Saturday, December 3, 2022

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart


- Man, do know... 

- Heart's Cupid's bow... 

- Into my arms... 

- Thy loose charms... 

- Life seems a bit like Babylon Berlin... 

- You know what I mean... 

- Watching feelings in the air... 

- Magic's everywhere... 

- Do know that your birthday is coming... 

- This month ain't for slumbering... 

- Entering into a state of karma... 

- No paste of dharma... 

- Into our together mind... 

- Bodies do bind... 

- Dancing till 6 a.m...

- Energy of us never is spam... 

- Talking with you... 

- Meditation ain't something new... 

- Echo of truth... 

- Driving ourselves into eternal youth... 

- There's my mood... 

- When you prepare me food... 

- Don't want to understand you... 

- Really wanna to always feel you as new... 

- Come inside... 

- Where there's treasure, there's always our ride... 

- Entering new state... 

- Soul ain't a bait... 

- Time is never too late... 

- Wanna feel myself shake... 

- Like feeling sleepy and at the same time awake... 

- Play that song over and over again... 

- Lucky number of mine ain't never lame... 

- Do know that there's a cover of a book... 

- With our shared look... 

"You look stunning being my delight" 

- Always this you me tell... 

- Feel you with me right... 

- No vacation spell... 

- From Porto and back... 

- No need for a pack... 

- It's thy roots... 

- Bearing every single day fruits... 

- You know, you always know... 

- By my side preparing a show... 

- Kiss me one hundred times and 1...

- Be my solo chewing gum... 

- Flavor inside my mouth... 

- Let's go out... 

- Tell me... 

- Not only about anatomy... 

- Loving you it's right... 

- Always to you do I always say:

"Be my morning and evening light" 

"The moon is so sweet"

"Sun ain't inside a lost ship"

- Every single day... 

- Grabbing your hair.... 

- Feeling you everywhere... 

- Exercise we must... 

- All is love, all is just... 

- From inside Atlantis being you born.

- Never spattering any storm... 

- Ghengis Kahn mankind's legacy... 

- Into you and into me... 

- Know that you're my fire and sea... 

- Remember I...

- No lie... 

- When at Babylon Berlin... 

- There's our love scene... 

- Not inside any dream...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...