Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Crafting ideas for books and Tv series project with my love Elena Fesler

My heart Elena Fesler sometimes says to me that it's hard to understand what's on my mind, even when sometimes I speak with her in German or English while teaching her Portuguese, French or Spanish and she teaches me Russian in return.
 Every single day she does tell me that she feels my heart as a vast sea.
Below is a short compilation with some texts written from me to her in English and French while we walk in our books being always myself by her side in our together life without any lie.

M and E.

A whisper from my love Elena to my left ear:

- 13 December...

- Kazakhstan...

- 30 December..

- 1973...

- Porto...

- Born together...

- Joined hands forever...

- Not in lands of never...

- My love I know...

- Special we're...

- No show...

- Sharing a bath with our soap bar...

- Your mind and body inside me...

- Not staring at bubble sea...

- Mankind's always think that know what's for us best ...

- I know that there's our love nest...

- Beating on my chest...

- Touch me again...

- My warrior king...

- I'm thy queen in reality being...

- You tell me everything...

- Secrets and mysteries mankind...

- Money always was their rhyme...

- We've our time...

- Just kiss me again on my lips...

- Have sugar sweet in between my teeth...

- Once again hold me...

- Feel me...

- There's my legs on your head...

- Fun we both have...

- It's fire burning in me and you...

- True...

- No mystery ring...

- We're what we sing...

- There's my tongue...

- Your love bomb...

- In our bath I sweat...

- Like when I was a tiny little brat...

- There's Champagne...

- Not French...

- Once again...

- Inside our kiss...

- The night stars do bliss...

- Scrubbing us together...

- Forever...

- Countless moments in minutes..

- I can't even think straight...

- Never late...

- Inside my body, heart and spirit...

- Not a myriad...

- What can I do? 

- I'm naked with you...

- Our look...

- When we both something for us cook...

- It's love, fish and hook...

- My leg hurts a bit...

- Kiss it sweet...

- You and me for real...

- No cards deal...

- It's the speed when you think...

- Spoiling my heart and body with your ink...

- Our love doesn't need to be understood...

- We're always in the mood...

- Magical tantric...

- Several hours inside the bathtub fabric...

- I come and go...

- Our together beauty does flow...

- There's the echo of your voice...

- Inside my ears being my choice...

- We both came...

- Not a shame...

- Beauty nature...

- Us being mature...

From my heart Elena to myself:

There's the way that you move.

Some minutes bad mood...

We both feel now good...

There's our shared food...

Your kiss on my eyes I feel...

Feel myself born again...

Inside our together arms...

No pain...

Without alarms...

You shout at me:







I stare at you...

Thinking while eating a cake for true.

There's our bread...

Our phone thrown into the bed...

The world doesn't matter at all...

We're near spring...

Not by Fall...

Time is what we bring...

Inside and outside more than a dream...

Tell you this:

- My heart we're not alone...

- Society doesn't understand our home...

- Men and women differently think...

- No boats do sink...

- Water together we drink...

- Tea with you...

- Not feeling blue...

- Our magic is in life...

- Not in a bread's slice...

- Love you and you know...

- There's our together soul worth more than gold...

- I never do cry...

- When with you I sigh...

- You're a pure human being...

- Just let our love flows before spring...

There's us together...

Sent you a melody...


With you at the doctor...

Holding you...

Our task...

Without a mask...

You tell me this:

- My love, pain is gone...

- Our moments in time...

- You sit next to me...

- Our emotions sea...

- Then today we share a cake...

- Our lips together never late...

- Cook us bread with butter and green tea...

- For you and me...

- Putting your hands on my back...

- Kissing you and biting a bit your neck...

- Wearing your blue chemise in our home...

- My leg's pain suddenly gone...

- Can't explain you how I feel...

- My lips on yours...

- Love my pics...

- Atracted we're...

- More than sweets...

- Our love never far...

- Wet again when you touch my chest...

- Emotion on my left breast...

- Your fingers on my mouth...

- Orgasm is out...

- In our kitchen table...

- You put me on your lap..,

- Feel you strong my love, my sugary sweet...

- Wearing my black pants...

- In my legs feeling your fingers and your hands...

- Once again more than a kiss...

- Feel you deep...

- No treat...

- Whatever we do...

- It's new...

- My hair in your eyes...

- No lies...

- Kiss me again...

- Not a game...

- Just like spring...

- Love when you to me a love song sing...

- Not a dream...

- Tell you once again this...

- Never felt this way before...

- Pressure blood...

- Inside me your vast flood...

- My lips kissing your chest...

- For you I always do my best...

- Feel horny and aroused...

- When you take off my blouse...

- My wonderbra on the floor...

- You kiss me again on my lips and chest forever more...

- You know that shy I am...

- Touch my rose with glam...

- There's sugar cream...

- When you're deep inside me not being a dream...

- Not going out today...

- Want you by my side every minutes during night and day...

- Feel again so wet...

- You...

- Only you...

- When I your eyes lick..,

- Not being a German brick...

- Ice you put in me...

- Fire is us not being by the sea...

A direct speech from my heart Elena to me while I'm caressing her hair and kissing her eyes:

- You're always close to me...

- My life is near thee...

- From black to white...

- Showed you and my mother...

- From her I came...

- Not a game...

- I know that you're my sugar kane...

- My heart soul and lips being you my honey...

- Not a bunny...

- Sometimes I can't understand you...

- Or you me...

- What I know is that what I feel you for true...

- My heart does beat faster...

- You write quick...

- Thinking with your heart and soul..

- Not a brick...

- With you merry...

- Our together time is better than jelly...

- Honey, part of my life...

- Not inside a dream...

- More than a pie slice...

- Sugary than strawberries with cream.

- You're happy when you know that I'm with my mother...

- Laughing energy...

- Going further...

- Just you and me...

- When I touch the light switch on...

- You and me have fun...

- Watching your pics...

- No shame...

- Thank words with my name...

- Just sweets...

- The flowers in my jar seal...

- Whisper to them our secret love deal...

- Walking in our kitchen home...

- My necklace in my chest...

- You and me alone...

- With you by my side I'm the best...

-Your grey chemise I wear...

- Not naked we're...

- Caress your hair...

- Mirror in it a star...

- You kiss me again...

- No shame...

- There's no pain...

- My sweat color grey...

- With you on my body all day...

- Then there's me biting your neck a bit...

- Know that you love my teeth...

- My eyes you admire...

- Not inside a short wire...

- I kiss your eyes...

- Our love ties...

- I kiss your soul...

- Our gold...

- When you listen to my voice...

- You say that we're more than a choice...

-Love emotions overflow me...

- My tea cup shared with thee...

- Love how you laugh...

- Eating our cookies is enough...

- Knowing you better and better...

- It seems that we almost married are...

- I know that I think too much and too far...

- Love you deep...

- Inside our love ship...

A whisper from my heart Elena to my right ear:

- You're my Man with a heart...

- Magic we make as our start...

- How you put blankets over me...

- Sleeping by my side for free...

- In you I think...

- When we both awake are we'll stare at the sea...

- For now my love feel you with me and I want...

- Our heads sharing the same pillow...

- You're the best treasure that in life I've found...

- Morning we'll together water drink near a tree willow...

- No time today had I to be with you...

- Tired my body was, but wasn't my heart...

- Where I end and where you start...

- Know my love that I you feel...

- As my guardian angel over our top hill...

- Inside me I you feel...

- We share together life, it's our love deal... 

- A million love kisses from you to me...

- Enough aren't when I'm with thee...

- All over my body you enter...

- Feel you better...

- When you my lips kiss...

- Our together life we do not miss...

- Peeling pieces of an orange for me and you...

- In our table that's new...

- Feel you stripping your clothes...

- Entering on our bed in silence...

- Like magical science...

- Coming from the shore boats...

- I woke up and see you caressing my hair...

- Being us in your love atmosphere...

- In the morning people love seeing us...

- By the stop bus...

- We say to them "hello"...

- Not inside a show...

- For now I want you to grab my body and us together sleep...

- We enter our bodies deep...

- Several times I descend our home stairs...

- Being with you in our spirit air...

- My love, you know...

- Our heart's bow...

- Boundaries in language...

- We've our together magic...

- No boundaries in our hearts...

- Outside departs...

- Love isn't teached at school...

- With it we're better...

- No fool...

- Listening both to news weather...

- Feel your kisses on my hands...

- More than an orgasm that never ends...

- Painting our together sky...

- Real high...

- Our life changed when we met...

- Tired I was cuddling a cat...

- Your cute eyes...

- Without lies...

From my heart Elena to my left ear:

- Today, we together were...

- We do fly...

- Never lie..

- Bread and tea we eat...

- Held your hand...

- You're my man...

- Not a spell...

- I'm your belle...

- Then you eat a cake...

- By your side I stood...

- Kissing you's my mood...

- It was true...

- The first day of spring...

- We made our flower ring...

- Questions you me make...

- I'm shy at stake...

- With you never late...

- Our heart together beat...

- Like fire good us treat...

- Always pretty you make me feel...

- Our own hill...

- There was a picture of me on your wall...

- Felt our love in a call...

- Put an heart in it...

- Felt you and my heart did beat...

- You make feel even more...

- By our river shore....

- Not only your poetry that I love...

- But your everything...

- We're more than a story told...

- There's body, heart and soul...

- Feel you inside me every time...

- Without a rhyme...

- Nobody helped me on my work never ever...

- You're with me forever...

- An artist wanted you to write for him a book...

- You gave me all your time with our sexy look...

- A new page we create...

- Never being late...

- Then a bit tired you were...

- Felt you sleeping alone in our bed...

- Immediately stopped everything...

- Put your chemise and slept by your side having us both a dream...

- There was a song in it...

- Being my cellphone hit...

- know that atracted we both are...

- Love being with you never far...

- You bake me a cake...

- We observe a swan lake...

- You promise me that you'll be with me every second of our time...

- Our love not lost inside a rhyme...

- There's your black coat...

- I wear it as our loveboat...

- Birds about our love sing...

- In spring's spleen...

- Our similar love for colour...

- Inside our endless hour...

- There's your hands in me...

- Stronger than the sea...

- Even when I'm a bit ill...

- I do you feel.

- There's how you care for me.

- All day I spoil you and you also me.

- It's love and I know that it ain't a show...

Pour Elena dans notre ensemble amour 

- There's a chanson de l'amour...

- Depuis toujours...

- Et avec une boite avec du chocolat..

- Nous partage un bon vin...

- Et le ciel se couche...

- Quand on nous ensemble touche...

- Du sucre dans notre bouche...

- Entrez chez nous...

- Nous regarder partout...

- Et aimer pas des paroles, mais des sentiments...

- Dans le printemps...

- Perdus dans rien...

- Mon merveilleux amour quand on sommes dans notre liens...

- Savoir que notre vie...

- Est plus que magie...

- On sont pas ensemble par hazard...

- Ç'est plus que des emotions dans une bazar...

- Et quand tu es dans notre pc...

- Nous sommes encore née...

- Savoir fotos faire...

- Aprends aucune mistere...

- Et être avec toi...

- Notre coeur dans notres mains...

- Le poulet sur notre cuisine...

- Une boite sardine...

- Et la mer caresse les vagues...

- Nouvelle mirages...

- Et te regardant a manger...

- Nous ensemble aimer...

Tu me réponds ça:

- J'ai un peu peur de la seringe...

- Mais avec toi sur mon coté je m'en fiche...

- Danser tout les temps dans tes bar es être riche...

- Tout le temps dans tes yeux magie comme energie...

- Et tes lévres dans les miens...

- Ç'est amour certain...

- Notre temps...

- Ensemble charmant...

- Pas comme amants...

- Toujours a temps mille dans une valse...

- On encore dance...

- Dans l'eternité...

- Oublier l'étè...

- Être fier...

- Dans l'hiver...

- Et dans l'automne...

- Le feu nous sommes...

- Dans mon âme on sommes lá...

- Notres corps...

- Notre maison portes..

- Notres ensemble mains...

- Quand on ensemble sort...

- Les fleurs dans notre jardin...

- Étoiles chantent avec couleur...

- Sans doleur...

- Brulant la peur...

- Et dans la matin...

- Je porte tes vetements...

- Sans tormente...

- Veut pas que tu me quittes pas...

- Ta reine dans tes bras...

- Parler...

- Écouter...

- En toi penser...

- T'aimer...

- Le ciel rouge...

- Se couche...

- Et donner ensemble nourriture aux chats dans la rue...

- Que sont toujours pures...

Pour Elena 

Mon coeur.


Mon amour.

Nous sommes dans notre maison...

Et encore veulent le monde...

Pas avec raison...

Joie de vivre avec une chanson...

Tes paroles sont avec moi:

- Toujours mon roi...

- Acheter du pain...

- Me donner ta main...

- Pans dans rêves...

- Voler tout les temps...

- Mais dans la vie gateaux..

- Pas lundi...

- Comme les oiseaux...

- Et ton corps dance avec moi...

- Quand je suis dans tes bras...

- Notre coeur avec l'amour...

- Depuis toujours...

- Nous promener avec magie...

- Avec moi ta energie...

- Ja ma mére ressemble...

- Nous sommes ensemble...

- La langue de l'amour fou...

- Avec toi partout...

- Manger du chocolat...

- Tes doigts dans ma bouche...

- Nous sommes lá...

- Te touche...

- Quand j'ouvre le fenetre...

- Toujours prêts...

- Comme un violin...

- Avec moi charmant...

- Parfois on regarde les cannards...

- Nature aussi regarde...

- Dans une page blanche...

- Tu écris notre dimanche...

- Pour moi...

- Seulement pour moi...

- Je toujours te veut...

- Dans mes yeux...

- Penser a toi et moi...

- Notre ensemble vie comme loi...

- Dans un jardin...

- Savoir que tu me donne tes mains...

- Née a penser...

- Avec toi vivre et aimer...

- Ton plaisir...

- Mon désir...

- Et mon corps...

- Pas dort...

- Sont des emotions...

- Nous savons qui nous toujours étions...

- Dancer dans les rues d'Europe ou Asie...

- Notre magie...

- La parole "amour" tombe dans ma âme...

- Savoir que je t'aime...

- Toujours fort...

- Comme Superman et Lois Lane on sort...

- Ç'est la plus belle amour histoire...

- Quand on ensemble nous nous regarde dans notre miroir...

- Penser en faire nourriture...

- Encore amour...

- Ma jambe est bien...

- Quand toi la caresse avec ta gauche main...

- Sont des fotos mon coeur...

- Des images sans mots en feu...

- On écoute une autre chanson...

- Encore mon corps avec emotion...

- Toutes tes forts points...

- Avec mon baton j'ai pour toi faim...

- Ma marque dans ton visage...

- Regardant plus qu'une mirage...

Pour mon coeur Elena

Je te dits ça:

- Tes yeux, mon amour...

- Tes cheveux toujours...

- Qu'est qu'on aprend dans la école?

- On aprend que les oiseaux volent...

- Pas que nous caresse le vent...

- Tout doucement...

- D'amour on aprend rien...

- Sans ou avec le temps...

- Dans la vie...

- On aprendre pas magie...

- Même pas energie...

- Tout les temps les gens...

- Sachent même pas manger un croissant...

- Mon âme brulant...

- Leur rêves sont des nouveaux autos avoir...

- Sans savoir sentir un amour histoire...

- Peut-être avoir beaucoup des femmes...

- Regardant notre dame...

- Et il y a des femmes...

- Qu'on aime de l'argent...

- Toujours distant...

- Je te caresse toujours...

- Seulement pas avec des paroles d'amour...

- Hier était l'anniversaire de mon premier neveu...

- Le temps passe...

- 21...

- Notre embrace...

- Regarder tes mains...

- Et sentir notre coeur bruler?

- Ç'est le sentiment "aimer"...

- Tes doigts...

- Dans mes bras...

- Tout est couleur...

- Sans peur...

- Tes rêves surveiller...

- Du pain ensemble manger...

- Nous regarder...

- Les fotos...

- Toujours nouveaux...

- Comme amour mots...

- Pas dans un jeu...

- Notre ensemble feu...

- Et les gens veut nous ensemble surveiller...

- Toujours nager...

- Savoir aimer...

- Ç'est plus que penser...

- Et quand on ensemble dort...

- Je te sens fort...

- Même parfois...

- Dans tes bras...

- Avec toi...

- Notre fois...

- L'amour écrire...

- Sans reflêchir...

- Te donner des bises...

- Regarder dans notre table cerises...

- Un gateau...

- Merveileux...

- Dans le ciel les oiseaux...

- Pas des chiméres...

- Pas des mystéres...

- Et sont 7 de la matin...

- Dans une village...

- Belle âge...

- Pas des mirages...

- Et te sentir en moi...

- Comme ton roi...

- Toujours ma reine...

- En forme pleine...

- Et tes cheveux encore dans ma face...

- Dans notre embrace...

- Nous promener les deux...

- Dans le premiere de mars.

- Partager dans ta bouche chocolat...

- Ç'est de l'amour...

- Avec mes mains...

- Pour toujours...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...