Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A love story to my soulmate Hélia

- What the fuck Man?
- What's going on?
- Wherever must we roam?
- There's a tree with honey bee...
- I'm your soul and heart...
- Don't you start...
I stare deeply at you and say:
- Whatever...
- Forever...
- Our bed...
- Not bad...
- I'm tying a knot on my brain to not feel any pain...
- I'll slice an apple for thee...
- You know, there’s only you an me...
 You smile for a while...
 No dress code...
 No bat or cat...
I stare at you while writing something with ink near the kitchen sink in a huge paper for thee...
You shout me this:
- You know that I love you...
- Yes...
- You...
- Wherever...
- Forever...
- Taoism...
- Buddhism...
- There’s something inside our bag...
- Don’t make me beg...
- Let's go to bed...
- Sunshine...
- Be mine...
- No rhyme...
- You're my pleasure/treasure...
- We're worth more than a simple bliss...
You answer me this:
- I'm your queen...
- You know what I mean...
- There’s you, my king without a label pin...
- Not really bright...
- But you're full of light...
 I look into your eyes and tell you this:
- No need to divide or conquer...
- What's ours is on our private bunker...
- Nature...
- Mature...
- Animal instinct...
- Full of green ink...
- Rainbow...
- Two in a row...
- Arrow and bow...
- You're my tiger burning bright...
- Deep into the night...
- I fucking love you...
- You know that this is true...
- I run while having with you fun...
- No need for a gun...
You continue tellling me this:
- It's the city where we're born my Man...
- Boost your pen...
- Don’t walk in line...
- You're no lime...
- My body is you...
- My heart and soul are your gold...
- Always mind...
- Always kind...
 I stare once again at you and say this to you:
- Fuck those cocksuckers babe...
- I'm your personal slave...
- Just you and me...
- There’s our ride for free...
- You give me power after a shower...
- Electric shot in my brain...
I look at our cat and he's not sleepy yet...
- Come on Thom...
- You need food to be our atomic bomb...
I say this to it...
You stare at me while saying this:
- Love, you must eat...
- Brought you a treat...

Uma história de amor para a minha alma gémea Hélia De Sá Teixeira

- Nunca fomos o que sabemos...
- Somos o que conhecemos...
- Não somos um mistério...
- Somos um hemisfério...
Murmuro isto na tua direção enquanto velo pelo teu sono sem dono...
 Penso em dois livros nada perdidos ou esquecidos...
 De repente acordas e agarras-me com ânsia como se tivesses acordado de um sono de infância...
 Murmuras-me isto meio a sonhar sem pensar no ar:
- Memórias nunca são histórias...
- A tua mão junto ao meu coração, tem paixão...
 Falas-me de muita coisa enquanto te preparo o café e estás de pé...
- Ser ponta de lança...
- Ser mais que uma dança...
- Ser poesia viva...
- Numa alma nascida...
- Ser...
- Sem parecer...
 Noto pouco açucar no nosso café, apesar das chávenas estarem quentes e efervescentes...
 Coloco manteiga no pão enquanto sinto a tua mão...
 Nada expresso via oral, pois acaba por ser algo natural...
- O teu rosto nunca está húmido, o sal que ambos temos é desigual...
- O teu olhar nunca está parado ou sossegado...
- O silêncio para ti é uma pauta numa flauta...
Abro o frigorifico e escolho a geleia de framboesa vislumbrando a tua beleza...
 Pedaços de pão continuam sem ser amados por manteiga ou geleia como se fossem uma simples ideia...
 Voltas a dizer-me:
- Não me deixes...
- Escuta o nadar dos peixes...
- O coração do homem...
- Sei que sabes amar...
- Sei que sabes remar...
- Sei que sabes caminhar...
- Forte e vigoroso...
- Nunca nervoso...
- Amar é uma virtude...
- Não é uma atitude...
- Escrever em papel...
- Saborear o mel...
- Somos um no nosso mundo sem fundo...
- Sei...
- Bem sei que sabes que sei...
- Rainha e rei...
Continuo a barrar o pão com emoção...
Pedes-me um desejo enquanto comes uma fatia de queijo...
 A tua voz continua a ecoar na casa:
- Noite perfeita...
- Nada desfeita...
- Sol sem farol ou anzol...
- Amar-te é parar sem pensar...
 Eu observo o teu olhar enquanto vestes as minhas calças e lhe colocas umas alças...
 De repente um pardal poisa junto à nossa janela...
Diz-me para te observar sempre bela...
Canta uma doce melodia com energia...
Eu simplesmente não penso que penso ou sonho que sonho, pois estando ambos juntos sabemos que o mundo não é medonho...
- Mais uma vez, anda lá...
- Um do li tá. ..
- Somos o que fomos e seremos...
- Num passado/presente/futuro onde o amor não sabe a pão duro...
 Sorrio para ti...
 As chávenas já estão vazias...
 Os pedaços de pão já não estão...
 Nada cansada ou irada dizes-me isto:
- Gosto muito sempre...
- Nunca estamos ausentes...
- Sempre presentes...
- A nossa soma nunca é uma simples retoma...
- 1+ 1...
- Nunca talvez...
- Sempre de vez...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A fable to beautiful model/artist The Wild Enigma

- Mother Nature...
- Let's not be mature...
- Let the child run real wild...
- Planet blue...
- Believe in you...
- Waterfall...
- Always in its own call...
- Love thyself...
- You're more than a shelf...
- Cosmic dust...
- In it we trust...
- Strange fruit...
- Lead me to truth...
- Pagan street...
- There we meet...
- Nothing hot...
- No shot...
- Nothing old...
- Hunting for no gold...
- Park...
- It's dark...
- Light...
- Be bright...
- Cut a slice...
- In it there's life...
- Words...
- No swords...
- Feeling...
- Peeling...
- Joy not being a toy...
 You tell me this with an insightful stare when suddenly we spot a bear...
- Mountain...
- Fountain...
- Earth...
- Birth...
- Air...
- No despair...
- Water...
- Not a bottler...
- Ice...
- People say that it's nice...
- Fire...
- No barbed wire...
- Maybe yes...
- Where things grow...
- Maybe no...
- There’s a tattoo...
- It believes in you...
- There's no tattoo...
- It's only a peakaboo...
- Love you....
- They say...
- During the day...
- Truth be told...
- Your eyes shine more than gold...
- Home...
- Long hours come...
- A new age...
- There's candle...
- A new page...
- You must handle...
- Listen to the faerie bell...
- She put you into some spell...
- What to sigh?
- There’s never no need to cry...
- What to love?
- A fruit carried by a dove...
- Take a dive...
- No hive...
- Be true...
- Be you...
- Enigma out of the blue...
- The ocean wants us...
- Let's pick a bus...
- The clock ticks...
- No magical tricks...
- Sugar...
- Flower...
- Honey...
- Hour...
 I was telling you this while you were deep inside your own inner bliss...
 You whispered this to me:
- Know you...
- It's true..
- No blame...
- No game...
- No shame...
- No blue...
- Just me and you...
- People say...
- People pray...
- Whatever...
- Whenever...
- We're in what we lay...
- There’s our bay...
- No need to pay...
- There’re trees laughing hard...
- There's a start...
- Look at what I found...
- A magical flute...
- Sounds appear...
- We're pagan...
- I know...
- The wind blow...
- Let's do it slow...
I stared at the beauty of you asking you for something unique and new.

Uma fábula com cor para a minha alma gémea Hélia De Sá Teixeira

- Como é que é?
- Gostas mais do meu gato do que mim?
- E o nosso amor sem fim?
- E as flores de jasmim?
- E o nosso casamento?
- E o nosso tempo?
- E o nosso momento?
- A vida é bela?
- Não estou a perceber nada...
- Não queres andar comigo de mão dada?
- Não sou um conto de fada...
Dizes-me isto num grito contínuo e eu limito-me a ficar de repente fino...
- Querida...
- Paixão...
- Sensação...
- Emoção...
- Sabes que sem ti a vida não me sorri...
- Porque é que trajas um vestido preto como uma gótica louca/mouca?
- Que se passa contigo?
- Já não somos o mesmo umbigo?
Digo-te isto e de repente o teu sorriso tornasse natural com uma beleza desigual...
- Tu és um vampiro rapaz...
- Gostas menos de mim e mais do meu gato Tomás...
- Que posso eu fazer para te dar prazer?
- Amar contigo até ao amanhecer?
- Fazer o Tomás desaparecer?
- Vestir aquele vestido verde que adoras em determinadas horas?
- Calcorrear a casa nua?
Eu não sei o que te responder...
Somente sei que por vezes estás comigo até ao amanhecer em lazer...
- Cabelo junto á lua crua...
- Na rua...
- Sem carro...
- Com um afago...
- Talvez (sempre talvez) com um cigarro...
- Sabes que só gosto de ti quando a vida nos sorri... 
 Olhas novamente para mim sem me abraçar e dizes-me isto:
- Bem sabes que irei para sempre te amar no verbo remar.

A small text during COVID dedicated to polticians and to any corporation with power that rules millions of people...

They tell you to march in line...
They tell you that everything will be fine...
They tell you to stay alone...
They tell you to stay at home...
They tell you that love must be paid...
They tell you that there's always laid...
They tell you about economy...
They tell you that no life is free...
They tell you something about joy...
They tell you that we're only a toy...
They tell you to go to war...
They tell you to stay by the shore...
They tell you to wash and wash again...
They tell you that there's no cure for pain...
They tell you all this since the coming of ages in mankind's society...
We're sheep...
We're only human fleet...
They're fucking politicians, no trust on them because they're the "insightful ones" in life...
They tell you lots of things being confortable in their huge houses and palaces having everything  while you suffer/don't suffer...
They never told me anything worth taking...
They're worthless beggars who only care for your dime and throughout all ages they never asked you something as simple as this:
- Are you fine?
The only thing that they tell you is this:
- What's yours is mine...
- Be kind...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

A love story to Elena who I love with my heart and soul.

- You know me...
- First of July...
- We never sigh...
- Let's get physical today...
- We must be in shape...
- We must eat a grape...
- Don’t tell me about December...
- You know that I love ICOS...
- Never blues...
- You always drive the wheel...
- My head, heart and mind are always a windmill...
- By my side my Man..
- You protect me with everything that you've at hand and that doesn't bend...
- No need to kneel...
- We both love our hollow hill...
- I've combed my hair today just like you want me to...
- I'm your bride with pride inside our own ride...
- I know that you love Eros and Psyche...
- What can I do?
- I'm in love by you...
 You say this to me while there's bread to eat where we meet...
 I stare at you...
 Think on what we're while we both look at a star...
- It's rock and roll babe...
- I know that you love me with a clean shave...
- Our love's always spread in our bed...
- There's no act, but a fact...
- Give me a treat...
- You know that my heart for you beat...
 You look at me and ask me this:
- What to do love?
- Must I wear a glove?
- What's our task?
- To wear a mask?
- Filthy money that pass from hand to hand...
- Will you love me forever and ever either on Yin or Yang?
 I answer you this:
- My heart beats fast by your side...
- This I know...
- With you I know where the wind blow...
- No rock and roll babe...
- I'm your slave...
- My hands on your leg makes a doll beg...
- Not small...
- Thin and tall...
- You know me...
- Let's count to 3...
- There’s only us...
- No fuzz...
- No magical bus...
- Your heart and soul near mine...
- Our bodies merged together are always kind...
- Blonde girl...
- My sweetest pearl...
- Russian doll...
- No toll...
- No rock and roll...
- A good melody is heard when we're toying with herb...
- You're my angel, you know?
 You stare at me with your pretty eyes and tell me this:
- We're the best...
- Fuck the rest...
- Until the end of the world babe...
- We're each other's slave...
- I'm wearing your favourite sweat...
- Do you remember when we met?
- We together made a bet...
- Nothing to holds us...
- Not even bloody Internet...

A short love story to my soulmate Isabel Berg

- Hey my Man.
- It's me out of the blue...
- You know that I love you...
- Crazy...
- World...
- Lazy...
- Wall...
- What are you listening to?
- Are you talking to another broad?
- I'll kill you with my sword...
- I'm from Hamlet's land...
- So here I am...
- Your heart on my hand with glam...
- You know me...
- You also love me...
- Don’t be bad..
- I'm not mad...
- I hate when I'm both your mum and dad...
- What can I do?
- Isolated with you?
- You'll turn me more crazy and lazy...
- But you're good company... You know...
- We go where the wild things grow...
- 2046...
- A mix?
- No kiss...
- Let's eat fish...
- You wash the dish...
- Bacalhau?
- Whatever, Man...
- Let me drive your pen...
- Your mind is kind...
- Your heart's fine...
- After all this...
- You'll be mine...
 You say this to me inside a inner smile that I love in you for a little while while telling you this to your left ear:
- No sweat love...
- I know that you're not a dove...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Um momento num tempo numa musa presente - esboço de um livro projecto tributo a Corto Maltese - artistas internacionais

Existe uma frase num idioma estrangeiro perante um marinheiro junto a um pinheiro 

Pão, emoção, sensação com emoção...

Existe o verbo remar num tempo em é urgente amar...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 01

Existe a tua camisola sem gola que brilha nos meus óculos de sol junto a um farol...

Existe um cigarro num teu afago...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 02

Existe a mãe natureza que não corrompe a certeza da tua beleza...

Existe uma banda sonora num tempo de boa hora sem demora...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 03

Existe um café que nos deixa sempre em pé...

Existe água pura com oxigénio, mesmo quando me chamas de "génio"...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 04

Existe o teu cabelo ao vento sem lamento num nosso momento...

Existe uma alma que descreve o teu rosto como um posto...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 05

Existe neve onde a tua mão é a nossa nação...

Existe um jardim sem fim com perfume de jasmim...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 06

Existe um sentimento chamado esperança quando o teu/nosso fruto contigo balança...

Existe uma casa que é um lar que nos acolhe no verbo "abraçar"...

Dovile Dambrauskaite - 07

Existe um vestido nada perdido junto a um jarro feito de porcelana que não abana...

Existe o nosso beijo com algum traquejo num eléctrico chamado desejo, quando simples tinta acaba por ser a nossa vida nada perdida...

M + D

Daria Inside An Aria draft into a new chapter - international artists

Me and Daria are a bit like the sun and moon inside a love story/morning glory...
 She's a diary to be nurtured just like a fruit tree being free...
 She's Cinderella being Bela...
 She's an Aria being Daria...
 She's Kovaleva being queen of Sheba...

 What I know is that she isn't my doom...
 She's inside our own room... 

She's funny...
She's not a bunny...

She's Vampira inside our own empire...

She's Bela and sleeping beauty together while being our joy without a toy...

She isn't my ghost, in fact she's my host...
Constantine always tell me that she's my spleen...

She's an art school...
She knows that we are no fool with or without a tool...

She's eyes with no lies...
There are times when her heart rides...

 Sometimes "Chungking Express" is our movie chess...
 Sometimes, she's more than a little princess... 

There're projects inside our love story that are us breathing in and out with no sigh or shout...

She's gotta look...
She's a magnificient cook...

She's not a "fallen angel" inside a movie groovy, but she has legs that are envy of a zombie girl who in streets begs lost inside a call staring at an empty house hall...

We've a story to tell...
She's my belle inside a spell...
She yells in my direction to bring water from our own well...

She's a scarlet witch that knows what to preach...
She knows what we reach...

I'm suddenly lost in Lynch's world when she's staring at me by our house wall... 
 Her eyes are on my neck putting ourselves together in the doors kitchen back...

The Endless summon us together forever where an ice-cream is more than a dream... 
 She's glam when she hold us both tight during the night...

She's class through the looking glass...
Not quite sure why we endure...
She tells me that we're the cure...

Her smile makes me wonder for a little while...
She's time when we echo our rhyme...

Her poetry and music is near a tree...
She's herself and me for free...

There's no surrealism at all in us just because we're an euphemism entering a magic bus...

She's a movie quote when "days of being wild" aren't a child...
 She suddenly wears my coat as our own personal boat...

She's not a whip...
She's a trip...

She knows me when I'm near the sea...
She always tell me who will us both be...

There's a writer inside a movie trying to figure out a fable without an electric cable in "2046" deep inside our sudden mix...

She's nature/mature...
She's more than a simple tattoo...
She's our own taboo within a peakaboo...

 Me and Daria are like this inside a kiss or near a total bliss...
 She's our spear...
 I'm her lullaby to bare...
 She's light...
 Even when we do try to put us both together into an insight a bit bright into the holy night...

Many thanks to all international artists who're helping me and Daria inside a book project

Below is a short wordless story by Croatian maestro Danijel Zezelj who I worked with on books and world wide exhibitions about how the world always was and always will be.

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...