Wednesday, November 30, 2022

A direct love speech from Daria to our shared heart


- Man, let's count again... 

- Surely won't we together be lame... 

Bowie told us about fleeting fame... 

- Contradiction is no shame... 

- Feel unique being thy flame... 

- Cover me with organic plant... 

- Where we together bend... 

- Circling number 10...

- Inside your pen... 

- Platinum hair... 

- Being with you everywhere... 

- Cannon lose forest... 

- Feel thy beating chest... 

- Know that we're the best... 

- We need to forget the rest... 

- Thinking on culture and art... 

- Listening to the beating of our heart... 

- Never playing a part... 

- Waking up by your side..

- Collateral ride... 

- From my soul to you... 

- Something entirely new... 

- Flowers to pick... 

- Garden is sweet... 

- Need not to learn... 

- Letting bridges burn...

Guy Fawkes does us tell... 

- That we're lost inside a spell... 

- Wanna be more than lover of thee... 

- Embrace our mutual energy... 

- Don't tell me that God is empty... 

- Fuel's plenty... 

- Night's never empty... 

- Intoxicate me not... 

- We're more than what we got... 

- Know that I'm the one for thee... 

- Daphne doesn't sound..

- Number 3..

- We're what we found..

- Yesterday... 

- Not inside some dull play... 

- Thought about us today... 

- Knew that the past..

- Towards the present wouldn't last... 

- Deep inside our mind..

- Being softly kind..

- Once again... 

- You telling me... 

- Flirting as thy only dame... 

- About a kiss being energy... 

- Didn't understood..

- Quickly you provide me food..

- World history not being told... 

- Mankind caring not only about gold... 

- Into our room enter I..

- Wearing thy t-shirt cast I no lie... 

- Jeans by the bed..

- Always you making me mad... 

- Feel my skin shed..

- Vision I a serpent's glance..

- Being my trance..

- Inside our fluid romance... 

- When we share another dance... 

- Cutting bread... 

- Spreading butter... 

- Love you further... 

- Time never does spare... 

- Entering without exit key.... 

- Only you and me... 

- Dwelling no fantasy... 

- Walking on Russian floor... 

- Banging we near the door... 

- Pleasure never is sour... 

- Counting till number 4...

- Want you more...

Um discurso directo entre uma mãe e uma filha na mais bela cidade do mundo


- Fantasmas não nos atormentam...
- São os espirítos que nos alimentam...
Vai dizendo a mãe para a filha.
Ao descer uma rua qualquer provida de energia, a filha busca para a mãe energia.
- Mais que a nossa essência interior...
- Sinto presença com amor...
- Desçemos a calçada...
- Tu e eu de mão dada...
- Língua maternal...
- Sabor desigual...
- Entrar num espaço...
- Absorver o teu abraço...
Ao subir uma rua a mãe volta a observar a filha enquanto lhe vai falando dum rio e duma ponte:
- Somos mais que uma fonte...
- Partilhamos um bolo...
- Sinto-te ainda pequenina no meu colo...
- Teu nome Português num laço familiar...
- Saber o poder de 9 meses ge gestação...
- Partilhando uma outra geração...
- Realidade como emoção...
- Enfâse na sensação...
- Voar nas asas da paixão...
A filha de repente entra numa loja e esquece o espelho vestindo um casaco da Tommy nada opaco enquanto volta a murmurar para a mãe:
- Não me fales disso...
- Vamos escutar uma música de Tom Jobim a Santa Catarina...
- Quero sentir-me novamente pequenina...
- Oferecer aos meus irmãos português chouriço...
- A vida não é um enguiço...
- Estamos na mais bela cidade do mundo...
- Sonho/realidade profundo...
- Guia que aparece...
- Tempo que desvanece...
- 2022 estórias...
- 11 memórias...
- Psicologia humana...
- Loja humana...
- Por ti tudo vou fazendo...
- És o meu contínuo innuendo...
A mãe entra em casa, pega numa salada, aquece água enquanto vai fritando carne numa  frigideira e vai pensando nisto:
- Filha à minha beira...
- Perto do Rio...
- Observando a Ponte e o Fio...
- Entrando num jardim...
- Majestoso e sem fim...
- Paragem : Trindade...
- Sendo tu a minha identidade...
A filha meio adoentada vai pensando para si mesma no seu corpo esguio:
- Tempo sombrio...
- Ruas que nos abraçam...
- Momento luzidio...
- Anos que passam...
A mãe sorri para ela e para um qualquer guia, murmurando na sua direção:
- Parte do meu coração...
- Toda eu emoção...
- Unidas numa única imortal/memorial sensação...
- Tempo que passa...
- Chuva que amassa...
- Sabendo eu que a minha língua materna...
- Envolve-se com a fraterna...
- Como se de repente...
- Estivessemos ambas num poema...
- Para todo o sempre...
- Descrevendo tudo um guia com uma simples pena...
- Estando eu e tu sempre presente...
A filha pensa e acaba por desligar o próprio pensamento acabando por sofrer um deslumbramento.
Volta a sussurrar para a sua mãe num antigo Mercado:
- Ficar alegre contigo...
- Escutando um qualquer fado...
- Não me interessa para nada o meu umbigo...
- Saida do teu ventre abraço o mundo...
- Demasiado profundo...
- Penso na minha vida calculada até ao mais infimo pormenor...
- Sabendo do teu eterno amor...
- Para mim cheio de cor...
- Voltamos ao Porto cidade...
- Desejo como naturalidade...
- Entrando no metro...
- Vagão de perto...
- Autocarro nada deserto...
- Contando os meus sonhos a um guia...
- Enquanto a noite abraça o dia...
- Nunca fico eu perdida a pensar...
- Pois sei que para sempre irei te amar...

A direct love speech from Annie to our shared heart


- Man, you must me tell... 

- Spoil me not inside our love spell... 

- Oh well... 

- Just like universe's astrology... 

- Roaming our bodies anatomy... 

- Surely do I can..

- Definitely must I do..

- Forge no golden pen..

- In between me and you..

- Hair of mine... 

- Treating thy body real fine... 

- Life's worth more than a lousy dime... 

- Through the library... 

- Walking with thee... 

- Printed words inside a book... 

- There's our united look... 

- You and I... 

- No need for any lie... 

- World suddenly sigh... 

- During our love's ride... 

- Side by side... 

- Hands of thee.. 

- For free... 

- No need for duality... 

- Tell me again, babe... 

- Be my eternal slave... 

- They say that our room... 

- Ain't ready that soon... 

- Fly me towards the moon... 

- Not only into Japan... 

- Kyoto's slang... 

- Bonsai by my hand right... 

- Hold me real tight.. 

- Want you tonight... 

- Every single day you must to me say: 

"Love ain't only an emotional play" 

- There's always heart of mine that does pop... 

- When we both climb to the top... 

- Suddenly I do see... 

- Channeling we no fantasy... 

- Grabbed an origami from the sky... 

- Folded it real high... 

- Into me and into you... 

- No need to feel myself new... 

- Just like Tarzan... 

- Going back at Greystoke... 

- No joke... 

- Holding no spam... 

- Jane does choke... 

- Trees to jump to... 

- Clothes fading into the blue... 

- Do know that everything... 

- Ain't a simple pin... 

- Lapel of my chest... 

- Feeling ourselves together as the best... 

- Like a sort of angel's wings... 

- Time sometimes sings... 

- About capsule scenes... 

- Make me come...

- Where there's no zone... 

- Call me beautiful... 

- Yell at me fruitful... 

- Today don't wanna know.. 

- Go-go... 

- Sending kiss into our heart... 

- There's no depart... 

- When we both state art... 

- Roaming Porto's streets... 

- Call me thy only "sweets"... 

- By Rua de Santa Catarina... 

- Forgetting Suggia Wilhelmina... 

- Remember I Nasoni doing a test... 

- Henry, The Navigator being the best... 

- Théophile Seyrig back into XIX century... 

- Developing double deck cartomancy.... 

A direct love speech from Polina to our shared heart


- My Man, tell me... 

- About our everlasting energy... 

- I'm the one for thee...

- Totally sugar free... 

- Forget I not...

- Time never does stop... 

- Cat being our pet... 

- You and I... 

- No lie... 

- Can't I forget... 

- Into me and into you...

- No need to stage true... 

- Loving me times 2...

- Sharpening my nails... 

- Think I not about ship sails...

- Running into thy arms... 

- No false alarms... 

- Again love me... 

- Do know that I'm thy only majesty... 

- Into no mirror look I..

- There's our bodies inside a sigh..

- Speak to me without language known... 

- Loosing myself till the bone..

- Being up and down... 

- There's our old haunts... 

- Room jaunts... 

- Tell me that you can make it last... 

- Pleasures are never fast... 

- Into thy chest... 

- Carving my teeth deep... 

- Feeling us as the best... 

- Always sweet... 

- Dance only with me... 

- Must we both carefree... 

- Tell me that there's no connection lost... 

- Be just... 

- Love me as thy must... 

- Being I the one for thee... 

- Where reality ain't fantasy... 

- Soaring Saint Petersburg's sky... 

- One more time we pry... 

- Where our heart does lie... 

- Sometimes I clearly don't know... 

- About our love's glow... 

- Entering into me time one... 

- Chewing only a gum... 

- Place lacking no sun... 

- Cool we must always be... 

- No need to roam the sea... 

- Into thy birth land... 

- Without any loose end... 

- Porto, city of delight... 

- Love me not only tonight... 

- Be to me bright... 

- Talking with you in Portuguese... 

- Being more than thy miss... 

- Searching for thy tongue... 

- Unique love bomb... 

- There's that melodic song... 

- More than a molecular atom... 

- Just like Superman... 

- Being I Lois Lane inside thy pen... 

- Thy only lover being me... 

- Coveting thy energy... 

- Always inside our eternal ride... 

- Us side by side... 

- Don't care I about God... 

- Let's stare at a jumping frog..

- Think I not then... 

- Forget I Yin and bloody Yang... 

- Marrying you without any previous plan... 

- World suddenly to us wave...

- Breathing we a clean shave... 

- Strip me tame..

- Dress me with thy name.. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A solid direct love speech from Janina to our shared heart


- Man, remember that time?

- World surely was better and fine... 

- Doesn't matter at all... 

- Gypsy mythology is by our house hall... 

- It's all in the blood... 

- Not by the mud... 

- To be able to... 

- Bring to it something totally new... 

- While listening to our song... 

- When stage ain't a zone.. 

- Lyrically... 

- Do know about clarity... 

- Being us both inside a movie... 

- Again feel we groovie... 

- By Tampere dancing with you... 

- World Cup being something totally new... 

- Do know that we both can... 

- Mysteriously moving us together inside thy pen... 

- Visiting Angkor Wat... 

- Time hasn't forgot... 

- Streaming Kim Ki Duk's Arrow... 

- Not something to borrow... 

- Dancing again with you... 

- Cabaret melody without left shoe... 

- Visiting Bryan Ferry again... 

- School does forget our name... 

- From Bucharest to Berlin... 

- Where time does spin... 

- Back from Porto to Moscow... 

- Not inside some show... 

- We know... 

- That by Saint Petersburg, there's snow... 

- Coat of thee... 

- Body of ours being always free... 

- Wolf eating fish from the sea... 

- Stare we at the chapel's ceiling... 

- While universe is spinning... 

- Give you a solid kiss... 

- Easy is being thy only miss... 

- Do know that sometimes I do melt... 

- When I release thy belt... 

- Flowerish time... 

- Tom Waits always forgets sunshine... 

- Van Gogh can't paint a solo rhyme... 

- To study world history art... 

- Never playing us any part..

- Ozymandias being lost inside a book... 

- Without fish or hook..

- Feel times 7..

- Entering majestical heaven... 

- Almost like Lenore... 

- When Raven says "Nevermore"... 

- Surely do remember I, Ricardo, Álvaro, Bernardo and Alberto as one... 

- Walking Lisbon streets with you chewing gum... 

- Quickly forgot I about the sun... 

- You and me being only one... 

- Fernando Pessoa by Alfama lost... 

- You and me being just... 

- Near Chiado every single day... 

- Parade we no play... 

- Train does us tell... 

- No need to cast some love spell... 

- Again me and you... 

- Esperança and Rosa's street... 

- Kiss me again deep... 

- Being you my only sweet...

A direct love speech from Daria to our shared heart


- Man of mine, forever... 

- Belong I to thee not in the land of never... 

- Us together flying towards ether... 

- Releasing dragon wings..

- Nor where the devil sings..

- You and me... 

- Melting solar energy... 

- Everything that we both do... 

- When the world always to us is new... 

- Mimicking we a Greek Myth... 

- Inside our own trick or treat... 

- Phone does ring... 

- Give me more than a lucid dream... 

- Love ain't geometry's scene... 

- Kiss me today... 

- Want to be with you inside a pray... 

- Definitely want you sweet... 

- Swim with me real deep... 

- People say that our feelings are like fish... 

- Desire of you and me ain't only a lust wish... 

- Lips of mine... 

- Caressing yours just fine... 

- Thy left hand... 

- Embracing me towards world's sugar end... 

- Sometimes I do know... 

- Together we are not a show... 

- Give us eternity... 

- Wanna be more than thy sweetie... 

- Into my heart... 

- Portuguese from the start... 

- Land of thy birth... 

- Quickly me touch... 


- You to me say... 

- Not only today... 

- Hair of mine..

- Golden passion is astonishingly fine... 

- Don't care..

- Need you everywhere... 

- Do know about the song... 

- Caressing thy body as a bomb... 

- There's my new beautiful dress... 

- When we love make, life ain't a mess... 

- Give me more than a smile... 

- No need for us to play chess... 

- All is love for more than a short while... 

- Inside thy pocket... 

- Feel heaven's rocket... 

- Clothes by the floor... 

- Passionately me and you... 

- Desiring you even more... 

- For true..

- Will soar I the sky..

- Us real high... 

- Blonde hair of mine by your face... 

- Lips of us together forming a formidable race... 

- By Saint Petersburg's bridge... 

- Talking us both in Portuguese... 

- Echoing in my heart again... 

- Feel not tame... 

- When you tell me thy name... 

- Love it... 

- Manuel is real sweet... 

- Together our heart and soul... 

- Definitely feel I bold... 

- You're way too cute..

- Eating with you grape fruit..

- Lips of ours touch again..

- Universe's splendid fame... 

- Again into dragon wings... 

- Life love to us brings...

Um discurso expansivo da Anna do seu interior para o nosso partilhado coração


- Rapaz, não quero saber... 

- Adoro ver-te crescer... 

- Mais que uma nascente... 

- Quarto nosso junto ao poente... 

- Sei que me abraças sempre com paixão... 

- Corpo meu pleno de emoção... 

- Nada perdida... 

- Para ti nunca esquecida... 

- Saber que de repente... 

- Volto a estar contigo presente... 

- Frio esquecido... 

- Cama nossa sem lençol perdido... 

- Sei que me deves beijar... 

- Até o mesmo ar voltarmos a respirar... 

- Entre tu e eu... 

- Sonhos esquecidos de Morfeu... 

- Corpo teu... 

- Unido no meu... 

- Como a Ourobouros serpente... 

- Nosso amor sempre presente... 

- Sabendo eu que um simples beijo... 

- Acaba por ser o rastilho do nosso mútuo desejo... 

- Cabelo meu que baloiça sem pousar... 

- Pernas que adoram o teu corpo esfregar... 

- Não me faças tremer... 

- Adoro sentir o nosso mútuo prazer... 

- Diz que somente a mim me amas... 

- Sê o meu lança-chamas... 

- De repente leve mordisco... 

- Sendo tu mais que o meu petisco... 

- Esqueço-me da comida... 

- Desejo sem saída... 

- Fico perdida no tempo... 

- Secundando o nosso eterno momento... 

- Melodia em crescendo... 

- No teu ouvido murmuro... 

- Algo puro e duro... 

- Primal e carnal... 

- Mundo sem igual... 

- Intersticio natural... 

- Não me interessa o preconceito... 

- Adoro o teu singular jeito... 

- Sabendo que sempre sou... 

- Tudo o que te dou... 

- Braços teus que me embalam numa dança eterna... 

- Língua tua materna..

- Entrando na tua cidade... 

- Vagueando ambos como uma entidade... 

- Somos uma única identidade... 

- Beija-me para sempre... 

- Momento nunca ausente... 

- Sentir um orgasmo genial... 

- Mundo natural... 

- Paraíso surreal... 

- Sê mais que a minha vida... 

- Nunca de facto esquecida... 

- Sinto a tua direita mão... 

- Mundo emoção... 

- Saber que sentir... 

- É o nosso eterno devir... 

- Rio que nos abraça... 

- Ponte que nos enlaça... 

- Teus lábios... 

- Meus sábios... 

- Momento presente... 

- Nada ausente... 

- Vestindo a tua camisola interior... 

- Sentindo eterno amor... 

- Pinta o nosso mundo de cor... 

- Sei que eternamente sou tua... 

- Carne sempre nua...

A direct love speech from Natalie to our shared heart


- My Man, tell me that you love me... 

- Passion ain't only carefree... 

- Love is more than staring anatomy... 

- Play that song... 

- Being our current love's bomb... 

- Eyes of mine... 

- Delighting your body definitely fine... 

- Words of ours full of energy..

- Call me thy honeybee..

- Together let's create art... 

- Not inside some depart..

- Do know that you do say..

- That feeling is everyday..

- Running with you by my side... 

- Pies being more than a sugar tide... 

- Sometimes can't understand you... 

- Always want you to be to me true... 

- Entering we both the train..

- Nothing is lame..

- Heart of ours never in pain... 

- Kiss me more than one more time...

- Tell me that you love me outside a rhyme... 

- Into the tree... 

- You and me... 

- Breathing no fantasy... 

- We're storm's reality... 

- Love being thy only entity... 

- Observing our footstep.... 

- World us eternally does kept... 

- Today near you.... 

- Felt again myself new... 

- Whispering to me no form of blue..

- Sugary do I think..

- Where paper's full of ink... 

- Climbing and descending we together... 

- Dressing myself with thy coat's leather... 

- By the TV... 

- World Cup ain't for free... 

- Surely we'll win... 

- Not inside a salty dream... 

- Definitely will I scream... 

- Hand of state... 

- Never feel myself too late... 

- Love ain't hate... 

- Kiss my lips and face... 

- There's more than our human embrace... 

- Gathering feelings inside me... 

- Spreading loose energy... 

- Not being my vacancy...

- Entering again thy birth's city..

- Feel you sweetly..

- Dancing by you eternally..

- Observing the sea..

- Do know that I surely can..

- Move you deep with glam..

- Through house's hall..

- Caring not about The Fall... 

- Feel ourselves never small... 

- Love being thy wonder wall... 

- Trying to learn Portuguese... 

- Definitely will not to you state "please"... 

- Walking with you for an hour... 

- Never feeling us sour... 

- Kiss again my eyes... 

- World does sighs... 

- Tell me that I'm the prettiest one... 

- Let's have more than fun... 

- Chewing a mint's gum... 

- Do know that I'm thy only one...

A direct love speech from Mare to our shared heart


- My Man, give me your eyes... 

- Wanna observe no lies... 

- New direction in the world... 

- Everything seems cold... 

- They say that it's the bloody war... 

- Stare I at our love star... 

- Beloved feel I... 

- Inside no sigh... 

- Always you me tell... 

- Life is worthless without being us inside some spell... 

- Surely remember I... 

- Us together do pry... 

- Soaring America's land... 

- Niagara Falls... 

- Listening to a band... 

- In between house calls... 

- Macchu Picchu fortress... 

- Not simple playing there chess... 

- Walking by Peru... 

- Only me and you... 

- Swimming in Argentina's sea... 

- Do love when it's only you and me... 

- But you know about U.S.A...

- States that nothing do say... 

- Forming a direct speech... 

- Within a breach... 

- Talking English is fine... 

- Worthy of a bloody dime... 

- Into me and into you... 

- Listening to a track being true... 

- Not only a melody... 

- Definitely not some lurid fantasy... 

- In between you and me... 

- Feel I today... 

- Inside our say... 

- That Europe's lost at bay...

- Whatever or whenever...

- Our love being forever... 

- No Gothic love song... 

- Enlighten me... 

- Brain is only energy... 

- Inside our zone... 

- Tell me about K.Dick's vision tales... 

- Where time ships sails... 

- Forth and back... 

- Us together as a pack... 

- Don't care if we talk language Babylon... 

- Love you till the bone... 

- Sometimes I lost myself a bit... 

- When you to me aren't sweet... 

- Then we together dance... 

- Inside our eternal romance... 

- Pacific bathes us... 

- There's no fuzz... 

- When we lurk inside the bus... 

- Never make it end... 

- You know that together we never bend... 

- Do say I that it's the kiss in you... 

- That makes me feel real new... 

- If only I can... 

- Do know that I should..

- Being thy latest mood... 

- Cooking you spicy food..

- By Oregon streets we move..

- Definitely we both glam...

- Forget we World Cup soccer play... 

- Qatar surely does pay..

- Together we'll be..

- Like Indians riding the land for free... 

- Have a plan for you and me..

- I'll be your river..

- Be my sea... 

- Make me shiver...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 26 - International artists


Daredevil - Annie Nocenti's run along an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Daredevil - Frank Miller's run along an artwork by American artist Beto Hernandez 

Daredevil - Frank Miller's run - 01

Daredevil - Frank Miller's run - 02

Artworks by Swedish artist Max Andersson and American artist Bill Sienkiewicz with whom I've worked before 

Wolverine first run, Frank Miller's limited series and an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Wolverine by American artist Barry Windsor Smith along an artwork by German artist Lars Henkel 

First Wolverine's run along an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pics of Daria, Joana, Anna and Janina that are women who I love along artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Wolverine - Barry Windsor Smith limited series along artwork by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso who I've worked with before 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A direct love speech from my love Mascara to our shared heart


- Man, tell me that you love me sweet... 

- Fads going deep... 

- Everything that we both do...

- Being in between me and you... 

- Always something really new... 

- Definitely I do suppose... 

- World of ours being close... 

- Chew and chew... 

- Gum's a new...

- Touch my hair... 

- Never at the road to nowhere... 

- Surely can I understand... 

- That we're lovers not playing a band... 

- Love me again true... 

- Words pop out as glue... 

- By the room... 

- Crashing not at doom... 

- Being I thy breeze... 

- World Cup will be Portuguese... 

- Captain that does say... 

- That chess is not a dumb play... 

- Come what may... 

- Sugar me at bay... 

- Forget the bloody book... 

- Together we having a stylish look... 

- No fish without a hook... 

- Everything will never flow... 

- Let's play one more show... 

- Cooking a script...

- Driving a spaceship... 

- Not being a Brit...

- Kiss me times 20...

- Life sure is plenty... 

- Soft and strong... 

- Always together reborn... 

- Marriage by the sea... 

- Only me and thee... 

- Source of energy... 

- By garden twilight... 

- Life definitely is bright... 

- During day and night... 

- Neon insight... 

- For me and for you... 

- Roads form anew... 

- Thy blonde bombshell always being I... 

- Pages bizarre... 

- No lie... 

- Never that far.. 

- Parking the car... 

- Grabbing thy coat... 

- As our love boat... 

- Pigeon does fly... 

- Wings soar high... 

- Hair of mine at your mouth... 

- No speedy shout... 

- Tell me that I'm always thy beautiful... 

- Being fruitful... 

- Remember I the time... 

- Where fruit wasn't lime... 

- Flowers by the door... 

- Letters by the floor... 

- Definitely no 2 times life... 

- Cookie's slice... 

- By the square red...

- 8mm movie floating into our bed... 

- Like Bond... 

- James being lost and found... 

- Tweeting the minute that does say:

"Love you every single day" 

"Where minutes with hours play" 

- Love, you do know... 

- Cherish and take... 

- By the lake... 

- Always front row... 

- Time does glow...

- Let's together come... 

- Share the time zone... 

- Do know about the stream... 

- There's a peakish dream... 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 25 - International artists


There's Natalie being a woman who I love 

Pics of Janina, Daria and Alexandra that are women who I love, artworks by American artists Frank Miller and Ryan Heshka, poster for magnificent movie "Das Kabinett Des Dr Caligari" along artwork by Swedish artist Max Andersson who I've worked with before 

Pic of Janina that's a woman who I love along memorabilia from Tim Burton's movies 

Pics of Daria, Janina, Alexandra and Polina along Tim Burton's memorabilia along artworks by American artists Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz 

Pics of Daria, Janina and Alexandra who I love along comic book page by Swedish artist Max Andersson who I've worked with before 

Pics of Anna, Natalie, Janina and Alexandra that are women who I love along artworks by American artist Frank Miller and Finnish artist Bo Haglund 

Artwork by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso who I've worked with before, Tim Burton's movies memorabilia and artworks with exhibitions by Swedish artist Max Andersson who I've worked with before 

Pics of Janina and Polina that are women who I love along artwork by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso who I've worked with before 

Pics of Janina and Polina that are women who I love along artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pics of Janina and Alexandra along an artwork by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso who I've worked with before 

 with Sandra 

with Elena 

 with Sissy 

Memories with Cátia Pais

My only Bela 

With Ilvie 


 with Maya, Jacky and Nuala 

Home is where my heart is


Saturday's Paradise 


Artwork by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel 

With Janina - 01 

With Janina - 02 

With Janina - 03 

Memories inside Tim Burton's memorabilia 

And there's Natalie being a woman who I love 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...