Friday, November 8, 2019

A poem to sweet Isabel Pessoa - Tribute narrative to Hungarian actor Bela Lugosi

Artworks by Isabel Pessoa based on myself and my kitty Ilvie among some vampires nuns and an artwork based on Valentina (or was it Clementina?) on a collective exhibition to her with international artists all over the world by French artist Walter Minus 

- Man...
- Yes you...
- I know how you stand...
- Have you ever wrote a poem to me?
 You asked this to me...
 I was not thinking at all...
 Maybe it was the effect of The Fall...
 Without knowing what to say...
 I said this to you...
- Isabel it's me and you...
- There were paintings and art for a start...
- What can I say besides "I love you"?
 I've replied this to you..
- Man, you're bad to me...
- You know that I love to draw thee...
- You know that I love your kitty...
- You know that I draw your niece and she's so sweetie...
 You were telling me this...
 It was raining hard...
 It was a song from a bard...
 You whispered this on my left ear:
- Man, you know who I am...
- Use your pen...
Suddenly you moved into my right ear:
- Man, you're a strange mind...
- I know that you're kind...
- I know that you ain't blind...
 I wasn't understanding anything at all...
 We were inside a call...
- Man, don't be a bat...
- Just be a cat...
 You said this to me...
 I was observing a map inside a castle while taking a nap...
- Man, don't dream...
- I know that you love ice-cream...
 You said this to me...
 I was thinking on a paper character being fashion and passion...
- Was it Valentina or Clementina?
- Man, don't derrange my brain in vain...
 You said this to me...
 I was somewhere inside a hidden dream...
 Looked into your eyes...
- What can I do when I don't see any lies?
I've asked you this...
- Man, I drew you a sailor in pink with ink...
- You're fire and blood...
- You're never in the mud...
I was staring quietly at you...
It was France and some Romance...
- City of light, Man...
- Be bright with your pen...
 You said this to me...
I was telling you about a dance...
Silence was a chord made of science...
 You were real mad then while saying this to me:
- You promised me a coffee and a toffee...
- You told me about sugar and honey...
- Were you being funny as a bunny?
 You asked me this...
 There was a candlelight that burned bright...
- Don't you have any fright?
 You posed me this question...
I stared at you and told you:
- Isabel you know me...
- I don't marry nuns near the sea...
- They're vampires that carry blood with the flood...
- You know who I love...
- I'm not interested on a dove...
- Shield warrior queen...
- You know what I mean...
I've said this to you...
- Is Isabel your belle?
- Did she casted you a spell?
- Is Daria your Aria?
- I know that your heart always has a start...
- Don't tell me...
- I know...
- It's a blow...
- Is it Sandra by the shore?
- You always ask more and more...
- One time you told me that you merge with Serge...
- Is it Jane and you're Tarzan inside a bang?
- Is it Helen of Troy?
- I know that you aren't a boy...

A book by Jon Kalman Stefánsson and a picture of my kitty Ilvie 

 I was so confused that I didn't knew what to answer you...
 I observed every single painting by you...
 Saw there something new...
- Man, don't be like that...
- You always take cats out of your hat...
- You drive girls mad...
- I can't understand you, Man...
- I know that you aren't bad...
- Do they love only your pen?
 You asked me this...
 I was telling you about a marriage to be...
- Can I be there for free?
- I'll paint you both together forever...
- You know me Man...
- We go back without any hidden track...
- I love your pen...
- But when coffee is hot...
- Beware if your lips are shot...
- Your hair is always changing...
- Do you think that is the process of ageing?
 You asked me this...
 I've told you about some bliss...
- You're a gentleman...
- You're a knight with a pen...
- You ride horses in the field...
- You have a tiny shield...
- You have a weak point...
- Your kitty counts more to you than any amounts ...
- Will you love the girl for sure?
 You asked me this...
- I'll marry her and later I'll see what we'll be...
- What's a queen without a king?
- A useless pin?
 I've asked you this...
- Man, your heart runs fast...
- Make it last...
- You know that I love you...
- Bring me something new...
 I didn't knew what to say...
 Night was merging into day...
- Isabel...
- You know...
- A belle...
- I don't cast any spell...
- She's my wife to be...
- Everybody can see...
 I've said this to you...
- Man, don't forget to always put fish on a dish...
- Man, she'll be your treasure and your leisure...
- Your mind is kind...
- She isn't blind...
- I'm sure that she's beautiful inside and outside...
- I know this because you both will give me a ride...
 You told me this...
 Mr Sandman was telling me this:
- Sleep you must...
- Be just...
 And without knowing what to do, I've told you this:
- We'll see if it'll be something new...
- You know me and you know that I never fade into the blue...
- Man, don't start with Gainsbourg talk...
- I'll take you to a coffee for a walk...
- But I don't forget your promise...
- Give me a toffee...
- Offer me some candy...
- I'll be your emotion in the ocean...
- I know that you're a tailor sailor...
 I looked into your eyes while saying you this:
- Isabel, the present is now, the future is a row...
- You know me...
- I've put zombies talking and later walking...
- Let's go to that street...
- Children are playing trick or treat in a street where we meet

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