Thursday, April 28, 2022

A short love story to Svetlana Seferović.


Sometimes you talk with me inside rhymes...

I clearly don't know what to say when you ask me about our together day.

Rain's pouring on our wet bodies...

You think on something that I've told you that was whispered to you through the wind when we're struggling for a sight in a morning so bright:

- May light be your purity in your beauty...

I don't remember telling you something in words (maybe I was staring at your face with a simple lace).

 But you were continuously telling me this:

- Hey you...

- Yes...

- You...

- Give me a bliss inside a kiss...

My sunglasses were shaking and my eyes weren't telling you any lies...

You were inside some sort of spell when I simply called you "belle"....

You were trapped inside your heart while telling me where to start...

You looked into your right...

You looked into your left...

You told me about a day where oceans and seas meet and we were on a strange sea fleet...

Your eyes were scanning me for free...

You told me that a short story of us was merged into the sea...

I stepped outside for a while, looking to you in your dress of blue...

You started to question me while our wet bodies were something given to us for free:

- Will you dance with me even if my body melts into yours as some sort of cross?

I was looking at the time and you were telling me about a rhyme inside a dance where we were in some sort of trance...

I started to think on an answer to you out of the blue...

My lips were trying to create words when I was caressing our dishes like they were fishes...

Inside my mind, outside my heart, I've answered you this without thinking hard:

- There's a dance where we meet...

- There're our bodies merged together real deep...

- Give me a paper sheet and I'll try to describe your wonder hair to where sometimes I do  stare...

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