Saturday, December 31, 2022

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart


- My Man, just me tell... 

- No need for a lure spell... 

- Do know... 

- We're both no show... 

- Must go where the wild things glow... 

- Step I into our room... 

- Dancing with you by the moon... 

- Yesterday... 

- With you... 

- True... 

- More than thy birthday... 

- Kissing you sway... 

- Into the light... 

- Love's more than a random night...

- Pop we must... 

- Be just... 

- There's more than light... 

- Not only a question of lust... 

- 2023 is our love's insight... 

- Popping inside Lynch's filmography... 

- Only you and me... 

- Release more energy... 

- Do know that with you... 

- World is suddenly new... 

- Holding your hands... 

- Space does bends... 

- Feel like being ourselves inside a storm... 

- Us together being more than a love song... 

- Always reborn... 

- Not only today... 

- Loving you ain't child's play... 

- Put your warm hands inside me... 

- Where weather develops synergy... 

- By Porto's street main... 

- Us together without shame... 

- Do you love where we're headed? 

- Blood hearted... 

- Does this make sense in your eyes? 

- Where our together beauty never lies... 

- Explaining all my love to you... 

- Arms of mine thee hold... 

- No sense of blue... 

- Care I not about the cold... 

- Walking by your side... 

- Holding thy hand... 

- Feeling world without any loose end... 

- Being you my guide... 

- Kiss my eyes 2...

- Wanna again feel you... 

- Learning again Portuguese... 

- Inside our together kiss... 

- Make me bliss... 

- Legs of mine... 

- Never sore... 

- Beauty at their prime... 

- Want you even more... 

- Knock 2 times our door... 

- River ain't no shore... 

- Thy siren being I... 

- Word is really high... 

- Feel my heart... 

- Like an engine's start... 

- Being at peace within me... 

- Thinking at our merged anatomy... 

- Remember I the sign..

- Colors never rhyme...

- Definitely we're..

- More than a solstice star..

- Be fire inside me..

- Wanna be thy honey bee..

- Listen time 2..

- Today it's only me and you... 

- Inside my chest... 

- Softly the best... 

- Tongue of thee as our love's nest... 

- Forgetting not about Melville... 

- "We" as the real deal... 

A direct love speech from Natalie to our shared heart


- My Man, you know me... 

- Perfect coloring our energy... 

- Coffee ain't our enemy... 

- Let's go along... 

- Me and you inside some song... 

- Together we dance till our last bone... 

- Mirror does us awake... 

- Do know that you make me shake... 

- 28 you say... 

- Perfect as in last May... 

- Children love you here... 

- Not only our duo's atmosphere... 

- Yesterday you told me that you love me... 

- No fantasy... 

- Dancing in our room... 

- Love it when you take me from inside the moon... 

- Never that soon... 

- Think I never on our love extreme... 

- You and me by the green... 

- Bodies of us do spin... 

- Sure that there's no dream... 

- 21 years old... 

- Thought at the time... 

- Being bold... 

- Sun did shine... 

- Inside our shared mind... 

- Beauty lies among the kind... 

- Kissing you 20 times more... 

- Even by the floor... 

- Art never is at stake... 

- Move me inside our human shake... 

- Let's step together again... 

- Do know that I've your name... 

- My heart's flame... 

- Soul's fame... 

- Move me times 4...

- Our love's arsenal knocks at the door... 

- Flowers by the jar never are sour... 

- Make up by my face... 

- Lost with your own shoe lace... 

- Simple card's pace... 

- Little something from you to me... 

- Grabbing our beloved energy... 

- By your birth city... 

- Feel I way more pretty... 

- Embracing you on your birthday... 

- Not inside some childish play... 

- Feel like learning Portuguese... 

- Again at ease... 

- It's the way that you me tease... 

- Never ask we please... 

- Deep inside our time... 

- Sports with you I rhyme..

- Feel ourselves prime..

- Not only in mind... 

- Love ain't blind... 

- Don't want you gone... 

- Work ain't fun... 

- Let's share a bubblegum... 

- Construct me time 6...

- Being I thy only miss... 

- Inside a charmingly kiss.. 

- Chair doesn't move..

- Bodies act like they should..

- Make me feel hot...

- Confuse me not..

- We're stage shot... 

- Time is never forgot... 

- Specially to me and you... 

- Candles are new... 

- All over our place... 

- Towards one another we do gaze... 

- Breakfast by the bed... 

- Drive me mad...

Friday, December 30, 2022

A direct love speech from Mascara to our shared heart


- Man, come again...

- There's our married name... 

- No game... 

- Estafeta told me and you... 

- About Planet Earth not being blue... 

- Sometimes I don't know... 

- With you by my side life does glow... 

- Not only a short term effect... 

- Feelings as our glorious act... 

- Chose the church for you and me... 

- Love being totally thee... 

- Can't never forget... 

- About what to do with our second cat... 

- Years that never pass by... 

- Together we share more than a sigh... 

- Blonde hair of mine... 

- Platinum being also fine... 

- Kiss me times 15...

- Not on some dream... 

- Love when you make me scream... 

- Today mountain came ashore... 

- Climb must we... 

- A bit more... 

- Feel sun's energy... 

- Let's not fly away... 

- Strange it ain't when you do say:

"There's our ship"

"Where space does meet" 

"Treasure of us to keep"

"Be more than a simple sweet" 

- Word by my ear right... 

- Balancing our eternal night... 

- More than a simple insight... 

- Press play must we... 

- Fulfill our together legacy... 

- Do know that we do understand... 

- Where moon does end... 

- Shifting again... 

- Thy neck is to blame... 

- Football time... 

- Venus planet is definitely fine... 

- Let's pick the bloody car... 

- Do know where we both are... 

- Sis can't understand... 

- Legs do bend... 

- Majestically... 

- Feel you inside me... 

- Inside our love's sign... 

- Where sentences are mine... 

- Let me jump into you... 

- Don't wanna feel blue... 

- Hammer our nail... 

- Together we ship and sail... 

- At our room... 

- Not coming that soon... 

- Stare I at the furthest star... 

- Knowing where we both are... 

- Press again play... 

- Loving you ain't a simple say... 

- Outside no pray... 

- Carry I no candles at bay... 

- Inside our bed... 

- Drive me mad... 

- Coitus interruptus... 

- Us as a solid plus... 

- No family plan... 

- Do know that we both can... 

- Easy it's to insert thy pen...

- Wanna be Catwoman... 

- Dare I you not... 

- To be Batman... 

- Not a solid shot... 

- Make me feel real hot... 

- Hours can't we forgot... 

- Into the light must we both come... 

- Being I thy only gun... 

A direct love speech from Janina to our shared heart

- Man, silence ain't love of mine... 

- Kiss being sweet with no rhyme... 

- Today thought a bit on that moment when we both Peter met... 

- Porto lures a giant cat... 

- Wearing white was he... 

- Like star spangled energy.... 

- No strange kind of love conversation was held upon... 

- 3 of us being reborn... 

- Into Murphy's eyes... 

- Talking about Bowie as Major Tom... 

- Dialogue without sighs... 

- Never gone... 

- October 1995...

- Talking about some comic books... 

- Where we didn't lie... 

- Spreading more than simple childish looks... 

- Crossing the street... 

- Having a coffee with him sweet... 

- Not feeling us real deep... 

- Bauhaus as small talk theme... 

- There's us not being inside some dream... 

- Northampton's art scene... 

- Together we do spin... 

- Again by the street... 

- Siouxsie we do meet... 

- More than a treat... 

- Goth's goddess hip... 

- Banshees didn't screamed... 

- Coffee with sugar cream... 

- Still the song was inside my head... 

- Laid down on our shared bed... 

- Her eyes painted like solar energy... 

- Visioning majesty... 

- Through the looking glass... 

- Inside a pass.. 

- Theme "melt"... 

- Stripping your belt... 

- Confusion gave us all... 

- Sonic Youth's tune is giving us nature's call... 

- Wanna into you fall... 

- Be my wonder wall... 

- Again feel I... 

- Not where the rose is shy... 

- In between my lips... 

- Morning us treats... 

- Need us to finish chapter's new skin... 

- Don't you dare being to me mean...

- New hair cut... 

- Eating slices from Pizza Hut... 

- Forgetting and remembering things along... 

- Not inside some bloody song... 

- Releasing us together back... 

- Part of wolves pack... 

- Massage me... 

- Bound is more than lethargy...

- Massaging you... 

- Do know that's true... 

- Come with me to the other side... 

- Orgasm is more than a simple joyride... 

- Fragments of time split... 

- Where ocean us meet... 

- Being your volcanic release...

- More than some universe miss...

- Don't wanna say please...

- Easy it ain't learning Portuguese...

- Into me and into you... 

- Memories ain't new... 

- Vibrate true...

A direct love speech from Anastasia to my solid heart


- Man, don't you dare... 

- Us by our garden's atmosphere... 

- Église at Montmartre... 

- Forgetting Sartre...

- Most of the times we are like this... 

- In between our delightful kiss...

- Not at Red Square... 

- We're each other's biosphere... 

- Let's create something new... 

- For true... 

- Tell me that you love only me... 

- Venus liquid energy... 

- Time not spent was... 

- Maiakovski told us about love inside a bus... 

- Do know about Pessoa's disquiet tale... 

- Us together inside no spell... 

- Gorki didn't understood... 

- Dostoievsky lost words mood... 

- Nikolai Gogol told us that we should... 

- Alexei Tolstoy mentioned us "Ibicus" as pure joy... 

- Sure that I can understand..

- Neubauten's song doesn't have an end..

- 1993's time capsule not spent... 

- Rimbaud and Artaud were not in the song...

- Baudelaire was gone... 

- Gainsbourg, Birkin, Hardy and Brel... 

- Sounds without spell...

- Keret as the bus driver who wanted to be God... 

- Israel's being full of fog... 

- Come again, Man... 

- Driving again thy pen... 

- Name of mine from a Disney cartoon... 

- Loving you as my sun while being I thy moon...

- Sister did me told... 

- That you're worth gold... 

- Easy it is... 

- Paint's kiss... 

- Eternally we must dance... 

- There's beauty in our romance... 

- Inside Porto never lost feel I... 

- Lurking chance... 

- Sometimes with you I sigh... 

- Eyes that stare at us together... 

- Universe inside a peacock's feather... 

- Verses that makes 2 as one... 

- Beating drum... 

- Chewing no gum... 

- Let's have more than fun... 

- There's my hair... 

- Filling your shoulder... 

- Puzzle is everywhere... 

- Feel myself way bolder... 

- Never minding the gap... 

- Wanna share thy cap... 

- Learning Portuguese... 

- Just kiss me please... 

- World of ours is at ease... 

- Deep inside thy birthday... 

- Come what may... 

- Do love when you to me say:

"There's no storm" 

"Love doesn't burn" 

"Wings of eternity"

"In between you and me"

- Lips of mine... 

- Do shine... 

- No need for any rhyme... 

- Using new lipstick... 

- Kicking no brick...

- know that I am... 

- Thy wonder woman..

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

A direct love speech from Anna to our shared heart


- My Man, love of my life... 

- Cut me a bread's slice... 

- Simple it's... 

- More than some random kiss... 

- After Christmas time... 

- Want you every day to be mine... 

- Do know... 

- There's the blow... 

- No rush show... 

- In me we both glow... 

- Tell me not about the divine child... 

- Let's together be forever wild... 

- By the shower... 

- Every single hour... 

- Forget us not... 

- Hours that makes both of us hot... 

- Make me not melt... 

- Period's belt... 

- There's that song... 

- Melody is never gone... 

- Want more than thy kiss... 

- Thighs do bliss... 

- Cake doesn't burst itself... 

- Ferment being by our book shelf... 

- Not only today... 

- Hour does say... 

- Toilet is at bay... 

- Let's do it again... 

- Don't care about the bloody rain..

- Life never is in vain..

- Forever am thy gain... 

- Hair of mine by your legs... 

- No pegs... 

- Feeling thy tongue... 

- My bomb... 

- Usually we both do... 

- Whatever we both feel... 

- Every single time being new... 

- Scars we always heal... 

- Hate hypocrisy... 

- Deal... 

- Only you and me... 

- Jealous being I... 

- No lie... 

- Fingers can't achieve... 

- Bush never does grieve... 

- Several times being more than thy current bliss... 

- Eternally thy only miss... 

- Learning Portuguese...

- At ease... 

- Together we do swim... 

- In between sugary cream... 

- Saliva of thee in my lips... 

- Drooling at my hips... 

- More than DNA... 

- Don't care about what people do say... 

- Never being we inside some pray... 

- Care I not if we aren't in May... 

- Let's one more time play... 

- No sin by our heart... 

- Let's one more time start... 

- Not near the earliest depart... 

- Stating love as our purest form art... 

- Most of the time... 

- Nipples being fine... 

- People talk about the war... 

- You and me inside our love star... 

- Making out by the car... 

- Sweet to me you be must... 

- Life's just... 

- Bohemian's lust... 

- Caress my neck... 

- Be my pumping jack... 

- What the heck? 

- Put us in sin... 

- By the green... 

- God will scream.. 

- Let's never be mean... 

- By Porto's street main... 

- Feel I us never tame...

Friday, December 23, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part 29 - International artists

Comic book pages for The Sandman story arc "Kindly Ones" saga by American Artist Marc Hempel written by British writer Neil Gaiman (Who I personally met in 2004), image of Porto, random picture of "The Seed Carriers" puppet play by British artist Stephen Mottram, artworks by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, American artist Paul Pope and Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj who I've worked with among pics by Anna, Janina and Zhu that are women that I love
Comic book strip for Sandman story arc "Brief Lives" story arc with artworks by American artists Vince Locke and Jill Thompson who I've worked with, pics of Anna that's a woman who I love, artworks by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, British artist Dave McKean American artists Gregory Herbert and Erik Von Erik (featuring Mascara that's a woman who I love) and who worked with me before, Pic of Catalan theater company La Fura Dels Baus show "o berço de uma nação" at Guimarães in 2012 and a still from Spanish actress Najwa Nimri for magnificent TV series "Vis a Vis

Random pics of La Fura Dels Baus shows, pics of Porto and Le Mans in France along me and Anna that's a woman who I love, comic book page of Magnus Opus Graphic Novel "From Hell" written by British writer Alan Moore and with artworks by British artist Eddie Campbell

Pics of Joana, Polina and Anna that are women who I love, comic book strip for Sandman story arc "Brief Lives" with artworks by American artists Vince Locke and Jill Thompson who I've worked with before and an artwork by German artist Anke Feuchtberger who I personally met in 2004 

Pics of AlexandraJanina and Anna that are women who I love, pics and posters for "Vis a Vis" TV series featuring Spanish actress Najwa Nimri and Maggie Civantos, comic book page of Magnus Opus Graphic Novel "From Hell" written by British writer Alan Moore and with artworks by British artist Eddie Campbell

Comic book strip for Sandman story arc "Brief Lives" with artworks by American artists Vince Locke and Jill Thompson who I've worked with before, pics of Janina, Alexandra, Anna, and Daria that are women who I love, artworks by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso, American artists Ryan Heshka, Bill Sienkiewicz and Paul Pope who I've worked before along a comic strip by masterpiece comic book saga "Lone Wolf and Cub" written by Japanese writer Kazuo Koike and with artworks by Japanese artist Goseki Kojima

Comic book strip for Sandman story arc "Brief Lives" and "Kindly Ones" with artworks by American artists Vince LockeJill Thompson and Marc Hempel who I've worked with before, pics of Lisbon, pics of me and Anna and Natalie that are women who I love along an artwork by British artist Neil Gaiman for his Magnus Opus comic book saga "The Sandman

Pics of Le Mans - France and Porto with pics of me with Fatima and Leopoldine 

Pics of Anna, Janina, Polina and Anastasia that are women who I love, pics of a show  by La Fura Dels Baus Catalan theater company, pics from London at Cleopatra's Needle and Paris - Montmartre along a poster for magnificent puppet theater play "The Seeds Carriers" by British artist Stephen Mottram performed in 2002 at Porto - Rivoli 

Pics of Janina, Anna and Alexandra that are women who I love, artworks by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, American artist Jeffrey Alan Love who are artists who I've worked with before along an artwork by British artist Will Simpson for John Constantine's Hellblazer comic book series and another artwork by American artist Frank Miller 

Pics of Janina, Alexandra, Joana, Daria and Anna that are women who I love, pic of Catalan theater company La Fura Dels Baus for their show "o berço de uma nação" at Guimarães in 2012, artworks by Argentine artists Carlos Dearmas, Catriel Tallarico, artwork by American artist Paul Pope (artists that I've worked with before) along an artwork by American artist Ryan Heshka and another one for John Constantine's Hellblazer drawn by British artist Sean Phillips who I've personally met in 2005, 
Comic book panel drawn by American artist Marc Hempel for magnificent comic book saga The Sandman for "Kindly Ones" story arc, book "Das Haus" by German artist Anke Feuchtenberger who I've personally met in 2004 and latest zine by my friend and magnificent Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom that has the prettiest soul that I've ever met

Comic strip by masterpiece comic book saga "Lone Wolf and Cub" written by Japanese writer Kazuo Koike and with artworks by Japanese artist Goseki Kojima, pics of Joana, Anna, Polina and Janina that are women who I love, pics of Le Mans in France, Miss Pavlova coffee shop at Porto and a still from Jim Jarmusch masterpiece movie "Only Lovers Left Alive" featuring himself, British actress Tilda Swinton and British actor John Hurt who I personally met in 2005 at Porto 

Comic strip by masterpiece comic book saga "Lone Wolf and Cub" written by Japanese writer Kazuo Koike and with artworks by Japanese artist Goseki Kojima, pics of Lisbon, Anna and Janina that are women who I love, artworks by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, American artists Vince Locke and Neal Adams

Comic book page of magnus opus Graphic Novel "From Hell" written by British writer Alan Moore and with artworks by British artist Eddie Campbell, pics of Anna and Alexandra that are women who I love, comic strip page by British artist Frank Quitely for Sandman Saga "Endless Nights" written by British writer Neil Gaiman, artworks by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso, Ukrainian artist Igger Bigger and British artist Glenn Fabry who I've worked with before 

Pics of Anna, Daria and Polina that are women who I love, comic strip pages by Legendary American comic book artist Bill Everett for sub-mariner's marvel character, first text for first La Fura Dels Baus play, artwork by British artist Kevin O'Neill and another one by Italian artist Lorenzo Mattotti 

Comic strip pages by Legendary American comic book artist Bill Everett for sub-mariner's Marvel character, Pics of Anna, Alexandra, Janina and Terhi that are women who I love, artworks by Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas, Spanish artists Fernando Vicente and Santiago Sequeiros and American artist Paul Pope that are artists who I worked with before along artworks by British artist Sean Phillips for Blade Runner's movie masterpiece, artworks by American artists Russ Braun and Frank Miller 

Comic book panel drawn by American artist Marc Hempel for magnificent comic book saga The Sandman for "Kindly Ones" story arc, artworks by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, American artist Jeffrey Alan Love who I've worked before, pics of Anna, Daria, Joana and Didi that are women who I love, artworks by American artists Russ Braun and Neal Adams

Pics of Anna, Riccia and Janina that are women who I love, artworks by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros, Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj that are artists who I've worked before with along artworks by American artist Neal Adams and British artist Sean Phillips

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A direct speech from Didi to our shared heart


- My Man, land of football... 

- 7 million people inside a wonder wall... 

- World did quake... 

- Felt really not awake... 

- Remember I some words that you told me:

"Chica guapa, Argentina y Portugal en un amor sin igual" 

"Messi y Cristiano como ídolos mayores de mas de una generación"

"Argentina sera Campeon con pasión y ilusión"

- Inside my mind they're definitely in Spanish with a mix of Portuguese... 

- Smile at you and the world is at ease... 

- Not so many years ago... 

- You and me not inside a solo show... 

- Thought I on several things to do.. 

- Only me and you... 

- But you're what you're... 

- Always fascinated with some starry star... 

- One more time words of you being inside my heart:

"Sabes que sim"

"Mundo sem fim"

"Povo Argentino"

"Nada pequenino"

"Em Buenos Aires junto ao Obelisco"

"França perdeu o isco"

"Mais que um jogo de futebol" 

"Diego Armando Maradona sorridente como um sol"

"São os astros por inteiro alinhados"

"Tempos amados"

- Strange feel I... 

- Not inside some sigh... 

- Wearing Messi's jersey t-shirt..

- Feel like giving birth..

- But deep down when I move my hips..

- Feel you inside my lips..

- Not bizarre at all..

- Cause we're nature's call..

- Latin energy inside us..

- Nothing compares to energy loose in Buenos Aires' streets... 

- Time for more than simple treats... 

- Messi's grandmother at her Rosario's house treated by hinchas as a Goddess... 

- Like chess... 

- Nobody can understand..

- World does bend... 

- Again your words inside my heart as some kind of ritual start: 

"Lointain 36"

"Année 86"

"Maradona contre Angleterre"


"La main de dieu"

"Notre feu" 

"Alemagne aussi" 

"Dans un Dimanche, pas Jeudi"

"Et Dibu Martiñez dans les penalties sans penser"

"Nous a fait avec la realité rever" 

"Diego dans le ciel"

"En attendant le Nöel"

- More than words you always me tell... 

- Sensations of being thy belle... 

- Played a new tune... 

- By our dune...

- Drinking a mate with you..

- Nothing new but true...

- Shirts that we wear sky blue..

- Do know... 

- That beneath the rainbow... 

- Goblins still hide gold... 

- Never feeling us cold... 

- But definitely brave and bold... 

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart


- My Man, love of mine... 

- Don't care... 

- Everything is fine..

- Thee I double dare..

- Wanna be with you everywhere... 

- Print pics of you and me..

- Heart of ours belongs to destiny... 

- Be my solo sea... 

- 46 and counting.. 

- Worth flaunting... 

- There's what we both do... 

- Being unique and true... 

- Into thy jeans... 

- Time does spin... 

- Hand of me... 

- Powerful chemistry... 

- Nothing is complex... 

- When I think about you... 

- No need for excess... 

- Simplicity ain't blue... 

- Divine and sweet... 

- Us together inside our ship... 

- Tell me that you only me love... 

- Let's stare at the prettiest morning dove... 

- Simple hairdo... 

- Close your eyes... 

- Feel me do...

- Wide open sighs... 

- Open my eyes... 

- World not full of lies..

- Climb us no mountain... 

- Drinking from a fountain..

- Moment never strange..

- When nobody us can't change..

- Flowers' passion..

- Beauty's fashion...

- Always we together are... 

- The greatest love upon no star... 

- Drive me never that far... 

- Never tell me that we'll one day be gone... 

- We're part of a stormy storm... 

- Let universe burn... 

- Most of the times... 

- Helpless feel we... 

- No rhymes... 

- Kiss me... 

- Smile I at you... 

- Everything turns again into something new... 

- It's in all that we both do... 

- Love me eternally and true... 

- Flowing no youth... 

- Where romance is definitely truth... 

- Sleep every single day with me... 

- Be my solar energy..

- Always with thee..

- Shirts that I wear... 

- Scenting you everywhere... 

- Not only the perfume... 

- Surely no doom... 

- Position spoon... 

- Care I not about the moon... 

- Time never is too soon... 

- Remember that deep inside my heart... 

- We're not a vulgar act... 

- Nothing simple is... 

- With you... 

- Pure bliss... 

- Love me true... 

- Caress body of mine... 

- Dance is ethereal and divine... 

- Release energy... 

- Feelings anatomy... 

- Loving you is also loving me... 

- Write easy ain't... 

- Don't ever faint... 

- Love seeing you taint... 

- Not immersed with paint... 

- Portugal ain't a memory... 

- Together we're harmony... 

- Love only me...

A direct love speech from Anna to our shared heart


- Man, just me let know... 

- Wind does blow... 

- Flowers do glow... 

- Ice ain't snow..

- Love me grow..

- Not a freakish lame show... 

- More than a saying... 

- Body not praying... 

- Let's together spin...

- Honey with cream.. 

- Outside a soft dream... 

- Shower us move... 

- Like we both should... 

- Secret ain't a mystery... 

- Deep inside you and me... 

- Nurturing no fantasy... 

- Reality is our anarchy... 

- Love me do... 

- Come on... 

- You know... 

- One more time... 

- Let's go... 

- True... 

- Want you forever mine... 

- Sharp and tame.. 

- No hidden game... 

- Princess age... 

- Beneath our ensemble pace... 

- Do know that we both can... 

- Use a sledgehammer instead of a pen... 

- No characters in between... 

- Foster an echo scream... 

- Primal spleen... 

- Into the cave... 

- Dinosaurs don't shave... 

- There's the human heart... 

- Plato forgot the engine's car... 

- Towards the galaxy... 

- Pump into me... 

- Fulfill energy... 

- More than a kiss... 

- Being thy miss... 

- Serpent does hiss... 

- Entering numerology spot... 

- Moment can't I forgot... 

- Feel you hot.. 

- Water falling as cascade... 

- No need for shade... 

- Play the damn song... 

- Loving you till the bone... 

- More than a human trance... 

- There's our romance... 

- Let's put it like that... 

- Cat needs a nap... 

- Going forth and back... 

- Period of time's lapse... 

- No need for sack... 

- Where's there's no mess... 

- Pump oxygen again... 

- There's our membrane... 

- Mythology ain't shame... 

- Long hair of mine... 

- Thee jeans acting fine... 

- Into our white house... 

- Care I not about my red blouse... 

- Don't drive me mad... 

- Number is by the bed... 

- Heart being big... 

- No need for any seed... 

- Loose thought that flees the brain... 

- Make me feel tame... 

- Into Atlantis time 8...

- Never come I late...

- Opening mouth... 

- Lips without a shout... 

- 25 days... 

- Ocean nothing says... 

- Secret foil... 

- There's our together coil... 

- Blood must boil... 

- Maybe simple being is... 

- When sheets do bliss... 

- Ripping thy shirt apart... 

- Superman ain't state of art...

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...