Thursday, March 18, 2021

Written love stories to my love Elena Fesler from 8 to 14th February 2021

A short direct speech from Elena Fesler to my left ear:

- Come on...

- There's a small town...

- Us having fun...

- Art dolls are my look...

- There's the age...

- Parading at a book...

- A bright stage...

- I know how you form words...

- Flowers to be...

- Pagan poetry without swords...

- Always by the sea...

- Sailor you're...

- Angels to you spell...

- Never far...

- German language ain't an empty shell...

- There's the apple tree...

- 47...

- You and me...

- Always in heaven...

- Thy eyes shine bright...

- Lurking together we roam...

- Bringing light...

- Without foam...

- A rose's thorn...

- Dancing with you...

- We actually are newborn...

- Being true...

- Rusty German shake...

- There's bread...

- Not an earthquake...

- Being us in bed...

- Flowing snow...

- Young mind...

- Front row...

- With your hands being kind...

- Hair on my face...

- How you walk...

- Our embrace...

- Fire talk...

- 73...

- White chalk...

- Joined hands...

- You and me...

- The world itself bends...

- Teutonic spleen...

- Reality's at stake...

- Not inside a dream...

- Observing with you "The Swan Lake"...

- There's my coat...

- My eyes...

- Our fresh boat...

- No lies...

- Never know...

- Song's on my heart and soul...

- Not a show...

- Not growing old...

- And when you stare at me...

- Being bold...

- I become deeply inside thee...

- Letters you write...

- Holding your heart...

- There's our light...

- Being a start...

- You always tell me this inside a kiss:

"The tide is our ride in our together smile not for a short while"

- Suddenly we're a river...

- The sun mutters the word "fun"...

- The moon tells us about what to do...

- Totally abstract love...

- Puppet do dream of a dove...

- Jealous I'm not...

- I know that a star is inside us...

- Not a single knit knot...

- When we wait for the bus...

- Kiss and tell...

- You know...

- Belle...

- You always know...

- Our bodies together move...

- Spirit's dance...

- There's our mood...

- Symphony romance...

- Your loose pen...

- Science rockstar...

- Being my Man...

- Where emotion is never far...

- Staring at my eyes...

- My body shiver and shake...

- You know that this ain't lies...

- We're not inside the pitt's snake...

- Once again me and you...

- Know that your body and spirit's inside me...

- Totally new...

- There's that sound when attached we're, always free while staring at the sea...

- Give me your hand...

- There's our melody...

- That perfect band...

- When being you is being me...

A soft speech from Elena to my heart

- There's a form when you look at me...

- Like a dream, you know?

- Our souls merged together while counting till three...

- Wanted to vision your heart...

- Being you in a dream inside me...

- Like a ghoul...

- Lurking at German's snow...

- A herzlied that never grows old...

- You know that I feel you by my side...

- Enter Yin and Yang...

- Not in a lost ride...

- You being a simple man...

- Caressing a flower by the hour...

- Thinking with your head, not your pen...

- Our bodies together dance...

- It was cold...

- No beat sceance...

- We being bold...

- While holding my left hand...

- I knew then that our spirits merged together...

- Not staring at a wall...

- 1973...

- Nature's call...

- Being your honey bee...

- Then your coat was fire...

- My body trembled a bit...

- Not having a wire...

- Remember when you told me this inside a kiss...

"You're Elena in a village born outside a storm"

- Your eyes staring at me...

- You always told me how pretty I am...

- Everything's to see...

- Pure glam...

- Wanted to know how it's to be Portuguese...

- What to do inside you...

- There was our morning breeze...

- This was true while you were being something new...

- Loving my hair...

- There was people telling us that our love was a smile for a while...

- Our private atmosphere...

- I was wearing your favourite chemise...

- Drawings were there...

- Like charcoal paintings bliss...

- Asked to wear your sunglasses...

- There was sun and moon giving us masterclasses...

- It was you and me inside your rusty german communication...

- No inner passings...

- Our own pagan nation...

- You prepared me bread and coffee...

- Loving how you talk...

- Being my sugary tofee...

- My three kids being also men...

- Loved how you held me in your arms...

- No fatherland...

- Commiting no sin without fire alarms...

- There was a dream story...

- Never knew that we're counting one...

- Our morning glory...

- Having forever fun...

- Picking up snow in our together hands...

- Inside our inner talk...

- Listening to music bands...

- In the board grayish chalk...

- You're always like this...

- Trembling heart pace...

- Inside our fruitful kiss...

- Us together being an ace...

- Kitchen was giving us food for thoughts...

- Climbed into your lap...

- About what it's and what it's not...

- Later we had a quick nap...

- Being a spiritual orgasm...

- My mind travelled far...

- No pleonasm...

- Finding our own light star...

- My lips touched your cheeks...

- There was a written book...

- Dancing hips...

- Wherever we look...

- We passed a bridge...

- I was on your back happy smilling...

- Ate a little piece of cheese...

- Happily together we noticed a wolfpack...

- We were passing forest black...

- Untold world history...

- Outside a sardine's pack...

- I remember that at night...

- Hugging my pillow was...

- There was light...

- There was our love bus...

- No sight by moonlight...

- There was a song of you and me...

- Focused in me you were...

- Number 3...

- Asked you this inside a majesty trance:

"Are we more than one?"

- There was our blanket mind...

- Remember that you always whispered this to me...

"Formed thoughts always are kind"

- We were there simply together gazing at the marvellous sea...

Um discurso expansivo da Elena para mim:

- Sim, eu...

- Sabes que sim...

- Contigo nos braços de Morfeu...

- Sem pós de perlimpimpim...

- Sendo a tua energia...

- O nosso momento - tempo...

- Num simples dia...

- Nada de tormento - lamento...

- Adoro quando comigo estás no nosso planeta num universo...

- Horas e minutos...

- Dentro do nosso verso...

- Interior designio...

- E a tua perdida roupa...

- No nosso mútuo fascinio...

- Com a voz rouca...

- Solto um múrmurio na tua direção...

- Desperto-te do nosso sono...

- Sempre na nossa projeção...

- Sem dono...

- A minha voz na nossa paixão...

- Escuto a tua alma...

- O teu coração na minha mão com calma...

- Sem desejo...

- Som crescente..

- O nosso mútuo ensejo...

- O eléctrico passa ao sol nascente...

- Tu e eu numa chama...

- Sempre crescente...

- A mesma tudo declama...

- Por vezes não sei...

- Idealizar...

- O que te dei...

- Verbo amar...

- E tu nada perdido no idioma alemão...

- Eu simplesmente a sorrir no abraço...

- Enquanto te dava a minha mão...

- No nosso mútuo laço...

- O teu espírito dentro de mim...

- Realidade, identidade sem idade...

- Um mundo sem fim...

- Com vivacidade...

- Sei que numa rua...

- Andávamos unidos...

- Observávamos a lua...

- Nada esquecidos...

- Contigo remava...

- Sem saber...

- Não sonhava...

- Era o nosso unido ser misturado com uníssono prazer...

A short love story to my soulmate Elena Fesler

We were here...

Near the sea...

Inside our atmosphere...

Just you and me...


Sharing a kiss...

Feeling younger as ever...

You being my miss...

From thy soft lips you spoken this to me:

- Will you love me forever? 

- Us together near the sea...

- Not in the land of never...

- Just you and me...

- We can create words for dolls...

- Inside my eyes...

- Our inner calls...

- No lies...

- How can I lie to you?

- Always my Man...

- Being new...

- Love thy pen...

- You with me dance...

- Charming you're...

- Our romance...

- When we love make...

- It's true...

- Nothing's at stake...

- We're something different and new...

- In a small village magic we make...

- Spiritual orgasm bound in flesh...

- Nothing at stake...

- Love you without playing chess...

I stare at you out of the blue.

Thy voice is my choice...

Thy face is more than a human embrace...

Caring for you when you tell me that we're something new...

You held my hand inside a world without end...

And your eyes suddenly says this to me:

- You're sweet...

- Love you outside a trick or treat...

- Cooked you food...

- I'm in the mood...

- Our love never lost in a speech...

- You're what I do reach...

- Sometimes I paint...

- Knowing that our world isn't faint...

- My heart pumps for thee...

- You also know that my body longs for thee...

 I hug you tight...

 The sky's bright...

 There's our inner light...

 Suddenly in German I say this to you:

- Really love you...

- Our future is a house...

- Love your green blouse...

- Being here and there...

- Knowing that our love is everywhere...

 Once again you kiss my eyes...

 And without me knowing what to do.

 I tell you this:

- Look at me being also you...

Your spirit enters my body and soul...

And I know...

Clearly know...

That your love ain't a show...

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