Sunday, November 24, 2019

A draft inside a fable to Ofélia that's a simple kitty - tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Me and Ofélia

- Today, my mind's elsewhere...
- I dreamed a dream of a thousand cats...
- They weren't bats...
- They were pets...
- Inside it, I visioned also a Fellini's movie named "8 and an half" and that it was only a tiny part of a project that fell down...
- It wasn't something peaceful and calm...
- In my dream, I knew that "2046" was a movie about a room's number being it inside another one that was serious and fun...
- The mouse toy wasn't today's joy...
- There was also another movie in Russia about a "mirror" with a simple woman and a writer telling world's history for free near the sea.
 Ofélia was telling me all this... 
 I was only staring at her eyes... 
 They had no lies... 
 There was a simple woman reading me a book inside a look... 
 We were there... 
 In a peculiar atmosphere... 
 There was no character to be seen... 
 We were all inside Ofélia's dream
- Be there...
- Be you...
- Breathe here...
- Be new... 
 Ofélia was telling me this... 
 She didn't described me Persona's act as a fact..   Her spirit was joyfully free... 
 Her soul was worth real gold... 
 Her heart was a piece of art...
- It did rain...
- Without disdain...
- There was no game...
- And no shame... 
 I was caressing while telling this to Ofélia with my bare hands while listening to a scandinavian singer/dreamer... 
 I knew out of the blue that autumn leaves had its own peers... 
 Ofélia was describing me a german art school without any tool... 
 Ofélia was eating and sleeping.... 
 She awoke...
 Her furry paws weren't a joke... 
 She walked inside Sandra's hall mirroring its wall...
 There was music being shuffled in a playlist and its volume was down and up like it was the most delicious world's syrup...
- There's a picture of mine...
- There's you without a rhyme...
 Ofélia told me this while she was scratching my boots like they were tree roots...
- She is joy...
- She loves her mouse toy...
- She loves to have human warmth...
- She loves to toy with her food depending of her own mood...
 Somebody was telling me this...
 And without me not knowing what to do or what to write...
 I knew that the sky was real bright...

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