Monday, March 16, 2020

A draft with info inside seven book projects organized by me - international artists

There's a thing that I believe more in the world than all the rest and it's only a word/feeling/sensation/emotion named LOVE, later comes everything else (always was and always will be like this).
 Below are some pics with me and my soulmate Elena in moments of happyness paused with some filled with sound or silence.

Old lovers by Italian artist Salvatore Galati

After love comes family, pets, art and work as the most magnificient things in the world.
 I can definitely assure that I'm well organized regarding priorities in life.
 I'm also sure that I've worked and I'm working inside book projects with several kind people that are artists or simple women and that can be seen in pictures below (and in more pics with other artworks by international artists that are posted on past posts in this same blogue) inside book or TV show projects such as the ones below alphabetically organized by birth country of each artist and that mirror some other projects written or organized by me with their skilled artworks as a team.

Fernando SawaAutobiography
German GengaAutobiography and Zombie Girl Lost In A Call
Mr Ed - Cats as pets, Music and Musicians and Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Teke TekeZombie Girl Lost In A Call

Christophe Swjisen -  Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Douglas P. LoboAutobiography 
Fabio VermelhoZombie Girl Lost In A Call

Henrik Kim RehrZombie Girl Lost In A Call

Alberto LavadoriZombie Girl Lost In A Call
Andro MalisZombie Girl Lost In A Call
Bernardino Constantino - Grandiloquent love story and  Zombie Girl Lost In A Call
Ed AmokZombie Girl Lost In A Call
Rolando Cicatelli - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call and Didi Wray In A Love Story Every Single Day
Stefano Zattera -  Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Terhi EkebomAutobiography and Zombie Girl Lost In A Call
Isabel Pessoa - Music and Musicians
Walter Minus - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax 

Oliver Blees - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Garbage Which Burns - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call
John Kurokawa - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Mike V.  Derderian - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Gaston Ortiz - Mascara Girl Inside a Call

Bartosz JekielAutobiography and Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Magdalena Minko - Autobiography
Nikodem Cabala - Autobiography

Ana BiscaiaAutobiography
Ricardo Drumond - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Sasha Larenkov - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Branko DjukicZombie Girl Lost In A Call

South Korea 
Kang San Bok - Permanent 

Eduardo Alvarado Sanchez Cortez Autobiography, Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Fidel Martiñez NadalTributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Joaquin Aldeguer -  Autobiography, Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Jon Ander Azaola - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call
José Luis ÁgredaZombie Girl Lost In A Call
Pedro Rodriguez - Autobiography 
Ruben PellejeroZombie Girl Lost In A Call, Music and musicians, Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax and to Hugo Pratt's fashion character Corto Maltese
Santiago Sequeiros - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax 
Sonia Pulido - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Toni Benages GallardDidi Wray In A Love Story Every Single Day and  Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Nicolas Krizan - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call and Autobiography
Max AnderssonAutobiography 

Alex Baladi - Music and Musicians 

Ayse Maktas - Zombie Girl Lost In A Call

Brian Bolland - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
David LloydTributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax 
Dave MckeanTributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax 

Bill KoebMusic and Musicians and Autobiography
Brian Biggs - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
George Pratt - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Jeffrey Alan Love - Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Also below are pics with some references that I've with artists that I've personally met or worked with in the past and my own personal tastes in arts organized by their subject.
Beaux Arts
Russian artist Nadya 
Italian artist - Salvatore Galati - Rasputine 
Gary Baseman and Gary Panter from U.S.A
Adolfo Bioy Casares 
Portuguese writer - Eça de Queiróz 
Croatian writer - Dubravka Ugresic
Alan Moore's Hellblazer's character
Alan Moore and David Lloyd - V for Vendetta
Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell - From Hell
Grant Morrison's The Invisibles
José Muñoz - Alack Sinner's character
E.C. Segar - Popeye's character
French artist - Olivier Deprez - Franz Kafka's The Castle
Neil Gaiman's The Sandman 
Julio Cortazar
Clint Eastwood
Hal Hartley - Henry Fool and Trust 
Kim Ki Duk - The Isle
Mike Leigh's Naked 
Tran Ahn Hung - Vertical Ray of the sun 
Wong Kar Wai - 2046
Portuguese musical band - Mão Morta
Siouxsie and the Banshees 
Thom Yorke 
TV series
David Lynch - Twin Peaks: The Return
Peaky Blinders TV series  
A woman and her kitty
Sandra and Ofélia
My stolen kitty 

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 We're passing a strange disease named Covid, so I've thought on putting on this post an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's masterpiece "the masque of the red death" by my long term friend and genius german artist Lars Henkel that reflects a bit of what society really is.

Many thanks to all international artists who believe and support some of my ideas with love.
Special thanks to my Daria, Didi, Mascara, Svetie, Sandra, Ofélia, Nadya, Ilvie, my nieces, nephews and cousins and of course my soulmate Elena 

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