Sunday, November 24, 2019

Three poems to fashion models Elisa, Marika and Eshley - Tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Italian fashion model Marika Baldini - 01

- There's my phone...
- There's home...
- There's fun...
- Let's run... 
 You said this to me...
 You put confortable shoes and some pretty jeans and thought on all means...
- Don't be like that...
- You love me as a cat...
- Let's be me and you...
- Bring out something new...
 I was thinking on these words:
- Fashion...
- Passion...
- Model...
- Shovel...
- Hair...
- Long...
- Sear...
- Bomb...
 You told me this:
- You're good...
- Let's have some food...
- I'm in the mood...
I was staring at you.
 The wine was fine...
You told me this inside a bliss:
- Cherry merry...
- Lullaby without any lie...
 You were smiling and dancing at the table...  Everybody knew that you were stable...  Everybody knew that you were a map...
 Maybe I was in your lap...
- Top...
- Man...
- Pop...
- Pen...
 You said this to me.
Your lips were suddenly mirroring your own hips...
 - Legs...
 - Begs...
 - Treasure...
 - Pleasure...
 - Milano...
 - Volcano...
 - Dance with me and you will know that our arrow was shot by a simple bow...

Italian fashion model Marika Baldini - 02

Russian fashion model Eshley - 01

- No words...

- Nothing at all...
- Give me your hand...
- Let's dance till the end...
- End of the world man...
- Drive our pen...
- I'm Eshley to be...
- Love thee...
- Gang...
- Slam...
- Jam...
- Space...
- Embrace...
- Dance...
- Trance...
- Romance...
- Science...
- Silence...
 You said this to me...
 Your eyes were pretty then...
 This is where we stand...
 I was suddenly shut out...
 You were spring with a ring...
- Come what bring...
- Be master Ling...
 Your black hair was our atnosphere...
 There was your necklace as a package...
 Alone in the park we stand holding our hands... 
- Chips and fish... 
- Burger without a dish... 
- Make a wish...
  You said this to me...
 There was joy outside...
 It was us side by side...
- Bring that...
- Wear your hat...
- Love your coat...
- Let's jump into a boat...
 You said this to me...
 You were me and I was thee...

Russian fashion model Eshley - 02

Italian fashion model Elisa de Panicis

You were beautiful and fruitful...
Maybe there was no rain...
Maybe there was a brain...
Maybe you were you and I was me...
Maybe we we're both free...
- I'M TRUE...
 You said...
- I'M NOT BAD...
 You were shouting a bit like italians do out of the blue...
 There was no dark in the park...
 There was your colour hair...
 There was your own inner sphere...
 There was a coffee shop and a cherry merry... 
 There was high heels in shoes that no man would want to wear...
 There was your black dress...
Man, this ain't chess...
Man, I'm no mess...
- Cheerio boy...
- I'll be your toy... 
 I was staring at your eyes...
 I listened to a machine...
 It popped a scream inside a dream...
Marriage, Man?
- Where's your pen?
 You asked me this in latin... 
 I was having a drink with you...
 Telling you something new...
Man, you know how I am...
- No joy without a bang... 
 There was a volcano there...
 We were listening to songs of never where...
 You told me to quit smoke...
 This was no joke...
Football, Man...
- Calcio then...
 I wasn't understanding you at all... 
 Your body was astonishingly awesome and we were by The Fall

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