more than 70 international artists inside a team work.

There's me and belissima Antonella Adamo along a narrative art sequence from masterpiece movie "The hand" directed by Wong Kar Wai.

There's me and a woman that I love along strip pages by my friend and Canadian artist Stan Wany.

There's my beautiful friend and extraordinary Spanish artist Sonia Pulido and her astonishing artworks that were published in some of my books.

There's my Finnish arts connection starting with artworks by my beautiful friend Terhi Ekebom

There're artworks and books by Finnish artist Matti Hagelberg whom I've helped organizing a book collection to an American publisher.

There're artworks by my friend and Finnish artist Bo Haglund whom I've helped organizing a book collection to a French publisher and to whom I made an interview in a previous post in this same blogue.

There're splendid artworks by Finnish artist Katja Tukiainen with whom I'm preparing an exclusive interview.

There's the prettiest city in the world.

Many thanks to all my friends and extraordinary international artists who I've worked in the past, I'm working on the present, will work on the future either in published book form or on ongoing art projects developed by myself.
Special thanks to all women that I love with all my heart.

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...