Monday, October 31, 2022

A short direct love speech from Anna to my heart


- Man, tell me so...

- There's your way... 

- Whenever wind does blow... 

- Not a simple day... 

- Care I not about any God given pray... 

- Talk to me in Spanish... 

- Inside an everlastingly wish... 

- Say that you love only me... 

- Be my source of energy... 

- Fangs on the loose... 

- Today we must forget booze... 

- Blood to drink... 

- Near the kitchen's sink... 

- Do know that legs of mine..

- Walk Prague's streets so fine..

- There's Kafka's statue being loon... 

- Sparrow carries rain in its wings soon... 

- Lips to kiss... 

- Forgetting number 6...

- Loving you till the end of the world... 

- Never feel I small... 

- By the dark... 

- Us together at an amusement park... 

- Flower to be given to me... 

- Call me thy honey bee... 

- Play no song lyrically... 

- Together we're sudden telepathy... 

- Picture to be shoot... 

- Melody's on the loop... 

- Pessoa's books by the floor... 

- Want you a bit more... 

- Bring me ecstasy... 

- Universe spins free... 

- Life in Mars... 

- By Venus you and me eating chocolate bars... 

- Sip me a drink... 

- Jack's brink... 

- Don't mention to me Hollywood... 

- Not my mood... 

- Inside thy birth city... 

- Kiss me as a kitty... 

- Do know that Porto's sweetie... 

- The prettiest city in the wide world, you always say... 

- Ears and lips of mine are at bay... 

- Opening my arms... 

- Together we dance with all our charms... 

- All Hallow's Eve... 

- Morning no grieve... 

- Being you Adam's son... 

- Apple's more than fun... 

- Pumpkin by the sun... 

- Wearing I thy favorite dress... 

- No need to impress... 

- Collateral game's chess... 

- Kissing thy eyes.. 

- Where ocean waves sighs... 

- By our bed... 

- Driving you lustily mad... 

- The bloody movie does stand... 

- Whisper I to your ear about an indie band... 

- Castle makes me rock... 

- Hate feeling myself inside a state of shock... 

- Tell me that I'm more than a pretty face... 

- Me you must embrace... 

- Staring at your shoelace... 

- Together we as werewolves inside a chase... 

- Searching for the holy grail... 

- Forgetting my broken nail... 

- In our torso scars pop in... 

- No dream... 

Um discurso expansivo da Anna para o meu coração


- Rapaz, diz que me amas... 

- Corpo em chamas... 

- Sinto o teu rosto justo ao meu... 

- Nos caminhos de Morfeu... 

- Sei que no azulejo caminho... 

- Visto roupa feita a linho... 

- Saber que o estado do mundo... 

- É estarmos juntos num mar profundo... 

- Fala-me de saudade... 

- Num misto de eternidade... 

- Quero bailar contigo... 

- Entre o teu e o meu umbigo... 

- Querer saber... 

- Minha cabeça ao teu lado até amanhecer... 

- Fala-me do "livro do desassossego"... 

- Pessoa sem apego... 

- Calcorreando a tua/minha cidade.. 

- Nosso afecto... 

- Busca de identidade... 

- Nada abjecto... 

- Menciona que sou a mais bela neste planeta... 

- Sinto-te como o meu infinito cometa... 

- Numa cor do céu... 

- Danço para ti portando no corpo somente um véu... 

- Cabeça minha, enorme chapéu... 

- Quero escutar novamente... 

- Palavras tuas no tempo presente... 

- Nunca ausente... 

- Teu cabelo despenteado ao norte... 

- Minha sorte... 

- Espanha e Portugal... 

- Cândido sal..

- Entre o bem e o mal.. 

- Conforme Tchekov dizia:

"Amo-te durante a noite e o dia" 

- Como Maiakovski mencionava:

"És mais que a minha flor brava"

- Dostoyevsky dizia-nos perdido em palavras:

"A vida é um eterno conto de fadas"

- Tarkovsky num filme chamado "Espelho" gritava:


- Gorky dialogava isto no meio da nobreza:

"Onde há sombra, há tristeza"

- Na cidade do Porto... 

- Meu/teu sentimento... 

- Nunca morto... 

- Sem lamento... 

- Pensar no milho e no trigo de madrugada... 

- Eternamente eu e tu de mão dada... 

- Caçadores de cabeças.... 

- Nossas belas presas... 

- Dança comigo na verde lagoa... 

- Quero sentir eterna coisa boa... 

- Minha esquerda mão... 

- Segurando o teu coração... 

- Com eterna emoção... 

- Relembrando Gagarin no espaço... 

- Bowie com o seu deslumbrante abraço... 

- Gogol nos seus contos de São Petersburgo, cidade... 

- Mencionava sempre algo mais que uma entidade... 

- Absurdismo constante... 

- Sei que o nosso amor brilha muito mais que um diamante... 

- Vida num instante... 

- Todos os prazeres carnais damos a partilhar... 

- Espiritualidade é saber para sempre amar...

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 23 - International artists


Pics of Janina and Polina being women who I love 

Pics of Polina that's a woman who I love along Peanuts comic book collection by American artist Charles Schultz and an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pics of Janina and Polina along Peanuts book collection by American artist Charles Schultz 

Pics of Alexandra and Polina, Peanuts book collection by American artist Charles Schultz along raw comic book Love & Rockets issue 1 cover by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pic of Janina that's a woman who I love, Teddy Kristiansen artworks, comic book collection of Peanuts by American artist Charles Schultz 

Pics of Janina and Zhu that are women who I love, Peanuts book collection by American artist Charles Schultz 

Pics of Janina that's a woman who I love, Peanuts book collection by American artist Charles Schultz, artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pics of Janina that's a woman who I love, Peanuts book collection by American artist Charles Schultz along stills from masterpiece movie "Deadman" by Jim Jarmusch 

Pics of Janina and Polina that are women who I love along an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez

Love & Rockets bibliography along an artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez 

Pic of Janina that's a woman who I love, Love & Rockets bibliography 

Artworks by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel along Love & Rockets bibliography 

Love & Rockets bibliography 

Artwork by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel along Love & Rockets bibliography 

Artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez along Love & Rockets bibliography 

Artworks by my friend and German artist Lars Henkel along Love & Rockets bibliography

Artwork by American artist Jaime Hernandez along Love & Rockets bibliography 

Pic of Janina that's a woman who I love along Love & Rockets universe bibliography 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

A direct love speech from Polina to our shared heart


- Man, come on and do say... 

- That you love me anyway... 

- Heart of thee... 

- Floating into me... 

- Never you must me tell... 

- About an eternity's spell... 

- Water by my legs... 

- Lurking pegs... 

- Do know... 

- That together we're wind that does blow... 

- Outside it does rain... 

- Meticulously lame... 

- Into you and into me... 

- Fish roaming no sea... 

- There's theater play... 

- We together at bay... 

- And that Cure's song... 

- Being our love bomb...

- Underneath me you do say... 

- About any God given day... 

- Vampire figure is our seed... 

- Deepest need... 

- Me and you on each other's feed... 

- Time trapped in a second split... 

- You and me being honey's sweet... 

- Disintegration doesn't us call... 

- Pornography being our wonder wall... 

- There's A head On The Door... 

- Want you even more... 

- Don't lead me astray... 

- Blade we do push... 

- Not gone away.. 

- No need for a bush... 

- Dancing inside your pocket... 

- Glamour's rocket..

- Inside me..

- Fluently..

- Wanna understand..

- Tide's river band... 

- We do talk... 

- Together we do walk... 

- Forgetting primary's fingers white chalk... 

- Surely will love you again... 

- Looping no membrane... 

- Titan's strength... 

- Loving our together's length... 

- 100 more words... 

- Purity being blood stained swords..

- Back again..

- Lips of mine are to blame... 

- Running into you... 

- Thy human arms being something new... 

- Body does shake... 

- No bloody awake... 

- Look into my eyes... 

- Hair of mine never sighs... 

- Elegant and slim... 

- Hips aren't sugary lies... 

- Definitely not a dream... 

- Reality's scene... 

- Loving black coffee with cream... 

- You know what I mean... 

- Pressing play... 

- Massive Attack do say... 

- About that painting Banksy's day... 

- We together body do play... 

- Eyes of mine with thy kiss... 

- Being I thy miss... 

- Do know that inside our bed... 

- There's head driving you mad... 

- Eros does storm... 

- When desire is newborn... 

- Into a strange day not... 

- At Porto can't I thee forgot... 

- Say increasingly... 

- Know I that easy it ain't being I thy majesty... 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart


- My Man, love of mine...

- Where the stars do shine... 

- Do know that being Eve...

- Is the verb "to believe"... 

- Deep inside me... 

- Love ain't fantasy...

- Deep inside you..

- Everything is new..

- Follow my eyes..

- Where passion and lust does sighs...

- Language to be spread... 

- Watching French movies by our bed... 

- Literally falling asleep in your arms.. 

- Being my pillow thy shoulder...

- Feeling myself bolder... 

- Kissing all your charms... 

- Vampire fangs... 

- Time does bangs... 

- Glass of mine... 

- Liquor ain't fine... 

- Again videotape... 

- Each other's shape... 

- All that I want... 

- Being led by thy magical wand... 

- Sometimes into our honey tree... 

- Where being thy Queen is solar energy... 

- Surely do I know... 

- Thy eyes create a mythological show... 

- Shamanic state... 

- Never we come late... 

- Think I not... 

- Never do I forgot... 

- Today we saw life in Mars... 

- No chocolate bars... 

- Throwing a simple cocktail... 

- Being thy everlasting belle... 

- Emotionally stable... 

- Together we being able... 

- Babylon Berlin... 

- TV series lurking no dream... 

- Do know that dancing with you... 

- Turns red into blue... 

- Kiss me again... 

- Minutes are to blame... 

- No human game... 

- Cherish me not tame... 

- One more time we'll be... 

- Source of electricity... 

- Name of thee... 

- Release me... 

- Don't care... 

- Thee double I dare... 

- Portuguese land... 

- Where you start and I end... 

- Listening to an indie's band... 

- Never do we say... 

- That desire is at May... 

- Some sort of devilish's play... 

- Noises that we together make... 

- By the tub's lake... 

- Shivering and shake... 

- Music inside thy head... 

- Driving me mad... 

- Skin of yours must shed... 

- By your neck... 

- Orgasmic tarot deck... 

- Blood that does flow... 

- Wherever you and I must eternally go... 

- Tell me that I'm more than thy sweetie... 

- More than face pretty... 

- Loving thy soul and heart..

- Body again does start..

- Caring we not about mankind... 

- Wolves not being blind...

- Movie that you and me do love... 

- Driving ourselves inside our eternal flood... 

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 22 - International artists


Pics of Janina, Alexandra and Daria that are women who I love along artworks by British artist Glenn Fabry and Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros that are artists who I've worked with before

Pics of Joana that's a woman who I love along an artwork by American artist Jim Woodring that's an artist that I worked with before 

Pic of Daria that's a woman who I love, comic book panel with artworks by American artists  Marc Hempel and Jeffrey Alan Love along an artwork by Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros 

Pics of Janina, Alexandra and Joana that are women who I love along artworks by American artist Jeffrey Alan Love and British artist Glenn Fabry that are artists who I've worked with before 

Pics of Zhu, Joana and Janina along artwork by American artist Jim Woodring 

Pics of Janina and Daria that are women who I love along stills from masterpiece movies "La Dolce Vita" by Federico Fellini, "Once Upon A Time In The West" by Sergio Leone, "Edward Scissorhands" by Tim Burton and a still from Babylon Berlin TV series 

Pics of Janina, Polina, Alexandra and Daria that are women who I love along stills from masterpiece movie "Pierrot Le Fou" by Jean Luc Godard, "Extreme Animation" by British artist Phil Mulloy and stills by Babylon Berlin TV series

Pics of Polina, Joana, Alexandra, Daria and Janina that are women who I love along film stills from animation movies by British director Phil Mulloy 

Pics from Janina and Polina that are women who I love 

Pics of Daria, Janina, Alexandra and Polina that are women who I love along a comic strip page of "Peanuts" by American artist Charles Schultz 

Pics of Janina and Alexandra that are women who I love 

Pics of Janina, Alexandra, Terhi and Polina that are women who I love along books by American artist Jim Woodring and "Ladies In Waiting" by Spanish artist Javier Olivares who're my friends along a still from masterpiece movie "Pierrot, Le Fou" by French director Jean Luc Godard 

Pics of Alexandra, Terhi, Natalie and Polina that are women who I love along an artwork for Sandman saga by American artist Marc Hempel 

Pics of Janina and Daria that are women who I love, Crepax book collection that I organized entirely almost alone along a comic strip page by Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros 

Pics of Alexandra that's a woman who I love, comic book panel for Sandman story arc "Kindly Ones" by American artist Marc Hempel, stills from Winona Ryder, artwork by American artist Jeffrey Alan Love who I've worked with before 

Pics of Janina that's a woman who I love along an artwork by Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros 

Pics of Joana that's a woman who I love, still from masterpiece movie "Pierrot, Le Fou" by French director Jean Luc Godard, memorabilia from masterpiece movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas" along artworks by American artist Jim Woodring and Canadian artist Seth 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

A direct love speech from Janina, Alexandra and Polina to our ensemble shared heart


- Man of mine...

- Fine...

- Grandfather me told...

- Transylvania was bold...

- Stories by the cold...

- Ukraine's root...

- You and me...

- Playing flute...

- Thee...

- By Bucharest...

- Memories at test...

- Being us 4 the best...

- Russian blood do mix...

- Count we till 6...

- Do know...

- Fangs in our mouth do glow...

- Being all at ease...

- Mixing also your blood's Portuguese...

- Like an old story of lore...

- Vlad's castle being a bore...

- Come into our arms...

- Wanna feel thy charms...

- Into the night...

- Bela Lugosi's light...

- Care not about Christopher Lee...

- He's a bumble bee...

- Max Schreck me scare...

- Life's a dare...

- Gary Oldman tells us a mystery...

- Free...

- Klaus Kinsky, brought Nastassja into the world..

- Near Paris,Texas we all grew small...

- Like Mina Murray by your side do I stand..

- World of ours without end...

- Into thy city of birth...

- Porto's curse...

- Moving us all deeply...

- Sweetly...

- Alexandra's voice being inside your head...

- Polina always driving you mad...

- If only we could...

- Drive our ensemble mood...

- They say that they love you like I do...

- Everything is true...

- Nothing ain't new...

- Mirror doesn't us cast...

- Surely we aren't the last...

- Wings that makes us all together fly...

- Near the river feel we high...

- Heart of mine...

- Where streets are prime...

- Alexandra one more time to you tell: 

"More than a spell being thy bell"

- Polina shows us all a written letter...

- Written by you with a bird's feather...

- This in Portuguese say: 

"Heart of ours beats for you every single day"

- Want we to understand...

- Love story of us all...

- Bend...

- Mystery is inside a call...

- Only chat's videotape...

- Feel myself late...

- Back in time...

- 90's being fine...

- Polina's black hair...

- Near you at Porto's atmosphere...

- Alexandra's hair red...

- Do know that world ain't sad...

- Blonde hair of mine by your lips...

- Morning us greets...

- Shared fangs without blood...

- Clothes soaked in mud...

- Hair of thee...

- Lyrically...

- Kissing you us 3 individually...

- Be to us just...

- Life's lust...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...