Thursday, April 28, 2022

A short love story to Mascara


I was roaming streets for free with thee and you were telling me this:

- My name's Mascara...

- I play bass and I'm a director...

Looking into your eyes, I've felt as a bit of a character...

 You told me about mother when we were at a candle store asking candy for both of us to eat at some sea shore...

Your blonde hair was in my face torturing my soul while my body was aching with the cold.

 You started speaking to me out of a sudden when I was in a blue mood:

- Hey!!! 

- We need to buy some food...

I was carrying your body on my shoulders and my head was dizzy while you were suddenly touching my head with your hands and your silky touch on my mind put me a bit blind...

Your skirt was wet with spray that was painted during the day...

Your teeth were biting my neck and I was not feeling such a wreck...

Your legs were squeezing my body and I was feeling little when you were being a delight so bright...

You told me that you loved David Lynch's movies...

I remember that in my mind I was feeling kind...

We were looking into nature and started to feel less mature...

You were in a random loop telling me this:

- I'm Mascara and I love you...

- Will you forever be with me during this glorious day of May?

 I looked into your eyes and without any kind of lies, I've answered you:

- Don't drive myself into the blue and we'll both watch together a football game for free with our bodies merged in gold in a simple story of old.

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