Monday, March 15, 2021

Writing the prettiest love story ever to my love Elena

"du gehörst zu mir und ich gehörte zu dir"

This is a post about love.
Not about belonging to one another forever and ever.
The above German sentence compelled me to write about what I always was and always will be, that's a simple man who loves to write and that cares about people while writing love stories, narratives and my autobiography illustrated by more than 100 international artists that created or are creating astonishing artworks based on me alone or in the company of women with some ideas that I have inside my heart.
There's not much to know about my autobiography but I believe that the details can make a big difference on what I want to narrate with it.
All my entire life I always communicated more with women knowing that I've dreamt with some of them, that they also dreamt with me, we had and have our precious moments that we treasure in a thing named life in one of the worst world history periods named Covid where people must isolate themselves counting too much on social networks and their supposed "friends" in a fake distorted version of the world where we all live in.
Social networks exist for more than 20 years and in my humble opinion our life must be always filled with emotions and with emotion in all detail in it.
Writing the prettiest love story ever or living one inside my autobiography isn't that hard because I know that even with my shattered broken heart into little pieces that I love Elena Fesler and that she loves me also.
Below are images to illustrate a bit of who I am and always was with or without Elena by my side either in our spiritual or real life.
People and living beings are not perfect, so again in my humble opinion we must aim towards perfection every single day in our lives where the tiniest detail counts more than a million illusion tricks.
Clearly knowing that I can divide fiction from reality while not thinking too much about what people can think of me.
I also know that everybody's got an opinion or a guess towards life, I clearly don't have a more valid opinion about life than a simple ant being always guided by my emotions and animal instinct with pure love in it.

There's myself lost in Elena's smile.

There's Philip Jeffries character interpreted by David Bowie in the masterpiece TV series "Twin Peaks" created by American director David Lynch.
Where Philip appears as a pivotal character in the show's 25 years in real time with a majestic tribute to Bowie (when he died in 2016 leaving the world in shock) by Lynch.

There's me always believing in love by Elena Fesler's side.

There's Philip Jeffries character trying to say what happened to his character during several years in the show and real life.

There's my love Elena mesmerizing eyes.

There's our time together in life.

There's memories of when I was a little kid.

There's emotions towards my love Elena Fesler being written by us together in its purest form.

There's an artwork based on Morrisey that was the lead singer of British band The Smiths by my friend and Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli.

There's me and Elena being forever happy with each other.

There's Brigitte Bardot.

There'll always exist feelings in my life with Elena.

There's a fascinating movie named "Chungking express" by Chinese director Wong Kar Wai.

There's an artwork based on British band Radiohead by my friend and Italian artist Salvatore Galati.

There's only me holding a pic of "la dolce vita" masterpiece movie by Italian director Federico Fellini featuring Swedish actress Anita Ekberg.

There's Elena in an arts exhibition.

There's me watching a theater play after Lewis Carroll masterpiece "Alice in Wonderland".

There's a phenomenal scene in Peaky Blinders TV series about love.

There's only me trying to throw my arms around the world with love.

There's Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom that helps me for several years and without whom I would have been dead by now.

There's me and Hélia.

There's Daria Kovaleva and a beautiful melody with emotions and its lyrics that my love Elena Fesler sent me when I collapsed for two times in a week during Covid period.

My love.
My memories.
My everything.

M & E.

Du warst die ganze Welt für mich
Warst das, was war und das was ist
Du warst der lebende Beweis, dass es die Liebe gibt
Ich war blind und ich war taub
Und unbelehrbar war ich auch
Ich hatte alles nur für mich gemacht und nicht an dich gedacht
Willst du unbedingt einen Mann vor dir weinen sehen?
Du musst mir glauben heute kann ich dich verstehen
Bin um die halbe Welt geflogen
Und gehe noch diesen einen Schritt
Ganz egal was du gemacht hast
Ich will dich einfach nur zurück
Du warst ne Göttin für mich
Mein Ticket in das Licht
Du warst der lebende Beweis, dass es für mich noch Liebe gibt
Jetzt hast du ein' neuen Weg gesehen
Den musstest du alleine gehen
Doch das hier ist so viel größer als wir, du gehörst zu mir
Willst du unbedingt einen Mann vor dir weinen

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