Saturday, November 30, 2019

Informação com um breve rascunho da minha autobiografia e outros livros - artistas internacionais

Muitas das vezes neste planeta chamado Terra e que é azul com milhões de seres vivos de várias espécies, sendo os mesmos uma dádiva da mãe natureza, vou pensando para mim mesmo algo muito simples:

- Nenhuma pessoa é diferente.
- Nenhuma pessoa é boa ou má.
- Nenhuma pessoa é mais inteligente/esperta que outra qualquer.
- Todos nós enquanto seres humanos devemos somente pensar que somos mero pó cósmico de passagem neste planeta partilhado com outros seres.
- Sei que não sou várias pessoas ao mesmo tempo.
- Sei que o ser humano torna-se forte ou fraco dependendo de com quem convive no seu tempo de vida único e individual.
- Sei que uma mensagem/manifesto através de palavras e imagens tem algum poder.
- Sei que o conceito memorial de família e de um sentimento chamado amor para qualquer ser vivo, não é somente uma forma ou dependência, mas sim ajuda mútua.
 Este é somente um pequeno rascunho da minha autobiografia, numa carta/tributo narrativo à minha Bela, em imagens abaixo legendadas, e que não é nada complexa, ilustrada por trabalhos artísticos de alguns dos 150 artistas internacionais com quem trabalhei ou trabalho em vários projectos artísticos, fotos da minha família e de quem amo e sempre amei dentro duma carta manuscrita escrita por mim imaginando a mesma misturada em alguns livros que li, escrevi ou algumas séries ou filmes que fui vendo com particular atenção na minha dialéctica expressiva narrativa/visual como vejo o mundo que acaba por ser somente a opinião de uma vida com experiência, tendo eu a perfeita noção que sou um minúsculo grão de areia num planeta azul que faz parte de um imenso Cosmos infinito.
Obrigado a todos os artistas internacionais que acreditam nas minhas ideias.
 Obrigado especial a todos os meus sobrinhos/as, à minha gata Ilvie (assim como as outras quatro que tive chamadas Jacky, Nuala, Maya e Pimpolha), à Elena, sempre num amor constante/presente numa homenagem à minha Bela de sempre.

Um fragmento do poema "O tigre" do artista britânico William Blake publicado em 1794 na sua colectânea "Cantigas da Experiência" que descreve a beleza e resiliência de qualquer ser vivo 
Dois livros do melhor escritor de sempre chamado Fernando Pessoa em Inglês e Português
Memórias com a minha Bela em Francelos - Porto com o meu sobrinho Leandro e com a Filipinha 

Um pensamento da minha autoria num idioma estrangeiro 
Tributo ao personagem Corto Maltese de Hugo Pratt pelo artista italiano Gabrielle dell'otto junto a uma foto minha 

Com a minha sobrinha mais nova Letícia, a minha Bela, o meu sobrinho mais velho Leandro, um pensamento da série televisiva Westworld e um trabalho artístico baseado em mim e na minha sobrinha Luzia pelo artista italiano Rolando Cicatelli 
Uma das minhas cenas favoritas da série televisiva "Peaky Blinders" junto a fotos minhas com a Elena Pavlenka 

Dois trabalhos artísticos do mestre italiano Bernardino Constantino sendo um baseado em mim junto a fotografias minhas e da minha Bela 

Uma das minhas últimas fotos na presença da minha gata Ilvie que uma ex-companheira ma roubou em 2016 e um pensamento escrito da minha autoria sobre um gato e as minhas memórias.
Os filmes "2046" e "Dias selvagens" de Wong Kar Wai 

Com o meu sobrinho mais novo Emídio e com as minhas sobrinhas Lara (nascida em 2004) e Letícia (nascida em 2010)

Um trabalho artístico baseado em mim pelo artista Americano Rikki Romero, um trabalho artístico do mestre sueco Max Andersson, uma das minhas cenas preferidas da série Peaky Blinders, uma mulher de nacionalidade Russa a ler um livro e fotos do filme "Chungking Express" de Wong Kar Wai 

A ler um livro, um trabalho artístico do artista croata Drazen Kozjan, com a minha sobrinha mais nova Letícia, a sua melhor amiga Ceci, o gato Migala, outra das minhas cenas favoritas da série televisiva "Peaky Blinders" e um trabalho artístico do mestre italiano Bernardino Constantino baseado em mim e na minha sobrinha Letícia

Com algumas das minhas memórias assim como fotos minhas e da Elena Pavlenka 

Com a minha sobrinha Luzia, um trabalho artístico da artista Finlandesa Terhi Ekebom, um trabalho artístico baseado em mim Pela artista Sérbia Svetlana Seferovic e outro do mestre italiano Bernardino Constantino 

Fotografias minhas, da Elena Pavlenka, livros de Fernando Pessoa, um trabalho artístico do mestre espanhol Santiago Sequeiros e outro trabalho vintage do artista português Ary  

Um trabalho artístico do mestre britânico Dave Mckean baseado no personagem Hellblazer, um trabalho artístico baseado na minha sobrinha Luzia pelo artista italiano Rolando Cicatelli e outro do também artista da mesma nacionalidade de seu nome Bernardino Constantino baseado em mim e na minha sobrinha Luzia, uma fotografia da estátua "menina nua" em pleno coração da invicta assim como uma fotografia minha com o meu sobrinho mais velho Leandro 

Memórias com a minha Bela e a minha gata Ilvie numa simples carta de amor manuscrita

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Um poema para a querida Hélia Teixeira - Autobiografia e tributo narrativo a Bela

Com a Hélia, a minha sobrinha Luzia e trabalhos artísticos da artista Francesa Isabel Pessoa baseados na minha sobrinha mais nova Letícia estando ambos os dois num tributo narrativo ao actor hungáro Bela Lugosi 

- 1...
- 2...
- 3...
- Vamos lá outra vez?
 Perguntavas-me isto sem um qualquer enguiço...
  Eu sempre te respondia que a vida só tem energia com imensa magia...
- Eu sei quem tu és...
- Eu conheço-te bem e sei que os teus sonhos não são nada medonhos...
- A família, rapaz...
- Com as tuas sobrinhas e sobrinhos és de facto audaz...
- Tu escreves sempre com cor e sempre com amor...
- Tu és um simples homem nascido na mais bela cidade do mundo e não gostas de ser profundo...
 O teu cabelo estava lançado ao ar junto ao rio onde se encontra com o mar...
 Uma nação gritava por um sentimento com emoção...
 Escusado seria dizer-te que eras bela, mesmo não sendo tu a Cinderella...
- O fenómeno da repetição é sempre sinónimo de paixão...
- A beleza do teu ser é o teu próprio prazer...
- Nunca te esqueças que num tempo com algum valor, foste objecto de amor.
 Eu mencionava-te um facto sem um qualquer acto...
 Tu olhavas para mim durante a luz da noite enquanto esperavas pelo dia amanhecer para o teu trabalho misturado com lazer...
- Eu entendo o que me sussurras ao ouvido direito e acredita que guardo tudo no meu peito.
- Tu és sempre um ser individual sem igual...
- Eu tento ser um ente celestial...
- Acreditas nas várias fases da lua?
- Mesmo quando a vês nua e crua?
 Eu tentava-te responder ao anoitecer...
 Era algo incontrolável, sendo ao mesmo tempo práctico e nada trágico...
 Era um espelho quebrado num tempo dado...
 Era uma cerveja perdida numa rua esquecida...
 Eras tu e eu num som a dançar junto a um qualquer corrimão...
- Acredito na lua...
- Sei que ela é tua...
- Acredito em fases e frases...
- Sei que não fazes que fazes...
- Guardo o meu coração na minha mão direita...
- Sei que a noite é perfeita...
 Dizia-te isto num largo sorriso sem um cigarro num afago junto a um lago...
- Tu falas em casamento sem lamento ou tormento...
- O que te leva a crer que um mais um é poder?
 Eu observo os teus lábios sendo eles de facto sábios...
 Respondia-te com verdade e identidade:
 - Penso que penso sem pensar, pois a vida é tudo o queremos de facto realizar sempre a sonhar sem parar...

A draft with some info inside an autobiography, book projects, a narrative to Bela and a love story - international artists

 I already stated several times in my public life that I'm quite a simple guy and people who knows me already knows this.
 I know that I do try to gather lots of info into my book projects with help by the best international artists that I know of or with international fashion models in between several projects, that I've mentioned in previous posts in this same blogue, while they're being turned into reality inside my mind. 
 Life's is hard and I know that I must work hard because nobody gives anything for free.
Writing several books isn't easy at all, sometimes it takes months or years to finish one.
 I know that I put passion and love on my work while trying a real humble, direct living being in this blue planet named Earth.
 Below are images with who I am, who I love, my work and lots of research to be used in the already mentioned books that will be world wide distributed next year.

Pics of myself and Elena Pavlenka who's my love 

A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle and an artwork based on a blonde woman by Serbian artist Branko Djukic 
Artworks based on my youngest niece Letícia and Zombie Girl by The Fall by French artist Isabel Pessoa along a pic of myself and my niece because we both believe that Bela Lugosi isn't dead at all knowing that vampires always lurk in the dark.

A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle along a Preacher cover created by British artist Glenn Fabry based on Cassidy's character created by British artists Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon

A pic of my niece Luzia and myself 

A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle along a pic of Russian artist Nastya holding a Rubens painting, a vintage copy of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" masterpiece and a painting of The Great God Pan myth by American artist Norman Mills Price 

Me and Daria Inside An Aria along artworks based on her and me by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino 
A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle along an Hellblazer page created by British artists Paul Jenkins and Sean Phillips

Me and Daria Inside An Aria along some books

Me and Italian Fashion model Marika Baldini 

A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle and a photography by Japanese artist Junya Watanabe 

Me and Sandra Mesquita's kitty Ofélia 

A pic of myself inside an alien space shuttle along Italian fashion model Elisa de Panicis 

Me and Russian model Alla

Many thanks to all international artists who support some of my ideas.

References for this post 
 Bela Lugosi Hungarian Actor born in 20th October 1882 and dead in 16 August 1656 in U.S.A.
 John Milton's "Paradise Lost" published in 1667 by Samuel Simmons.
 Hellblazer comic book issue 4 written by Paul Jenkins and drawn by Sean Phillips where John Constantine dwells with a doppelganger of himself and that was published by Vertigo DC comics in August 1996
 A photography by Japanese artist Junya Watanabe 
 Ofélia that's Sandra Mesquita kitty 
 Preacher comic book issue 3 created by British artists Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon featuring comic book character Cassidy as a drunken vampire and that was first published in June's 1995
 An artwork based on a blonde woman by Serbian artist Branko Djukic.
 Artworks based on my youngest niece and a Zombie Girl by The Fall by French artist Isabel Pessoa.
 Artworks based on Daria Kovaleva and myself by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino.
The Great God Pan that is a horror and fantasy novella by Welsh writer Arthur Machen. Machen was inspired to write The Great God Pan by his experiences at the ruins of a pagan temple in Wales. What would become the first chapter of the novella was published in the magazine The Whirlwind in 1890. Machen later extended The Great God Pan and it was published as a book alongside another story, "The Inmost Light", in 1894.
 Listen, Little Man! (GermanRede an den kleinen Mann) is a 1945 essay by Austro-Hungarian-American psychologist Wilhelm Reich outlining his libertarian socialist political philosophy, in particular its views on direct action as the only means for the working class to achieve liberation. It was translated into English in 1948 by Theodore Peter Wolfe.
 Sir Paul Rubens (/ˈrbənz/; Dutch[ˈrybə(n)s]; 28 June 1577 – 30 May 1640) that was a Flemish artist.

Special thanks to my nieces Letícia and Luzia, Italian Fashion models Elisa de Panicis, Marika Baldini and Russian model Alla along Russian artist Nastya, to Sandra, Daria and of course Elena Pavlenka 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A poem to my love Elena who isn't a dove - soulmates side by side

Me and my love Elena Pavlenka 

- Hey Man, love you...
- Bring me something new...
- I need a book written with my look...
- Don't be bad...
- I need it to read on our bed...
 I was sugaring our mind being kind...
- Peekaboo, Man...
- I mean you...
- Be with me near the black sea... 
 I was staring at you wearing your pink dress... 
 You told me this:
- Man, don't make a mess...
- You know how hard it is to be undressed...
- You know that there's cold...
- You know that your human warmth is worth gold...
- You know that I'm your candy to be...
- You know that without you, I'm empty by the sea...
- It's The Fall Man...
- Listen to my call because I need your pen... 
 I wasn't thinking at all on Eros or Psyque when you told me this:
- You're me and I'm thee...
- Our synced kiss is our bliss...
- I know that you love my golden hair...
- Can you grab it in our own atmosphere?
- You know that you and me are a church toll without a football ball...
- Come on Man...
- I need you...
- You know that I'm your volcano...
- You know that I'm your nature mature...
- You know that I love cooking fish while putting it on our dish...
- You know that our playlist is a swallow that blow in the snow...
- You know that your face is my embrace...
- You know that I love how your fingers touch a flower by the hour...
- You know that my lips love your hips...
 I was staring at you, we drank wine and it was fine...
- You're so sweet...
- You bought me flowers where we first time meet...
- I need you with me roaming the world for free...
- There's our loft...
- You know that's soft...
- When you touch me...
- I know that you're inside me...
- Man, no time to spare...
- You know the clothes that I wear...
- I also have the black dress in our box...
- I want you to be a fox with the strength of an ox...
- I'm your Helen of Troy...
- I'm not your toy...
- I'm your joy...
- I need your light...
- You know that you're my delight...
- I love how our legs move into a groove...
- Move me with skill...
- Man, top of the hill...
- This is how our love is...
- A dove never says please...
Told you this:
- Love, you know how to make my serpent hiss...

Waiting for my love Elena
My love Elena calling me 
Inside and outside our house 

A fable to Daria inside an Aria - Tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Me and Daria Inside An Aria, A preacher cover with character Cassidy by British Glenn Fabry, a photography by Japanese artist Junya Watanabe and an artwork of a blonde woman by Serbian artist Branko Djukic 

- Man, do you remember that day in Nantes, France?
- We put dead inside a dance with a romance and a trance...
 I was wondering about what you're telling me, but since you were wearing my favourite clothes by thee, I let the talk run free...
- Man, yes France...
- There were shouts in a crowd...
- There was sweets when we meet...
- There was orange juice while we saw a mongoose...
- There was a Zombie attack in an act...
- I remember you being there as a fact...
- You told me that you loved me near a river sea...
- There was a song that we played with wood and stone...
- You told me that my hair was mesmerizing and that hypnosis was some trick of our own mind while it was being kind...
- There was statues that moved while we were inside a groove...
- There was art everywhere and we didn't have time to spare...
- Come on Man, I know that your eyes don't lie...
- There was treasures to be found...
- We were pirates inside a bound...
- Alien space shuttles were by our side with pride...
- You talked with three...
- Do you remember?
- They were free...
- It was September...
 I was staring at your pretty face while thinking on a day in Singapure with a Junya Watanabe's photography that you show me.
 I was thinking on a vampire character who had dreams that turned into screams...
 You told me this in a morning bliss:
- That blonde girl artwork staring at thee isn't me...
- Man, don't crack my head...
- You know that I'm still recovering from being days and days by my bed...
 I know that I was circling you with something new...
 What else could I do?
 Your black clothes whispered to me something about several boats...
- Man...
- Goddam...
- I'm a princess...
- Not a game chess...
- Treat me sweet...
- Science, silence, seance, performance was held in France inside our own romance...
- Lights flickered out with a single shout...
- Bela was there...
- Lugosi was in the atmosphere...
- You were wearing your sunglasses...
- You told me about masterclasses...
 I stared deeply into you stating this:
- Daria, you're fun...
- You're not a preacher but a teacher...

Daria and me inside An Aria with astonishing artworks by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino based on Daria Kovaleva and myself 

A poem to my friend and magnificient artist Isabel Pessoa - Tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Artworks based on my youngest niece Letícia and a Zombie Girl by The Fall by French artist Isabel Pessoa with a statement by us that Bela Lugosi isn't dead at all 

- Man, what's going on with your phone?
- Are you asking me to draw for you a belle femme out of the blue?
- You kill me, Man.
- I know that you believe in your google pen.
- But wait...
- It's not late...
- I drew you a Valentina/Clementina/Orangina...
- I drew your own physical looks and you put my artwork into some books...
- I drew you your youngest niece...
- She's pretty and Portuguese...
- I drew you a Zombie Girl that was in some Fall...
- I drew you an Italian sailor that wasn't a tailor in pink and almost lost all my ink...
- I even drew you Fernando without juice mango...
 I didn't knew what to say to you...
 So I whispered softly in your left ear:
- What can I do?
- You know that I love you...
 You were shouting into my direction:
- Man, Bela Lugosi's dead...
- I remember that he was killed in December...
- What are you saying to me inside a call by The Fall?
- I don't understand you...
- You kill me for true...
I was smoking a cigarette without touching bloody internet...
 I've looked left and right and suddenly saw your sight.
- Man, we're in daylight...
- Do you think that you're bright?
- Are you going to marry the pretty lady?
- I know that sometimes you're real shady...
 I was totally confused and didn't knew where was my muse...
 I looked into your eyes and answered you softly:
- Isabel, you know who I am...
- Maybe I'm spam...
 You were a bit mad at me when I asked you for a ride on the street left side...
- Man, is she Russian?
- Man, is she Italian?
- Man, is she Danish?
- Man, is she Spanish?
- Man, is she French?
- Does she sits on a bench?
- I think and think but what can I do?
- You always ask me for ink...
- Ok Man...
- I'll do this for thee...
- Just because I love your spirit's free...
- If you marry the girl...
- At least invite me to the wedding...
- Even if it's in spring with or without a ring...
- You know that I'm also Portuguese...
- You know that I'm always humble and that I do say a lot "please"...
 I wasn't lost at all when you smile to me and told me this:
- Make sure that she's your love and not a dove...
- Kisses...
- Ciao...

A short poem to sweet Manuela Egle - tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Manuela Egle 

- Man, take out your hat...
- Don't be a brat...
- I'm smiling at thee...
- Come on...
- Let's observe the sea...
- There's food in the car if you're in the mood while we gaze at a star...
 I didn't knew what to answer you...
 Your sweat had stripes and while staring at you, I stumbled into a table while saying:
- Yikes...
- Look Man...
- There's a blonde there...
- Is she your atmosphere?
- You told me once that you also loved brunettes and even pets...
 I was thinking on this:
- Black leather jacket...
- A tennis racket...
- A wrist watch...
- Something to touch
 I was observing a door while I was on the floor...
- Man, come on...
- I'll pay you a drink...
- Let's have fun...
- I'll merge myself inside your own ink...
 There was bread on an unstable table that was not being able...
 There was glasses with classes...
 There was a movie that we were going to see...
 -You and me?
 You asked me this.
 I was drinking water...
 I was being softer...
 I was writing in free hand towards some sort of end...
- Hey...
- Did I mentioned you how pretty you're when we both look at a star?
 You smiled while saying me this:
- Man, I know how you're...
- A lone wolf asking me for proof...
- You're always kind with my mind...
- What can I tell you when you call or write me?
- To be whatever you want to be?
- I know that you're going to marry with a cherry...
- Always be a gentleman with or without your pen...
- I love how you stand even when you're toying with words that aren't swords...
- Love you Man...
- One of these days, I'll ask you to borrow me your own pen...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Info about work done, that I'm doing or will do with international artists in book form

This is some info being provided to all people (be them artists or not) who work with me from every single corner of this planet named Earth.

 I'm only a simple guy and always was, but from time to time, I must remember what I've did, I'm doing or will do with help by international artists artworks in exhibitions/books as a writer/editor/world wide exhibitions curator because I know that I'm not a machine.
 I remember helping a lot festival organizers with solo exhibitions and international known artists pesence at Beja - Portugal comic book festival while writing about them such as American artist Dame Darcy (who I made a tour all over Portugal) in 2012, Swedish artist Max Andersson with a solo exhibition there in 2018 and a huge exhibition dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax in 2015 with his heirs Antonio and Caterina Crepax.
 I remember organizing an arts multimedia festival in Porto with well known artists in 2014 such as American artist Melinda Gebbie that's wife of British writer/genius Alan Moore, Belgium artist Dominique Goblet, French artist Olivier Deprez, Italian artist Fabio Civitelli, British artists David Hine, David Lloyd, German artists Lars Henkel, Kai Pfeiffer and Anke Feuchtenberger.
 I also know that in 2015, I've developed/organized from its earliest root a ten book collection based on Italian maestro Guido Crepax's complete artworks with help by some of the best essayists/writers in the world and that were coordinated by me as a team and that it was a sucess both in sales and by book readers/critics, in addition to this, I've organized tribute artworks by several of the best artists ever to his main character Valentina (who in fact was inspired in his wife Luisa Crepax and their life as a couple) and also to Belinda (that was another character from Guido Crepax) and the artists who were with me on this project were more than 150 and I organized exhibitions in Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and U.S.A to exhibit their magnificient art skills that were later published in limited booklets with my help/organization at American book publisher Fantagraphics, knowing that I wrote stories for this character with help  by Argentine artist Mr Ed, Spanish Artists idel Martiñez NadalPedro EspinosaSandra HernandézIvilaSantiago SequeirosToni Benages GallardFelipe H. Navarro, Brazilian artist Brao, Japanese artist John Kurokawa, Portuguese artist Paulo Pinto, Polish artist Magdalena Minko and that were set in Milan - ItalyLe Mans - FranceMadrid - SpainBarcelona - CatalonyaSantiago do ChileWarsaw - PolandBerlin - GermanySão Paulo - Brasil and Porto - Portugal with the support of Swiss band Young Gods.
 I know that this shitty publisher stabbed me on my back and stole my ideas and hardwork with Crepax's heirs help after the books being distributed worldwide in thousands of U.S. Dollars in royalties, just because I was weak due to a divorce, 
 I know that in 2018, I've single handely organized a book collection dedicated to Argentine maestro Alberto Breccia (whose ideas were once again stolen from me) and that are being distributed in the world wide world with my work on them.
 Knowing also that I've organized another book collection to Argentine maestro José Muñoz to the same book publisher and that I lost track of it. 
 I also know that in 2018, I've helped well known Croatian maestro Danijel Zezelj on his book "Savages", Swedish artist Max Andersson on the entire collection of his works to be publisher at Fantagraphics, that in 2017, I've made all my efforts to publish a complete collection to Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros
 That in the same year, I asked British artist David Lloyd that created "V for vendetta" masterpiece graphic novel with British writer/genius Alan Moore to create an original artwork for Portuguese book edition of it which he did and that wasn't used to my surprise.
 I thought on 2018 on quitting my work in arts, so I left Fantagraphics and started working alone.
 I know that before and when I was a member of this publisher for three years, that are a bunch of thieves, I've made good interviews to well known international artists such as:
 Brian Biggs, George Pratt, Peter Bagge, Greg Ruth, Gary Reed, Jason Lutes, Joe Pruett, Terry Moore, Melinda Gebbie from U.S.A.
 Alex Korolkovas from Brazil 
 David Lloyd from U.K.
 Danijel Zezelj from Croatia 
 Dominique Goblet from Belgium 
 Olivier Deprez from France 
 Anke Feuchtenberger from Germany 
 Crepax heirs, Lorenzo Mattotti and Fabio Civitelli from Italy 
 Vincent Bal from Holland 
 Terhi Ekebom from Finland 
 Cristina and Patricia Breccia, Mr Ed, Quique Alcatena from Argentina 
 Fidel Martiñez Nadal, Ruben Pellejero, Santiago Sequeiros from Spain 
 Lars Erik Sjunesson and Max Andersson from Sweden
 To musicians such as: 
 Iva Bittova from Czech Republic, Zombierella and Guitaracula from Russia among others that I'm interviewing now.
 I know that 2019 was the year to put my ideas back together so I'm doing an European tour with my own simple projects created by me to develop and to publish in book form with help by international artists and that are the following:
Ten stories based on a XXIst century woman 
Daria Inside An Aria 
A Zombie Girl by The Fall
Didi Wray Lost In A Love Story Every Single Day
Mascara Girl Inside a Call 
Lost In a Nordic Dream Book anthology
Tribute Narrative to Bela Lugosi 
Tribute artworks to Hugo Pratt's fashion character 
Compilation of several poems written by me to some of the prettiest women that I know.
My own autobiography 
And maybe a project based on Pessoa and Aleister Crowley.
 I don't know if I'll be able to finish allthese projects in 2020 while working alone and having my own life, but I'll try to do it.
Below are some pictures/artworks by international artists being them filled not only with art but with life itself inside their captions and that will serve as inspiration to my own written narratives.
 Many thanks to all international artists who supported, are supporting or will support some of my ideas.
 Special thanks to Victoria, Elisa, Eshley, Marika, Isabel, Alice, Sandrine, Sandra, Didi, Mascara Girl, my nieces/nephews, my stolen kitty Ilvie, to Daria and Elena who sometimes give me all the energy that I need to develop my projects/ideas in this thing called life.

Me and Daria Kovalenka 
Inside an autobiography with Didi Wray and a Zombie girl, along two artworks by Swedish artist Nicolas Krizan based on her that I've organized with help by more than 70 internacional artists with an exhibition dedicatec to her, an artwork by Italian artist Bernardino Constantino based on a modern couple and one tribute artwork by American artist Brian Biggs that was one of more than 150 tributes to fashion character Valentina by Guido Crepax (whose book collection was organized by me as editor/writer and that was published by American publisher Fantagraphics and that is being distributed worldwide), that I also published in limited booklets at Fantagraphics while paying homage to this iconic fashion character in several exhibitions in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Finland, France and U.S.A with help by more than 150 internacional artists that were born in different countries and with whom I communicated with in five languages while writing new comic boom stories yet to be published with artworks by Argentine artist Mr Ed, Spanish Artists Fidel Martiñez Nadal, Pedro Espinosa, Sandra Hernandéz, Ivila, Santiago Sequeiros, Toni Benages Gallard, Felipe H. Navarro, Brazilian artist Brao, Japanese artist John Kurokawa, Portuguese artist Paulo Pinto, Polish artist Magdalena Minko and that were set in Milan - Italy, Le Mans - France, Madrid - Spain, Barcelona - Catalonya, Santiago do Chile, Warsaw - Poland, Berlin - Germany, São Paulo - Brasil and Porto - Portugal

A fascinating Grant Morrison's "The invisibles" cover by British artist Brian Bolland with whom I've worked on the mega project tributes to Valentina fashion character mentioned in the above caption along an artwork by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino based on me and Daria Kovalenka for book projects "Daria Inside an Aria" and my own autobiography with help by more than 60 international artists

A tribute artwork based on a Zombie Girl by Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel for exhibition based on her looks by myself with help of more than 70 international artists that was exhibited in Porto's streets in 2018 and it's going to be compiled in  book form being it written and organized by me in 2020 with the title "A Zombie girl by The Fall", two artworks to iconic fashion character Valentina by Spanish artist Fidel Martiñez Nadal and Argentine artist Mr Ed in the mega project to this character organized by me as mentioned in a caption above mentioned, a Didi Wray pic for upcoming book project "Didi Wray Lost In A Love Story Every Single Day" written/organized by me with help by international artists who Also drew her, one of the limited booklets to already mentioned Valentina mega project next to an artwork by Spanish maestro Eduardo Alvarado Sanchez Cortes based on a simple woman and an artwork by Spanish maestro Javier Olivares that I used in a personalized t-shirt and helped his masterpiece "ladies in waiting" being published at American publisher Fantagraphics 

Myself and a tribute artwork by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino for book project "Daria Inside An Aria" with help by several international artists based on Daria Kovalenka and that's being organized and written by me

Some artworks by Spanish artists Sonia Pulido and Pedro Espinosa who worked with me on Valentina mega project, an artwork by Italian maestro Lorenzo Mattotti who I made an interview to in Portugal, an artwork by Canadian artist Dave Cooper based on simple women that I've used in a personalized t-shirt, an artwork by British fetishist artist John Willie, one of the 70 artworks based on myself by international artists by Spanish artist Daniel Esteve, one tribute to "Daria Inside An Aria" by Italian artist Stefano Zattera based on Daria Kovalenka, pics of Barbara Steel actress in Fellini's masterpiece movie "8 and an half" and Russ Meyer's cult movie "faster pussycat, kill, kill", an artwork by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino and a pic of myself inside a performance for another project named "Mascara Girl inside a Call" with help by international artists based on Russian musician/film maker Mascara Girl organized and written by me

An artwork based on myself for my autobiography and Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character by Italian maestro Bernardino Constantino for my latest book project organized and written by me with help by more than 40 international artists dedicated to this character along a pic of Daria Kovalenka

Me inside book project "Didi Wray Lost In a Love Story Every Single Day" along Didi, a pic of  Hungaryan actor Bela Lugosi side by side with Finnish actress Maila Nurmi aka Vampira and to whom I'm writing a tribute narrative, an artwork by Italian Massimiliano Veltri based on a human bat.

Me and my brothers inside an autobiography where past and present collides 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...