Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A short poem to Sandra Mesquita's Kitty Ofélia that wasn't Fernando Pessoa's muse

Sandra Mesquita's Kitty Ofélia that wasn't Fernando Pessoa's muse 

 Somewhere out there... 
 There's a kitty... 
 She's pretty... 
 She stumbles into things... 
 She doesn't believe in screams... 
 She believes in dreams...
- One...
- Two...
- Three...
- Be me... 
 Says Sandra to Ofélia... 
 Ofélia stares at her in her bed... 
 She has time to spare... 
 She has more than 40 m square... 
 She climbs into a sofa... 
 She jumps into curtains like being Jane's Tarzan with glam... 
 She asks for joy with a cat toy... 
 Her fur is soft to touch... 
 She's not lost... 
 Sandra says this to her: 
 - There's a movie there... 
 Ofélia answers to her: 
 - I can't watch it nowhere... 
 There's food on your dish... 
 Says Sandra to Ofélia.
- I'm in no mood for fish... 
 Replies Ofélia... 
 She's Bela... 
 She's not Cinderella... 
 She doesn't own Mary Poppins umbrella... 
 She isn't Maila Nurmi... 
 She isn't Lugosi... 
 She isn't posy... 
 She's a simple kitty growing fast... 
 She's a kitty that will last...
 - Will you give me a kiss in a morning bliss?
  Asks Ofélia to Sandra... 
 And without she even noticing it... 
 Sandra's caressing her belly while eating bread with jelly... 
 She isn't Pessoa's muse... 
 She's loose... 
 She doesn't drink booze...
 She doesn't talk at all... 
 She knows that we're by The Fall inside nature's call...

Below I've decided to put a video by the British band The Cure because both me and Sandra love cats 

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