Friday, July 24, 2020

A love poem to my belle Isabel Berg

- 1...
- 3...
- 2...
- Me and you...
- Come on honey...
- We're never funny...
- A main character in a book?
- Love your look...
- Sun's blazing...
- We're shoegazing...
I say this to you...
You stare at me like you always do...
Golden hair for true...
- Man, you know me...
- Origami...
- Echo & bunny...
- Don't put me inside a play...
- We're love at bay...
- Head...
- Neat...
- Radio...
- Sweet...
- Never a weirdo...
- Never a creep...
- Kid A...
- With you I always pray...
- Remember the necklace that you gave me?
- Roams our house for free...
- You always tell me that being you is being me...
- Romance...
- Our dance...
- There...
- Here...
- Atmosphere...
- We must marry...
- Knowing that we can't commit sin...
- Paper and pin...
- Don't be mean...
- My body's yours...
- My soul's us...
- The rest's fuzz...
- How can I understand your mind?
- Your heart's mine being kind...
- I'm your dame...
- Never tame...
- Today, you're no Superman...
- It's just me, you and my pen...
- In Goetia world...
- 32...
- 38...
- 45...
- Our hive...
- Birthday cake was sweet...
- Sugar all over your hair was a treat...
- Strawberries and portwine...
- We're fine...
- I get jealous sometimes...
- Your antennas are inside our rhymes...
- There're "The Gals"...
- There're "Werewolves" calls...
- Don't you dare speak to me in French...
- It spoils our blimey trance...
- Tantric to be...
- Just...
- You and me...
- I will...
- We feel...
- Letter by letter...
- Word by word...
- Pattern by pattern...
- Maths ain't logic nature... 
- Pi...
- Once again you and me...
- Rebuilding architecture...
- Upon a lecture...
- 654...
- Even More...
- 757...
- We're in heaven...
- My blue eyes are your jewellery...
- Never longing for the sea...
- I know my Man...
- When you bang a can...
- Portuguese were the first to arrive to Japan?
- Didn't they ran?
You ask me this.
I only know that you're wearing my white chemise...
Knowing that you also don't mutter "please"...
You continue telling me this:
- I'll be Portuguese...
- You'll be Danish...
- A piece of flamengo cheese...
- Cooked you boiled codfish...
- You're my sunshine...
- When our head aches...
- Near the lakes...
- I know that we're fine...
- Hammer and nails?
- Furniture and snails?
- Let's do it love...
- You know that I never stare at a dove...
- V...
- X...
- Z...
- Sometimes you drive me mad...
- We always fall asleep on the floor near our bed...
- Naked deep down with our bones...
- Never carrying stones...
- A rose for me?
- Love thee...
- M...
- I...
- T...
- We're whatever we'll be...
- Time fold...
- Weather hold...
- Knowledge at the door...
- Us on the ceiling floor...
- Blanket's red...
- Not shed...
- 20...
- 02...
- Again me and you...
- Viking ship...
- Hop hip...
- Free lip...
- Love how you kiss my neck...
- Like it was a hidden track...
- Face...
- Story...
- Book...
- Images on a hook...
- 35233...
- 54766...
- Our mix...
- Horoscope...
- Telescope...
- TV Set...
- Love our cat...
- My bag, Man...
- Holds your pen...
- My daughter tells me that you're perfect for me...
- You fell from a pagan tree...
- No head's blood...
- Only our storm's flood...
- God's a myth...
- Snake pit...
- Tell me that I'm your babe...
- Let me your beard shave...
- DEF...
- No mess...
- AMO...
- Me you know...
- Not where the wild things grow...
- Forget it Man...
- We're always front row...
- Spirals and stairs...
- Corridor wall...
- No fighting with bears?
- We being to each other all...
- Fill...
- Peel...
- Atom split...
- We breathe...
- Naked we stand...
- Holding each other's hand...
- There's our ring...
- Time's what we bring...
- I'm your morning belle...
- Deep in your spell...
- Our arms aren't a shell...
- Breathing in and out...
- We're more than a shout...
- L...
- E...
- V...
- I...
- We know where we lie...
- Sometimes you tell me that your hands have bends...
- No age...
- Our pace...
- Tall and thin...
- We're where we swim...
- Spleen green...
- Not a dream...
- Baudelaire, Charles was a drunk...
- Poe, Edgar was a punk...
- Pessoa, Fernando was a punch...
- Crowley, Al was a hunch...
- 56789...
- 789567...
- Once again we're in heaven...
- My hair sweat...
- You know that I'm no brat...
- Loving me is loving you...
- Marriage true...
- Y
- P...
- Q...
- Always new...
- Lars...
- Bars...
- Trier...
- Not beer...
- Our "Rigget" as TV...
- Yeah...
- You...
- Me...
- Marriage...
- No bandage...
- C...
- A...
- R...
- D...
- Know that you really love me...
- Our pale skin...
- No sin...
- Your eyes!!!
- No lies...
- Never a shed tear...
- No spear...
- I want to be your only one...
- Your umbrella...
- Being your Cinderella...
- I'm not Berg Ice...
- Our bread slice...
- 18235...
- No Covid...
- 76532190...
- No show...
- We're here and there...
- There's our inner atmosphere...
- Being a volcano...
- Playing piano... 
- People say:
- "Your angel's day"...
- Mjolnir gathering storm...
- Sif...
- Loki...
- Balder...
- Frosty....
- Odin...
- Thor...
- G...
- H...
- O...
- S...
- T...
- We charm the sea...
- Listen to our soul together...
- Aren't we bounded forever?
- Reality is our entity...
- A cup of tea...
- Arigato...
- Our patho...
- Behind our backs we throw salt...
- Let demons vanish without malte...
- 212321232132...
- Being me is being you...
- Love you Man...
- I'm your sleeping beauty...
- Not only your pen...
- Not fruity...
While you were talking to me...
Answered you this inside our marvellous kiss:
- This is the Isabel that I know...
- Aims at my heart with an arrow and a string bow...

Tool "Schism" lyrics 
I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering
Fundamental differing
Pure intention juxtaposed
Will set two lovers' souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
Testing our communication

The light that fueled our fire then
Has burned a hole between us so
We cannot seem to reach an end
Crippling our communication

I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame
It doesn't mean I don't desire
To point the finger, blame the other
Watch the temple topple over
To bring the pieces back together
Rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between
And the circling is worth it
Finding beauty in the dissonance

There was a time that the pieces fit
But I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smoldering
Strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know
The dangers of our second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow
And strengthen our communication

Cold silence has a tendency to
Atrophy any sense of compassion
Between supposed lovers
Between supposed lovers

I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit

Meaning of "schism
schism (pronounced /ˈsɪzəm/ SIZ-əm, /ˈskɪzəm/ SKIZ-əm or, less commonly, /ˈʃɪzəm/ S is a division between people, usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination. The word is most frequently applied to a split in what had previously been a single religious body, such as the East–West Schism or the Great Western Schism.
 It is also used of a split within a non-religious organization or movement or, more broadly, of a separation between two or more people, be it brothers, friends, lovers, etc.

"According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."
Plato. "The symposium

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