Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A short poem to sweet Manuela Egle - tribute narrative to Bela Lugosi

Manuela Egle 

- Man, take out your hat...
- Don't be a brat...
- I'm smiling at thee...
- Come on...
- Let's observe the sea...
- There's food in the car if you're in the mood while we gaze at a star...
 I didn't knew what to answer you...
 Your sweat had stripes and while staring at you, I stumbled into a table while saying:
- Yikes...
- Look Man...
- There's a blonde there...
- Is she your atmosphere?
- You told me once that you also loved brunettes and even pets...
 I was thinking on this:
- Black leather jacket...
- A tennis racket...
- A wrist watch...
- Something to touch
 I was observing a door while I was on the floor...
- Man, come on...
- I'll pay you a drink...
- Let's have fun...
- I'll merge myself inside your own ink...
 There was bread on an unstable table that was not being able...
 There was glasses with classes...
 There was a movie that we were going to see...
 -You and me?
 You asked me this.
 I was drinking water...
 I was being softer...
 I was writing in free hand towards some sort of end...
- Hey...
- Did I mentioned you how pretty you're when we both look at a star?
 You smiled while saying me this:
- Man, I know how you're...
- A lone wolf asking me for proof...
- You're always kind with my mind...
- What can I tell you when you call or write me?
- To be whatever you want to be?
- I know that you're going to marry with a cherry...
- Always be a gentleman with or without your pen...
- I love how you stand even when you're toying with words that aren't swords...
- Love you Man...
- One of these days, I'll ask you to borrow me your own pen...

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