Everybody that knows me, also know that I'm a romantic old fashioneď kind of guy.
I never play games with nobody, but sometimes married women with kids love that I love them and I always register my encounters with them inside poetry because I don't believe in modern love.
Below's the first part of my meetings inside a direct narrative with Elena Fesler that's of Kazakhstan origin, born in 13th december 1973 and that lives in a small village named Haren in Germany illustrated with pics that I took of her and that she also took of me inside our love story.
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Elena's car |
A smile from my love Elena inside a dialogue in between us together:
You say this to me:
- It's 4 degrees...
- You're hot...
- No bees...
- 14 degrees...
- Your emotions are like the sea...
- I know that you focus all your magic and energy inside me...
- You're like a vast sea...
- I don't know why I feel you intensely...
- My heart suddenly beats...
- No tricks...
- Our time value has...
- Not something of the past...
- There're living beings inside us...
- We're like the sun and moon inside a bus...
- Magically we're always number one...
- Heart one...
- Soul having fun...
- Head becoming an endless tune drum...
- Born in December 73...
- Just like me...
- Being with you...
- Something completely new...
- It's not the love stories that you write...
- Maybe it's our light...
- Even German you learn fast...
- In communication you're always the last...
- There's my body pain...
- You there dancing with me inside a train...
- Happy we're...
- Feel oxygen in my chest new...
- Me and you...
- When you explode, I suddenly got cold...
- Then our together mind worth more than gold...
- Time comes and go...
- Never lost you're when we together glow...
- Kiss me as your queen...
- Inside our silent scream...
- Where reality's more than a dream...
- Sharing your cake with me...
- Your background mobile picture also being me...
- There's your cover of Haren...
- Being our garden...
- Your story with German words created by you...
- Always know how to be our true...
- There's our emotions when I kiss you and you me...
- Not a river, but the huge sea...
- There's my kiss on your mouth...
- Black dress...
- No shout...
- Purple jacket...
- Not a bracket...
- My black gloves and scarf grey...
- Our gift day...
- Always in my heart...
- Feel our fire...
- It's only the start...
- My black shoes...
- Not dancing the blues...
- Sparkle wire...
- Your dream when we both awake...
- Staring together at a lake...
- Then I don't know...
- Either I want you...
- Or no...
- Then you ask me to sleep with you...
- We're one in two.
- You kiss my eyes...
- With no lies...
- Our bodies as a unity...
- Inside our beauty...
- Then we both come...
- Sleep together and we aren't alone...
Fuer Elena
- Du weiss das ich liebe dich...
- Manchmal ich verstehe was du denkst...
- Einmal mehr...
- Kein angst...
- Nicht schwer...
- Küsse deiner herz...
- Nicht haben schmerz...
- Dann deiner seele werde ich aus...
- Küsse dich zu unsere haus...
- Nicht vergessen...
- Das wir zusammen essen..
- Deinen lippen mit meinen...
- Immer bleiben...
- Zweimal bist du mit mir...
- Meine kleidung deine energie wird...
- Werde ich und...
- Glauben im unsere mond...
- Bin eine frau...
- Nicht blau...
- Mein könig...
- Deiner königin bin...
- Alles wir zusammen sein...
- Welt farben...
- Du bist mein...
- Nicht fragen...
- Kenne nicht warüm...
- Wie ein zug...
- Mit eine seite flug...
- Kommen dreimal..
- Feuer in unserer korps...
- Manchmal...
- Bei ein dorf...
- Wie ein katz wir sind...
- Haaren wie wind...
- Ist the wetter...
- Trinken viel wasser...
- Grün tee...
- Fuhle besser...
- Koche ich...
- Unglaublich...
- Fuhle dich...
- Dreimal in mich...
- Muzik worten überstezen...
- Wann zusammen warten fuer essen...
- Meine bein schmerz...
- Dein kopf herz...
- Ohne worten...
- Trauemen wir...
- Ich weiss das du bist im mir...
- Und mich in dich...
- Wie liebe magie...
- Orgasmus energie...
- Wichtig alles in lebe ist...
- Du bist...
- Ich bin...
- Zusammen sind...
- Feuer frei...
- Sagen drei...
- Im unserer bett...
- Wird uns nicht unterweg...
- Unseren bilden...
- Ohne spielen...
- Traueme ich mit uns am meer...
- Und fuhle uns zusammen sehr...
- Einmal will immer ich deinen kuessen...
- Wann uns essen küchen...
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Our together tea |
Elena say this to me:
- Reality...
- Why me?
- Fantasy?
- Us forever free...
- Chocolate I eat with you...
- A love song being new...
- You're sad today...
- Thought on your kitty and pray...
- Felt you...
- Your heart being true...
- Created a photo with me for us...
- Speedy as a tiger...
- Naturally heart buzz...
- Feel your body higher...
- There's your hand...
- Eating together chocolate until the world's end...
- And our love is true...
- Fantasy's not new...
- Tell you all my secrets...
- Without fire brickets...
- Sometimes I drive you crazy...
- You get mazzy...
- Never lazy...
- Kiss you when you cry...
- This is no lie...
- Learning Spanish...
- Eating with you fish...
- Reality's what we're...
- Fantasy's us reaching a star...
- One day...
- I didn't what to you say...
- In minds you lighted our way...
- I don't know what to feel anymore...
- Your heart's a stone by the shore...
- Don't you dare my love to cry...
- I want us really together high...
- An Ukrainian artist draw you with your thought...
- Your thinking on what's not...
- Feel you dreaming with me...
- Don't ask me questions for free...
- Your body near mine...
- Sometimes being kind...
- You're always with me...
- Not in the sea...
- You don't care about social networks and people's game...
- People think all the time causing others pain...
- Living in a village...
- People know everything inside a simple pilgrimage...
- You also of danger advice me...
- For free...
- You heart doesn't cry...
- Reading your words ain't a lie...
- In streets I can walk...
- People love to talk...
- While I cook...
- You kiss me all the time...
- Not inside our look...
- We both love us fine...
- You never have secrets at all...
- We both paint each other with words inside our house hall...
- I was being a bit childish today...
- Didn't knew that you can clearly divide fantasy and reality.
- Sleep with me...
- Together we're bigger than the sea...
Un poco de mi para Elena.
- Juntos no tenemos miedos...
- Ni siquiera segredos...
- Una canción te envie llamada "diferente"...
- Juntos en el tiempo presente...
- Nada a ver con la mente..
- Palavra distante...
- No un diamante...
- Mis lagrimas tienen el color...
- De nuestro amor...
- Quizas sin dolor...
- Sin rumbo...
- Profundo...
- Hasta el fin del mundo...
- Con claridad...
- Sin edad...
- Realidad...
- No fantasia...
- Todo un dia...
- Quizas sin energia...
- Mismo asi bailar...
- Sin siquiera puder sueñar...
- Los peces en el rio...
- Sin un vacio...
- No quiero saber...
- El tiempo tambien no quiero entender...
- Las calles de una ciudad...
- Desiertas sin humanidad...
- Hijos hombres tuyos...
- Mujeres de hoy sin pasion...
- Quedan desnudos...
- Es el amor del diñero...
- Del poder palmero...
- Y las redes sociales...
- Son enfermidades iguales...
- Hombres pierden la vida...
- Por una partida...
- Todo es vida...
- Seres humanos o animales...
- Nunca perdida...
- En un planeta azul todos somos iguales...
- Piensamos que dioses o diosas somos...
- Y olvidamos el fardo de todos los seres que viven con el peso en sus ombros...
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Our together bread |
Une poéme pour mon coeur Elena
Notre amour temps...
Porte le vent...
Pas seulement pour un instant...
Ma femme...
Ma chére dame...
L'eau pleine...
Quand tu es ma reine...
Une belle chanson...
Avec notre moment...
Et tous les rues nous ressemblent...
Toujours ensemble...
Pas comme un dieu roi...
Pas comme moi...
Dans le samedi...
Ou mardi...
Et nous savons...
Que notre amour est bon...
Dans une dance...
Sans penser en science...
Ta belle presence...
Et la nature regarder...
Tout le temps nous promener...
Dans un bateau...
Regardant l'eau...
Café avec un sucre morceau...
Tu me dits:
- Tu es beau...
- Comme une oiseau...
- Toujours en moi...
- Mon amour, mon roi...
- Dance avec toi chaque fois...
- Parcourir le soleil...
- Dans notre merveille...
- Je te sens...
- Comme notre chambre coufrant...
- Et toujours avant...
- Avec emotion...
- Regarder la pluie que tombe...
- Comme une nation...
- Dans notre ombre...
- Et le ciel s'ouvre...
- Par mésure...
- Nous sommes toujours au dela...
- Pas la bas...
- On dance encore une fois...
- Je suis dans tes bras...
- Pas comme si ou comme ça...
- Temps combien?
- Tout va bien...
- On descends le metro...
- Nous sommes en feu...
- Pas un jeu...
- Tout nouveau...
- Et mes fotos...
- Sont dans tes yeux...
- Caresse mes cheveux...
- Je te veut pas en morceaux...
- Oublie pas...
- Te lire comme ça...
- Et ma bouche...
- Te touche...
- Ton manteau...
- Pas bleu...
- Je le porte moi...
- Ç'est ma foi...
- Ma choix...
- Avec ma voix...
- Mon coeur amour...
- Je te jure...
- Que tu es mon gars...
- Pas un départ...
- Même avec sommeil...
- Tu me donnes merveilles...
- Je veut rien savoir...
- Si les voisins on parle...
- Je suis ta femme...
- Pas une dame...
- Et on regardant...
- Tout le temps...
- Vin du porto...
- Dans mes yeux...
- Me caresser...
- Et nous aimer...
- Tu es different...
- Pas méchant...
- Notre balance...
- Comme dans un trance...
- Et seulement t'aimer...
- Parler...
- Te connaitre...
- Comme mon comete...
Para o meu coração Elena
- No nosso tecto...
- Com afecto...
- Amor unido...
- No nosso momento querido...
- Sem nexo...
- Não somente sexo...
- Com a nossa emoção...
- Fiquei deslumbrada...
- Contigo de mão dada...
- Batidas fortes no meu coração...
- Na nossa incrivel paixão...
- Acaricias a minha perna com dor...
- Sempre cheio de cor...
- Visto o teu pijama...
- Sinto o nosso perfume na nossa cama...
Dizes-me isto
Observo o teu olhar para mim profundo...
Nada imundo...
Para ti escrevo num segundo...
Damos a volta ao mundo...
Agarrada estás aos meus ombros...
Mais que meros assombros...
A minha boca mordiscas...
Preparo-te arroz com pataniscas...
Depois de comer...
Vamos passear com lazer...
Observar o anoitecer...
O dia amanhecer...
Á nossa frente um lago...
O nosso afago...
Sorris para mim...
Tiras-me da boca um cigarro...
Beijas-me sem fim...
Saltas para os meus braços...
Nos nossos laços...
Esquecemos tudo...
O mundo fica mudo...
Ninguém nos escuta...
O vizinho fica surdo...
Vamos para a nossa gruta...
Comemos fruta...
O nosso amor numa simples cabana...
Tudo estremece...
Tudo abana...
Quando de repente anoitece...
São as nossas mútuas carícias/malícias...
Nutridas de delícias...
Um pardal poisa na janela
Murmura isto para mim:
- Ela é a tua bela...
- Sem fim...
Escutamos um som...
Uma melodia com tom...
O teu-meu corpo...
Volta a entrar comigo em união...
Numa perfeita fusão...
Sorris novamente para mim...
Na tua mão flores de jasmin...
- Vamos observar novamente o amor entre o sol e a lua?
- Sabes que sou tua, nua e crua...
Mencionas-me isto.
Respondo-te com um meu simples olhar...
Sem sonhar...
Digo-te isto:
- Para sempre nos vamos amar...
- No tempo onde dizem que o mundo está a acabar...
- Voltamos a entrar no nosso quarto..
- Deitada estás quando te trago um bolo num prato...
- Ficas contente...
- Feliz...
- No tempo presente...
- Sorris...
- Olho para ti a adormecer...
- E ao teu lado estou até amanhecer...
To my heart Elena
I say this to you:
- Not inside a theater play...
- Woke up at day...
- Buying bread...
- Feel you a bit bad...
- Leg's pain...
- Piper's to blame...
- Inside our love song...
- My heart beats as a nuclear bomb..
- For you...
- Walk the streets listening to a melody...
- Know that you're with me...
- Fish do swim...
- We're not in a dream...
- Arrive home...
- Cook our together meal...
- Not alone...
- In order for you to heal...
- Your soul with me burn...
- Sun zone..
- Take you in my arms..
- Observe your charms...
- There's your red coat...
- Not oak...
- A german village...
- Our pilgrimage...
- Writing fast...
- Not thinking too much...
- Kiss you on your eyes...
- No sighs...
- London we're...
- Staring together at a star...
- Your hands in mine...
- Our love's fine...
- An orange eat...
- Peeling it...
- Share with you its juice...
- Choose..
- Teach you everything...
- Life's more than a dream...
- Technology power...
- Social networks hour...
- You see your pic on my wall....
Say this to me:
- This is me being free...
- With you marveling the sea...
- It's my face...
- Staring at your shoelace...
- My smiley look...
- Wondering what for us cook..
- Inside my heart...
- Emotional art...
- We got places to be...
- Just you and me...
- Sharing a rainbow with thee...
- At salty sea...
- What can I do?
- I feel you...
- My hands grabbing your hair...
- Wet and bare...
- My king reality...
- I'm your queen identity...
- We don't have mountains to climb...
- Water fountain...
- We're fine...
- Never know why I feel you this way..
- During night and day...
- We go to the W.C.
- Just you and me...
- Licking my scar...
- Knowing who we're...
- There's rain outside...
- We stay listening music together inside...
- Only you and me...
- Its lyrics is about a tree...
- When you become me...
- Kissing my lips...
- The sound of thy walking hips...
- Shoes that you wear...
- Being everywhere...
- Take off your t-shirt...
- Observe how you breath...
- You chest...
- Our path...
- No play chess...
- You enter my body as an holy ghost...
- Being my host...
- I know that you're Manuel...
- I'm Elena your belle...
- Scent our perfume when we together have a bath...
- Coming from nature our path...
- I'm your goddess forever...
- You're my god whatsoever...
- Never turning a page book..
- I know..
- I really know..
- That us together have an astonishing look...
- Out of the bath tub...
- I wear your jeans...
- By all means...
Pour mon coeur Elena
Tu me dits ça:
- Ç'est la langue de l'amour...
- Je suis avec toi là...
- De toujours...
- Je regarde tes yeux...
- Pas bleu...
- Je pense a toi...
- Mon roi...
- Je me sens neuf dans mon coeur...
- Tu es mon tresor...
- Un jardin avec les plus belles fleurs du monde...
- Pas dans un reve profond...
- Sont les sentiments...
- Emotion...
- Notre moments...
- Je sais même pas quoi faire...
- Dans notre affair...
- Comme un vin de bordeaux...
- Toujours nouveau...
- Et quand je te demande pour ta main...
- Je sais que tu pense a moi quand tu manges un pain...
- Les étoiles avec couleur...
- Notre amour sans douleur...
- Tu vite écrit...
- Avec mon souri...
- Je me sens comme une jeune femme...
- Être ta dame...
- Ta reine belle...
- Parfait sans nouvelle...
- En pensant dans ta bouche...
- Parfois je me touche...
- Être vivant...
- Avec toi charmant...
- Mon étoile est tu...
- Je te veux beaucoup...
- Le planete bleu...
- Dans tes yeux...
- Mon corps t'aime...
- Comme une flamme...
- Sans penser...
- Dans les nuages nager...
- Tes mains dans mes bras...
- La vie tout le temps comme ça...
- Dans la fôret noire...
- Personne regarde...
- Les lapins...
- Notre mains...
- Savoir que tu es parfait...
- Pas dans un compte de fées...
- Tes pensées...
- Pas mauvais...
- Quand même...
- Touche ma âme...
- Savoir lire...
- Avec plaisir...
- Je sais que tu mon amour est...
- Ton allemand pas parfait...
- Je te comprends dans ma tête...
- Rien a avoir avec le internet...
- Je te sens dans mon coeur...
- Sans peur...
- Tu me surveilles dans notre nuit...
- Pas gris...
- Toujours clairvoyant...
- Elegant...
- Tu me dis toujours que belle je suis...
- Ta reine dans le jour et la nuit...
- Même avec jambe douleur...
- Tu me donne ton coeur...
- Çest amour...
- Que est en moi toujours...
- Aller a notre maison...
- Dans covid saison...
- Pas comme un poisson...
- Comme un vole oiseau...
- Avec ce que nous veulent...
- Dans notre vie folle...
- On encore vole...
The prettiest love story to my love Elena
It's Covid time...
Can't coffee drink...
You're in our bed without a rhyme...
Merge our words with our ink...
You tell me that selfies you don't like..
Together we drive a bike...
Throwing snowballs to each other...
Having fun further...
A cat's staring at us...
Smiling on a tree...
Observing you and me...
It's our second time framed...
Like a painting...
Dare no shame...
Not aching...
Cat's sensibility this me told:
- Look at her...
- Purity...
- Your sphere...
- Beauty...
- Stronger than a lion are you...
- No blue...
- You're something new...
Then out of nowhere the sound of hugging trees mutter us this:
- Angels being...
- Together you come and bring...
- Our leaves spring...
- With your together ring...
- There's emotion...
- Not fashion...
- Passion...
- She's your queen...
- Not inside a dream...
We thought that it was our imagination inside Germany nation.
But trees are there giving us oxygen...
Without end...
Look again to you...
Your shy face...
Because of your leg pain I tie your shoelace...
Carry you on my back for a km walk...
In our pockets is white chalk...
Together we vision a black wall...
Not inside a call...
Write in it the name Elena...
No thema.
Also the name Manuel...
No spell...
Our names together in a love wall...
Brought pieces of stones with our names to decorate our house hall...
In it are arts...
Where I end and you start...
Emotions gallore...
Cooking you meal forever more...
You're not in pain...
No shame...
Hug you and carry you in my arms again...
Put you near me in our sofa not in pain...
Your legs in mine spread...
I'm thinking on your health...
Not bad...
It's our shelt...
Tired you're...
Kiss again your eyes...
No lies...
How can we both create love free?
In world's history?
There was an hedgehog...
Telling us this by the fog:
- Love him for real...
- He's the real deal...
Then a fish swam in the air...
Telling me this:
- Treat her as your queen...
- Together you're more beautiful than a simple dream...
A direct speech from me to my love Elena
- There's a train...
- No game...
- Love how you stand by me...
- My queen to be...
- In my story page...
- Put a German thought and image thinking on you without stage...
- Wrote a poem for an Ukrainian child...
- She and her mom admire me not knowing that for you I'm wild...
- Even with a bad disease future strong woman she'll be...
- Just like thee...
- All my world for you...
- Just you...
- No secrets between us...
- Mysteries are outside a bus...
- Your beautiful lips...
- Kissing you sweets...
- In the car...
- Your last massage...
- Not in a bar...
- Our time passage...
- Sharing everything with you instagram, facebook and email...
- Our life together ain't a finger nail...
- Kissing your eyebrows...
- Without arrow or bows...
- My cousins happy are with our love shared...
- My nieces and nephews even a happy tear spread...
- It's marvel wonder...
- Vast land...
- Inside you I slander...
- Your uncle came...
- Drank tea with you...
- No pain...
- My uncle came...
- Almost slapped his face...
- Bloody shame...
- Family sometimes ain't human race...
- Quietly eating with you food...
- Screamed at me that I wasn't good..
- Your mother came...
- Such a good woman dame...
- My mother screamed at me...
- Wanted all my money from me...
- My father I don't care...
- Cancer dying he's...
- Never cried for me...
- I won't him miss...
- Never believed that I was a vast sea...
- Tried to fuck my ex women for its pleasure...
- Bastard's leisure...
- You entered in my life...
- A part slice...
- Happy we always war...
- Staring together at our house...
- You wearing your white blouse...
- Building it together...
- Tired you were...
- In pure ether...
- Picked from your left ear a seastar...
- Magical moment in our time...
- You loving me just fine...
- 2 a.m in Germany...
- Came to me...
- Gave me the prettiest world melody...
- We're love's entity...
- Hold your hand right...
- During the night...
- Pure mystical light...
Para, to, pour, fuer Elena
Digo-te isto:
- Amor meu, sentes a minha voz?
- Somos nós...
- Unsere zukunft ist heute...
- Keine Leute...
- Zu schreiben...
- Zu lieben...
- Deinen herz wichtig...
- Richtig...
- With and without you...
- Our time is true...
- It does rain...
- Outside no game...
- Meine kopf...
- Deine kopf...
- Zusammen seelen sind...
- Time is what we bring...
- Fuego en mi corazon...
- Ritmo y pasion...
- Sans reflechir dans le temps...
- Nous sommes plus forts que le vent...
- Sans histoires...
- Sans mirroires...
- Rhythm desire...
- Our hearts as connected wire...
- Spiral swing...
- We're one being...
- Dich und mich...
- Sind immer nicht...
- Das nacht...
- Unsere tag...
- Os teus olhos...
- Percorrem o meu coração entre mil folhos...
- Keep coming...
- Keep going...
- Time's exploding...
- Meine königin bist du...
- Ich denke nicht dazu...
- Rainbow colours shape...
- In your mouth a grape...
- Keine schmerzen haben...
- Wir alles machen...
- Dans tout le monde nous sommes...
- Plus que terre pommes...
- Heaven is us together...
- Not in land of never...
- Português sou...
- Onde estás também estou...
- Tu mirada...
- Nada pesada...
- Tu cuerpo...
- Mi cuerpo...
- Langue verstehen...
- Uns im welt gehen...
- Alles sehen...
- Keinen fragen...
- Wir alles machen...
- Et les couleurs du soleil?
- Et notre sommeil?
- Contigo en mis brazos...
- Como lazos...
- En una isla perdida...
- Contigo en mi vida...
- Dreams are real...
- Lebe ist nicht ein spiel...
- Waren uns was wir sind...
- Alles wissen im unsere wind...
- Never is far too late...
- Night is long...
- With you I ate...
- We're never alone...
- Immer zusammen essen...
- Immer zusammen treffen...
- Was meine ich...
- Wann ich liebe dich?
- Gut ist...
- Wenn du mit mir bist...
- No reflection at all...
- I love you while staring at a wall...
- There's no rhyme...
- When in five languages you're mine...
- As my precious goldmine...
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Para Elena
Me decias esto:
- Eres mi amor...
- El mundo con color...
- Tus brazos me abrazan...
- Como el viento por mi pasan...
- En las calles de Madrid...
- Contigo estoy...
- Sin piensar...
- Nuestro mundo es amar...
- Voy a amarte un poco mas...
- Tu corazon en mi mano...
- De nadie mas...
- Bailando contigo...
- Tus piernas fuertes...
- Conmigo puedes...
- No se mi amor...
- Se que el mundo no es dolor...
- Por veces te espero...
- Miro mi reloj...
- Atado a mi muñeca...
- Y no me interesa el tiempo...
- Quiero nuestro sentimiento...
- Eterno...
- Sin infierno...
- En las calles de Valencia...
- Nuestra essência...
- En las calles de hamburgo...
- Un puerto...
- Nada muerto...
- Todos los sabores del mondo...
- Profundo...
- India populacion...
- Nuestro nombre...
- Nuestra emocion...
- Eres mi hombre...
- Hoy mientras escribias para tu trabajo...
- Te he hecho comida...
- Sin una partida...
- Tus ropas...
- Mis ropas...
Escuchava una cancion...
Miraba tu emocion...
La cancion esto me decia:
"Tu y ella en un solo dia"
"Pura magia"
"Quizas su hermosura"
"Es amor y no dozura"
Te decia esto mientras miraba algo nuevo:
- Eres mi vida...
- El mio oxigenio...
- Dicen que soy genio...
- No me interesa eso para nada...
- Contigo siempre de mano dada...
- Trabajo con artistas de japón...
- Y?
- Solo pienso en tu corazon...
- Quizas mujeres belas me quieren...
- Para que?
- Sin amor?
- Porque?
- Con cor...
- Son nuestras ventanas...
- Tempranas...
- Mis labios con los tuyos unidos...
- Nada perdidos...
Tu te acercas a mi...
Con mucha emocion...
Con mucha pasion...
Y vas a me besar...
Sabiendo que se que te voy a amar...
En el tiempo presente...
Nada ausente...
Me dices esto a mi ouvido izquierdo:
- No tengo miedo...
- Almas gemelas...
- Perdidas no son...
- Son belas...
- Con emocion...
- Te quiero en mi vida...
- Eres mi entrada y salida...
- No solo en sueños estamos...
- Sé el camino donde vamos...
- Te quiero hoy conmigo...
- Nada ambigu...
To my heart Elena
You say this to me:
- There's our garden sphere...
- Everywhere...
- You're in my mind...
- My lips touch yours...
- Always kind...
- No Fuzz...
- My soul with you is...
- Deep inside our kiss...
- Want to love you forever...
- Leave me never...
- My body longs for thee...
- You're my machine...
- More than a dream...
- When you dance with me...
- We're always free...
- Until the moon and back...
- What the heck?
- Loving you...
- Thinking on our life together...
- Just feeling you...
- My hands caress you...
- Heart beats as new...
I stare at the beauty of you...
Don't think...
Know that you do love to me bring...
Tell you this:
- All the fishes in ocean shore...
- With you forever more...
- Loving you...
- Feeling you...
- Knowing what to chew...
- You on my window knock...
- Germany's time 1h20 a.m. clock...
- Your heart tick tock...
- Sending me kisses...
- Thinking on our dreams wishes...
- Stoped writing to talk with you...
- Beauty inside you in dawn being new...
- Didn't knew if you want to open my words for you or not...
- It was our love spot...
- Thinking how we rock...
Suddenly my nephews asked me this:
- Uncle are you in love for real bliss?
I've answered them that I love you... Being my miss...
Not feeling blue...
They asked me again:
- This is real, not a game?
- We want you to be happy...
- Forever with you we're...
- You taught us how to stare at a star...
- All that you have done for us...
- Almost as our father bearing our cross...
- When we see tears in your eyes...
- We know that you don't lie...
- I remember uncle when all time...
- You were with us always fine...
- We don't want to lose you...
- You're always true...
- Fun you also are...
- We remember when you told us that happy we must be even if you're far...
- You know that we love you...
- Admire you...
- All over the world people admire your character...
- Always thinking on times better...
- The woman that you love...
- Must feel you...
- As something new...
Pour Elena
Tu me dits ça:
- Mon amour...
- De toujours...
- Je suis avec toi...
- Ta reine...
- Mon roi est toi...
- Ta sirene...
- Regarder les nuages...
- Sans naufrage...
- Regarder les étoiles...
- Ensemble nous sommes...
- On mange des pommes...
- Les petits trésors de notre vie...
- Ensemble energie...
- Notre magie...
- Je pense a toi...
- Même quand tu es pas lá...
- Ensemble nous promener...
- Tout le temps nous aimer...
- Lettres d'amour...
- Peuvent être écrire dur...
- Je surveille...
- Ton sommeil...
- Ensemble on rêve...
- Notre reserve...
- Savoir t'aimer?
- Ç'est comme un enfant dans un ventre nager...
- Née em 1973...
- Comme toi...
- Je veut ta main...
- Kazakhstan origine...
- Mes yeux comme une tangerine...
- Pomme de terre on mangent...
- Comme une simple orange...
- Nous promener dans le monde...
- Chaque jour profonde...
- Mon coeur...
- Mon trésor...
- Mon amour fou...
- Comme un loup...
- Âmes en feu...
- Sans un jeu...
- Et aujourd'hui...
- J'étais avec ma mére...
- Était mercredi...
- Elle est de moi fiére...
- Mon amour encore...
- Tout le temps est pas mort...
- Parfois je te dits que je veut rien de toi...
- Je sais pas pourquoi...
- Ta voix...
- Ma choix...
- Enseigner la vie...
- Avec energie...
- Je surveille...
- Ton sommeil...
- Ensemble rever...
- Sans parler...
- Tout le temps il y a d'emotion...
- Sans emoticon...
- Être toujours...
- Ton amour...
- Savoir que ton coeur...
- Dans ma main...
- Trésor...
- Bisous dans ta bouche...
- Ensemble on douche...
- L'eau cour...
- Notre amour...
- Pas seulement un jour...
- Tu sais...
- Tu le sais...
- Je t'aime...
- Nous sommes toujours frais...
- Ensemble âme...
- Le tour Eiffel en Paris...
- Nous souri...
- Les champs elissées...
- Pas un compte de fée...
- Ville de la lumiére...
- Prés de la riviére...
- Quoi plus te dire?
- Tu es mon coeur...
- Je veut que tu me laisse pas...
- J'ai peur...
- Je veut en moi toujours tes bras...
- Notre flame charmant...
- Brûle toujours...
- Tu es pas mon amant...
- Mon amour...
- Le soleil du jour...
- Quand avec la lune se couche...
- Dans les bras de l'amour...
- Même que les observent la nature...
- Dans tous les rues suis moi...
- Oublie pas que tu est mon roi...
- Toujours ta reine...
- En forme pleine...
- Parfois je suis toi quand même...
- Tu es moi et je sais que tu m'aime...
Para a Elena
- É o nosso momento...
- No nosso tempo...
- Sem lamento...
- Lançado ao vento...
- Sei que me deixas sem jeito...
- Quando te sinto no meu peito...
- A minha mão direita no teu coração..
- Escuto a tua emoção...
- O nosso múrmurio...
- Sem interlúdio...
- A nossa vida unida num prefácio...
- Sei que és o superhomem mais duro que o aço...
- Contigo estou...
- Amar contigo vou...
- Saber quem nós somos...
- O que no passado fomos...
- Uma vila na Alemanha...
- Nada de manha...
- Sei que uma vez para Frankfurt ias..
- Da minha vida não saías...
- Por amor abandonaste o teu sonho...
- Nada tristonho...
- Com a minha mãe o meu dia foi um sonho...
- Não lhe falei do que sinto por ti...
- Simplesmente sei que para ti sorri...
- A tua sobrinha mais nova é bela...
- Parece a Cinderella...
- Ela sabe o que sentes por mim?
Observei o teu rosto...
O teu cabelo despenteado como o nosso posto...
Ia-te respondendo:
- Todas as minhas sobrinhas sabem que sou um innuendo...
- A mais nova conhece bem...
- O tio que tem...
- Com amor para dar e vender...
- Ela sabe que és o meu devir como ser...
- Numa perfeita emoção...
- Mesmo cansado...
- Desprovido de razão...
- Penso em ti...
- Sempre em ti...
- Como te encontras num minuto...
- E noutro nada abrupto...
- No nosso acto...
- Dentro dum facto...
- Todos os peixes do rio...
- Luzidio...
- Talvez viver por amor...
- Seja sinónimo de cor...
- Esquecendo a dor...
- Os teus olhos beijo...
- No nosso mútuo desejo...
- Dançar ensejo...
- Sem espelho partido...
- Num tempo nada perdido...
- Penso sem pensar...
- Como te amar...
- Os teus lábios juntos aos meus num segundo...
- O mesmo torna-se no fim do mundo...
- No nosso mar profundo...
- Sinto o teu perfume no jardim onde hoje estavas...
- As flores ficaram ciumentas do nosso amor e tornaram-se bravas...
- Para ti sorria toda a natureza...
- Observando meticulosamente a tua beleza...
- Tu e eu com a nossa certeza...
To Elena
You say this to me:
- Look at me...
- Smiling at thee...
- I told you that I could be free...
- To create a book...
- Is like educating kids with a look...
- Forgive me my love...
- Sometimes don't understand you...
- Not being a peace dove...
- Our love is new...
- You think fast...
- Understood you at last...
- When you're on our bed...
- I don't sense you bad...
- When we love make...
- It's like an emotional earthquake...
- I feel yourself inside me...
- There's beauty in thee...
- Atractive you're...
- Being my precious star...
The sea says this to you:
- He's the real deal...
- Navy seal...
- Strong as an ox...
- More intelligent than 1.000 foxes...
- Sometimes he comes here...
- Shouts at the sky...
- So high...
- Telling about his love for you...
- Totally true...
Sparrows fly in London tower telling you this:
- He has a flute...
- With words sing songs not mute...
- We always fly to his side...
- He tell us that in you he has pride...
- Lost and won again,..
- Thinking on others being always the same...
- When your leg hurt, he was not feeling good...
- Ate not real food...
- His feelings are...
- By his heart...
- Never far...
- From the start...
Stare at your beautiful smile...
Emotions came...
No game...
Your black hair...
Our thin air...
Said this to you:
- Germany...
- You and me...
- Want to be...
- With you by the sea...
- Salty waves...
- No games...
- Loving you...
- You know...
- For you completely new...
- For me not a show...
- All the words that you me tell...
- Being your spell...
- Always read your mind...
- Real kind...
- You try to do everything to me...
- There's the river...
- Not the sea...
- Carry you my arms...
- No false alarms...
- Kiss your lips.
- No kicks.
- Blouse black.
- Our musical soundtrack.
- What to do?
- Don't know the future...
- know how to nurture...
- Me and you...
- Give me your heart...
- The rest is our start...
- Then your soul...
- I'll turn it into gold...
- Later your body...
- Love's cuddly...
To Elena with heart, soul and flesh...
There was you...
Being something new...
Not with a bleeding heart...
It's our start...
Inside our room...
Look into your eyes without doom..
Your astonishing dress...
Feel ourselves not a mess...
There's beauty in you...
Real true...
Light come...
We never run...
You tell me this:
- Want your kiss...
- Desire your hand...
- Not bend...
- Touch me deep...
- Be sweet...
- My nipples lick...
- Hard they're not being a brick...
- Kiss my eyes...
- With you no lies...
- Legs spread...
- Come into our bed...
A t-shirt wearing...
With you sharing...
Caress your hair...
Our atmosphere...
Finger you for true...
Volcano fire inside you...
You say this to me:
- Want to be free with thee...
- Enter on my mind...
- With me be kind...
- Massage my clitoris...
- We're a bliss kiss...
- There's an orgasm coming...
- Feel you inside me floating...
- I'm real horny...
- Not stormy...
- Want to feel your penis inside me...
- It'll be our vast sea...
- Not animal sex...
- But love to impress...
- There's my black lingerie...
- Just you and me...
- Love to touch my breasts...
- Joyful nature best...
- Kiss your muscles with my tongue...
- Together we're a bomb...
- Belly bottom eros zone...
- X point in our home alone...
- You know...
- You really know...
- Don't take it off...
- It's our love show...
- There's our stuff...
- Four in a row...
- Our bodies in sinc move...
- My heart starts to run free...
- Once again you and me...
- My arms holding your back...
- A quick snack...
- Just enter again...
- Our bodies have no shame...
- Souls know that nobody's to blame..
- I'll wear my dress for you again...
- Not a stain...
- Feel you licking my ears...
- No fears...
- There's your kiss on my lips...
- Not a single miss...
- I'll hold the blood on your vein...
- Our mutual orgasm not lame...
- Feel you pumping inside me...
- Our position moves for free...
- There's our 69...
- Not lost in a rhyme...
- Licking all over you...
- My eyes red, not blue...
Para a Elena
Estamos num facto...
Sendo um acto...
Com energia...
Num só dia...
Os teus braços abraçam o meu corpo...
No nosso abrigo porto...
Os teus lábios...
Quando me beijam...
São sábios...
Pois me desejam...
O teu sorriso...
Sempre preciso...
O teu cabelo curto bate nos meus olhos...
Com o teu vestido com mil folhos...
O meu corpo estremece com o teu...
Não estamos nos braços do Deus Morfeu...
Preocupo-me com o teu prazer...
No nosso lazer...
As minhas pernas unem-se ás tuas...
Estando ambas nuas...
Sinto-te molhada...
Com o teu rosto de fada...
Beijo-te lentamente...
No tempo presente...
O teu soutien suporta os teus seios perfeitos...
Sem defeitos...
Com a minha língua lambo os teus mamilos...
Enquanto escutamos lá fora os grilos...
Despes a minha roupa...
Nada louca...
Acaricio o teu sexo...
Com nexo...
Os meus dedos percorrem a tua vulva...
Nada turva...
Sinto-te a tremer...
Horas infindáveis no nosso momento de prazer...
Pedes-me para te possuir...
No nosso devir...
Sinto o teu primeiro orgasmo...
Num espasmo...
Beijo os teus olhos...
Sinto a tua alma dentro de mim...
No nosso mundo sem fim...
Volto a acariciar os teus cabelos...
Assim como os teus tornozelos...
Não falamos de familia...
Mas sim da nossa melodia...
Voltas a abraçar-me quando estamos de pé...
Com fé...
Pedes-me o meu orgasmo contido...
Acaricias a minha mão com sentimento...
Sem um único lamento...
Outro orgasmo teu aparece...
Quando toco o teu clitóris com dois dedos...
Sem segredos ou medos...
Volto a beijar a tua boca...
A tua língua nada louca...
Mil e um idiomas na minha cabeça...
Na certeza da tua beleza...
Beijo o teu umbigo...
Estando contigo...
Voltas a suspirar...
Outro orgasmo deixa-te sem ar...
E enquanto escutas palavras sussurradas por mim ao teu ouvido em português...
Os nossos corpos descansam descansados sem pensar na palavra talvez...
A direct speech from Elena to me
- I feel you...
- Dreaming with something new...
- Sliced bread...
- Nothing to spare...
- When you do say that you love me...
- Know that I'm free...
- My voice for you...
- Out of the blue...
- My heart does tremble itself...
- Observing how we are on a top book shelf...
- Moving pages...
- Body never ages...
- Once again...
- Not in pain...
- You strip my soul...
- Not being cold...
- There's the table...
- Us being able...
- Atractive you're...
- Like born from a raw star...
- knowing that you're mine...
- We've time...
- There're moving fingers...
- Everything lingers...
- In our bed...
- Bodies move not being scared...
- You're here...
- Not there...
- I'm yours...
- No flaws...
- Secrets to maintain...
- Our quick lane...
- We move ourselves together...
- Heart and soul forever...
- Be my seed...
- Do need...
- Flowers be...
- Rose petals in our shower sea...
- There's choice...
- Love your voice...
- Dancing barefoot...
- Wherever we look...
- My eyes you know...
- How I stare at you with no show...
- Whenever the wind blow...
- Jumping to you...
- Quickly knew...
- That our universe is blue...
- Thy shadow in me...
- Our spirits together free...
- My dark hair...
- In our faces atmosphere...
- Everything that we reach...
- Breathing morning's breeze...
- Your valentine I am...
- Lured by you being my man...
- Doing what I can...
- Never lie...
- I'm shy...
- Wearing your jeans...
- By all means...
- Zip zap...
- Without a nap...
- Us outside a trap...
- Observing a stray cat...
- Rain's spiral scene...
- Germany history...
- Reality. not a dream...
- We both climb a tree...
- Do hum...
- No chewing gum...
- After love making...
- Having fun...
- Not shaking...
- Wide awake...
- Intelligent you're...
- A simple baked cake...
- Not driving any car...
- Painting...
- Never aching...
- Outside a theater play...
- Don't care what people say...
- Loving each other...
- Why bother?
- Yin and Yang...
- Bread, butter and ham...
- My shirt on the floor...
- Us forever more...
- Scissor theme...
- Our calling scheme...
- Kiss you on your lips...
- River shore...
- Moving my hips...
- Forever more...
- Spiritual orgasm bang...
- A lost tin can...
- Your hands me embrace...
- Inside our human race...
- Ask me anything..
- I'll give you more than a dream..
- Never do I scream...
- Popping in and out...
- No shout...
- Our flesh love..
- Not inside a simple dove..
- Whatever we're..
- I know that we're more than a chocolate bar..
Eine kuerze liebe geschichte von mir und Elena das ich liebe.
- Im unsere zimmer...
- Fuer immer und immer...
- Die blumen sprechen nicht...
- Wann ich sehe licht...
- Deiner korp...
- Mein korp...
- Immer gerade...
- Ohne frage...
- Das zug schnell nicht ist...
- Sicher sein...
- Weiss ich was du bist...
- Dein herz nicht ein stein...
- Liebe machen...
- Alle tagen...
- Am farbe zu reden...
- Rotte...
- Grau...
- Blau...
- Schwarz...
- Mit unsere herz...
- Deiner hand in mir...
- Meine augen in dir...
- Nicht arbeit...
- Wir haben zeit...
- Nacht kommt...
- Wünsche ich nicht eine kleine moment...
- Aus welt worten geben...
- Das ist unsere leben...
- Mit dich essen...
- Ohne vergessen...
- Deine lächeln...
- Wenn unsere orgasm machen...
- Alles zu haben...
- Mit vielen farben...
- Nicht im stadt gehen...
- Dorf mit sterne...
- Wir sind was wir gebe...
- Alles verstehe...
- Unsere idee...
- Wir sind verliebt...
- Wenn die tage sind nicht krieg...
- Ohne unsere stimme allein sind wir..
- Ein katz sagt das du liebst mir...
- Vögel engel sein...
- Machen unsere zusammen leben nicht klein...
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Eine kürze Valentine tag geschichte fuer Elena in unsere liebe
Sagst du mich das:
- Ich bin immer mit dir...
- Du bist auch mir...
- Zu liebe verstehen...
- Wann unsere seele aus welt gehen...
- Verliebt bin ich...
- Glaubst du mich nicht?
- Unsere hand zusammen sind...
- Meinen augen beobachten unsere lebe...
- Und im bild wir nicht sterben...
- Küssen sind gut...
- Wann du mit mir tanzst...
- Habe ich keine angst...
- Meine schwarz kleidung deiner ist auch...
- Wir nimmer sind raus...
- Deiner herz in mein hand...
- Wie ein musik band...
- Findest du das ich nicht dir verstehe?
- Woher du bist ich mit dir gehe...
- Meine stimme liebst du...
- Es ist frei feuer..
- Alles ist neuer...
- Manchmal dich höre...
- Dich lieben ist wie das welt sehen...
- Im unsere hause wir essen...
- Alles machen und alles gesehen...
- Nicht vergessen...
- Liebe frei ist...
- Ich küsse dich...
- Wenn ich puppe oder malen machen...
- Weiss ich das du mit mir bleiben...
- Wann ich im bett bin...
- Du mit mir in meinen trauemen treffen...
- Nicht allein war ich...
- Du weiss das ich liebe dich...
- Kommt das schnee...
- Mit unseren idee...
- Was kann ich mehr machen fuer dich?
- Im worten und fantasie...
- Wir sind welt energie...
- Kommt mit mir...
- Du weiss das ich bin auch dir...
- Traüme liebe nicht sprechen...
- Wir sind was uns essen...
- Mit mir schlafen gut ist...
- Du weiss das es ist richtig...
- Sicher sein...
- Ich weiss das du bist mein...
To my love Elena Fesler
Living a reality dream...
No mute scream...
Be joy...
Not a toy...
Winter season we're...
Never stare at the sky...
It's far...
Do know how to sigh...
To my love Elena Fesler
They say that the lizard king...
Was me inside a dream...
Hands formed me...
Deeply awake for free...
Pencil did shape what I am...
Universe isn't simply glam...
Hair as Medusa Godess Greek...
Never staring at a mountain peak...
Woman creation...
Inside a pagan nation...
Never do I stare...
Staring at thin air...
There's no fear to dare...
Love's everywhere...
World's Yin and Yang...
No need to bang...
Eyes wide awake...
There's my shape...
Whatever I do...
Shivering for true...
Forest tree...
Observing an honeybee...
Pencil again...
Colored frame...
Stars do form...
When suddenly I'm newborn...
A short love story to my love Elena Fesler
We were here...
Near the sea...
Inside our atmosphere...
Just you and me...
Sharing a kiss...
Feeling younger as ever...
You being my miss...
From thy soft lips you spoken this to me:
- Will you love me forever?
- Us together near the sea...
- Not in the land of never...
- Just you and me...
- We can create words for dolls...
- Inside my eyes...
- Our inner calls...
- No lies...
- How can I lie to you?
- Always my man...
- Being new...
- Love thy pen...
- You with me dance...
- Charming you're...
- Our romance...
- When we love make...
- It's true...
- Nothing's at stake...
- We're something different and new...
- In a small village magic we make...
- Spiritual orgasm bound in flesh...
- Nothing at stake...
- Love you without playing chess...
I stare at you out of the blue.
Thy voice is my choice...
Thy face is more than a human embrace...
Caring for you when you tell me that we're something new...
You held my hand inside a world without end...
And your eyes suddenly says this to me:
- You're sweet...
- Love you outside a trick or treat...
- Cooked you food...
- I'm in the mood...
- Our love never lost in a speech...
- You're what I do reach...
- Sometimes I paint...
- Knowing that our world isn't faint...
- My heart pumps for thee...
- You also know that my body longs for thee...
I hug you tight...
The sky's bright...
There's our inner light...
Suddenly in German I say this to you:
- Really love you...
- Our future is a house...
- Love your green blouse...
- Being here and there...
- Knowing that our love is everywhere...
Once again you kiss my eyes...
And without me knowing what to do.
I tell you this:
- Look at me being you...
Your spirit enters my body and soul...
And I know...
Clearly know...
That our love ain't a show...
A short direct speech from my love Elena Fesler to my left ear:
- Come on...
- There's a small town...
- Us having fun...
- Art dolls are my look...
- There's the age...
- Parading at a book...
- A bright stage...
- I know how you form words...
- Flowers to be...
- Pagan poetry without swords...
- Always by the sea...
- Sailor you're...
- Angels to you spell...
- Never far...
- German language ain't an empty shell...
- There's the apple tree...
- 47...
- You and me...
- Always in heaven...
- Thy eyes shine bright...
- Lurking together we roam...
- Bringing light...
- Without foam...
- A rose's thorn...
- Dancing with you...
- We actually are newborn...
- Being true...
- Rusty German shake...
- There's bread...
- Not an earthquake...
- Being us in bed...
- Flowing snow...
- Young mind...
- Front row...
- With your hands being kind...
- Hair on my face...
- How you walk...
- Our embrace...
- Fire talk...
- 73...
- White chalk...
- Joined hands...
- You and me...
- The world itself bends...
- Teutonic spleen...
- Reality's at stake...
- Not inside a dream...
- Observing with you "The Swan Lake"...
- There's my coat...
- My eyes...
- Our fresh boat...
- No lies...
- Never know...
- Song's on my heart and soul...
- Not a show...
- Not growing old...
- And when you stare at me...
- Being bold...
- I become deeply inside thee...
- Letters you write...
- Holding your heart...
- There's our light...
- Being a start...
- You always tell me this inside a kiss:
"The tide is our ride in our together smile not for a short while"
- Suddenly we're a river...
- The sun mutters the word "fun"...
- The moon tells us about what to do...
- Totally abstract love...
- Puppet do dream of a dove...
- Jealous I'm not...
- I know that a star is inside us...
- Not a single knit knot...
- When we wait for the bus...
- Kiss and tell...
- You know...
- Belle...
- You always know...
- Our bodies together move...
- Spirit's dance...
- There's our mood...
- Symphony romance...
- Your loose pen...
- Science rockstar...
- Being my Man...
- Where emotion is never far...
- Staring at my eyes...
- My body shiver and shake...
- You know that this ain't lies...
- We're not inside the pitt's snake...
- Once again me and you...
- Know that your body and spirit's inside me...
- Totally new...
- There's that sound when attached we're, always free while staring at the sea...
- Give me your hand...
- There's our melody...
- That perfect band...
- When being you is being me...
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