Sunday, March 15, 2020

Deep inside my inner world while developing and writing books - International artists

I know that I seem a bit crazy/bizarre/mysterious kinda guy, but I also know that I'm an organized, humble and direct kinda guy regarding my work, knowing that sometimes I need visual references with printed papers for me not to forget what I'm doing or what I have done, so from time to time, I print astonishing artworks by international artists who I worked or I'm working to be published in books, that can be seen below in this post near some references that I'll use while writing them (like I always did in the past) being them simple samples for the present moment.

 Below is a list with 95 international artists that I've gathered with names of international artists who I've worked or that I'm working with on several book or exhibition projects that were/are organized and written by me in alphabetical order by their 21 birth countries with published books all over the world in several languages and that can be read in previous posts in this same blogue.
 Hoping that I can help preserve an art comunity worth to be published, because books are all the knowledge that people do need while art is being produced.

Alejandra Sanguinetti - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Carlos Nine - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
German Genga -  Exhibitions "Tributes to Alberto Breccia", "Autobiography" and "Music and Musicians" 
Mr Ed -  Exhibitions and books "Tributes to Valentina and Belinda by Guido Crepax", "cats as pets", "Autobiography", "Music and Musicians" and "Tributes to Alberto Breccia"

Alex Korolkovas - "Tributes to Valentina and Belinda by Guido Crepax"
Brao - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Eric Peleias - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
João Azeitona - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Gilmar Fraga - Book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Sama - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and "Autobiography"

Stan Wany - Book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Autobiography", "Daria Inside An Aria" and "Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character"

Danijel Zezelj - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "cats as pets", "Music and Musicians", "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Alberto Breccia"

Henrik Kim Rehr - Book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character"

Sammi Maikonnen - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Terhi Ekebom - Book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Autobiography".

Beuh - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" 
Edmund Baudoin - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Isabel Pessoa - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Autobiography", book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Daria Inside An Aria" and "Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character"
Johann Sfar - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Olivier Deprez - "Autobiography" 
Saint Apollonia - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Walter Minus - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

Andrea Bruno - "Autobiography" 
Andro Malis - "Autobiography" and book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Bernardino Constantino - "Autobiography", book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Daria Inside An Aria"
Caterina Crepax - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Ed Amok - book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Ivan Astroboy - book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Marco Polenta - "Autobiography", book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character
Rolando Cicatelli - "Autobiography", book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Didi Wray In a Love Story Every Sinle Day", "Daria Inside An Aria", "Mascara Girl Inside A Call","Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character
Salvatore Galati - "Autobiography" and Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character
Stefano Zattera - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax". "Cats as pets", "Music and Musicians", book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Daria Inside An Aria", " Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character# and "Autobiography"

Rico Irdam - book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"

Garbage which burns - book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Didi Wray In a Love Story Every Sinle Day"
John Kurokawa - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Daria Inside An Aria" 

Mike V. Derderian - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"

Rune Ryberg - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

Ana Biscaia - "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Debora Fortunato Monteiro - "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Derradé - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Paulo Pinto - "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Ricardo Drumond - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Silvia Freire - "Autobiography"

Magdalena Minko - "Autobiography" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Nikodem Cabala - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Autobiography" and "Mascara Girl Inside A Call"

Puerto Rico
Nivea Ortiz - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

Branko Djukic - "Autobiography", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call", "Daria Inside An Aria" and "Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character"

Chema Garcia  - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Cesar Moragues - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Daniel Esteve - "Cats as pets", "Autobiography", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Didi Wray In a Love Story Every Sinle Day"
Felipe Navarro - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Fidel Martinez Nadal - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Fernando Vicente - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Ivila - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Jano - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Javier Olivares - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Cats as pets", "Music and musicians", "Tributes to Alberto Breccia"
Jon Ander Azaola - "Cats as pets", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Tributes to Alberto Breccia" and book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
José Luis Ágreda - "Cats as pets","Autobiography", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
José Miguel Guedes - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Miguel Almagro - "Cats as pets" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Pedro Espinosa - "Cats as pets" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Ruben Pellejero - "Autobiography", "Cats as pets", "Music and Musicians", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Tributes to Alberto Breccia", " Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character" and book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Sandra Hernandez - "Cats as pets" and "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Toni Benages Gallard - "Autobiography", "Cats as pets", "Music and Musicians", "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Tributes to Alberto Breccia", book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Didi Wray In a Love Story Every Sinle Day"

Kolbein Karlsson - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Nicolas Krizan - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Cats as pets" and "Autobiography"

Alex Baladi - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

Brian Bolland - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Dave Mckean - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and "Tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese fashion character"
David Lloyd - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Hunt Emerson - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Rian Hugues - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Simon Davis - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Steve Yeowell - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

Arnold Pander - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Bill Koeb"Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax", "Cats as pets", "Music and musicians" and "Autobiography"
Bill Sienkiewicz - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Bob Burden - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
David Lasky - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Erik Von Erik - book projects "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call" and "Mascara Girl Inside A Call"
Ethan Persoff - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
George Pratt - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax" and "cats as pets"
Jeffrey Alan Love - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
John Marroquin - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Jude Harzer - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Olivia de Bernardinis - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Mark Wheatley - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Michael Gaydos - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Paul Pope - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Peter Kuper - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Richard Sala - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Robert Kotrola - book project "Zombie Girl Lost In a Call"
Roberta Gregory - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Sam Henderson - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"
Tim Sale - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax
Timothy Georgakis - "Tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax"

References and notes in this post:
David Lynch Twin Peaks The Return 
Franz Kafka The Castle
Some women that I share time with either from my past or from my present with my family.
Many thanks to all international artists that support some of my ideas. You're the best.
Special thanks to Daria Kovaleva, Mascara Girl, Svetlana Zombierella NagaevaDidi Wray, my Bela, my stolen kitty Ilvie and to Elena who's an awesome woman with an astonishing heart and soul and that cares for me without asking me anything in return in a old continent under siege because of a deadly virus.

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