Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A direct love speech from Monali Roy to me


- Silence is...

- Our delightful kiss...

- Like a cut...

- Words inside an hut...

- Know that you're my river...

- That never shiver...

- 5 bridges inside you...

- Gateway ritual passage's new...

- There's the family...

- Deeply attached entity...

- When I'm sad...

- Cry on thy bed...

- It was the birthday...

- Without a say...

- Bearing your age...

- Our inner pace...

- Almost a love story...

- In all its glory...

- Sheets as honey...

- Always funny...

- Then war come...

- Strategy zone...

- Panjshir valley...

- India and Pakistan's alley...

- Almost a smiley...

- Yankees flee...

- Without identity...

- Joe watches the clock...

- While staring at men in wood as rock...

- Massoud...

- Providing his people food...

- Liberty's for good...

- Statue's empty...

- Torch's always fuel plenty...

- Marines losing faith...

- About what's late...

- Biden says that it's a success...

- A failure excess mess...

- Remember that you told me this:

"You're what you're while driving a simple car" 

"There's a plane flying in shame" 

"Mankind's game" 

- Mirrored your eyes...

- Asked you to love me again...

- No lies...

- More than a game...

- Science's mature...

- Time doesn't heal..

- Silence's never pure..

- It's my deep feel..

- Held today your coat...

- Vessel empty boat..

- Kolkata and Delhi...

- Inside a glass jelly...

- Full belly...

- Between you and me...

- Mythology ain't philosophy...

- Like a Schubert's piece...

- Melody's at ease...

- Or inside a Chopin's play...

- Without a say...

- It's the lyrics, my Man...

- Out and inside your pen...

- Like a stone gem...

- Then I don't know...

- Where to go...

- Freakish show...

- Bitter shame...

- Always lame...

- Never know what I need...

- In order to myself feed...

- Maybe selfish I am...

- Forgetting jam...

- You always says this to me:

"No storm among the newborn" 

- Entering everybody's mind..

- Being always kind...

- Maybe I'm simply blind...

- Blake said that a tyger's walk...

- Isn't a simple talk...

- Pimlico's map...

- Westminster's Abbey fact...

- London's eye...

- House of commons...

- No lie...

- Summons...

- Cromwell didn't meant what he said...

- Commonwealth's actually bad...

- Sometimes to you I say:

"India's one of the oldest countries at bay"

- Knowing that inside a day...

- Your speech's the same...

"A galaxy ain't a game"

"Cosmology is pure energy"

"What's old doesn't know that what's new ain't a show"

- Speechless I stand..

- And inside your arms I do bend...

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