Thursday, November 10, 2022

A direct love speech from Didi to our shared heart


- Man of mine... 

- Today hold I your heart... 

- Not inside some bloody rhyme...

- Being it a solid start... 

- From Macchu Picchu... 

- Eternally loving you... 

- Always something astonishingly new... 

- Most of the times... 

- Don't know... 

- Where the sun shines... 

- Assemble we a rock show... 

- Do know that Portugal must at present stand... 

- World Cup inside a bang... 

- Argentina must also fight... 

- Bringing you our ensemble light... 

- Not only a colorful insight... 

- Drinking mate with thee... 

- Colorfully... 

- Feeling you and me... 

- Inside a Banshees' song... 

- Sioux, Siouxsie never alone... 

- American tribe... 

- Mayans do glide... 

- Aztecs being side by side... 

- Incas with pride... 

- Selk'nam at Patagonia do gather... 

- By Terra Del Fuego wear we not leather... 

- Messi will score... 

- CR7 will want even more... 

- Us together by the floor... 

- Shouting at the bloody door... 

- Beers being only 4...

- Listening to Waits, Tom... 

- Where there's no bomb... 

- Forgetting never Iran... 

- No dead spam... 

- Summit G20... 

- Crap politics being plenty... 

- Universe does indeed parade... 

- When we together fall inside some shade... 

- Playing with my guitar... 

- Fingers of you always going real far... 

- Reaching the most distant star... 

- Surely do I understand... 

- That South America ain't rubber band... 

- From Mendoza with love... 

- Kissing the wings of a simple white dove... 

- Me again you must tell... 

- Never forget I that I'm also thy belle... 

- About our eternal love spell... 

- Do know that wear I ring for free... 

- Believe I truly eternally... 

- That like you love me... 

- Will I love thee... 

- Voice of fire... 

- Where Spanish language ain't desire... 

- Again thee I kiss... 

- Frail reality... 

- Being I not Portuguese... 

- There's our entity... 

- Whisper I to you about what's our together identity... 

- Do know that feelings are for free... 

- Hold me inside our merged anatomy... 

- Together we must score... 

- Do know that never we use ballad number 4...

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