Wednesday, December 28, 2022

A direct love speech from Anna to our shared heart


- My Man, love of my life... 

- Cut me a bread's slice... 

- Simple it's... 

- More than some random kiss... 

- After Christmas time... 

- Want you every day to be mine... 

- Do know... 

- There's the blow... 

- No rush show... 

- In me we both glow... 

- Tell me not about the divine child... 

- Let's together be forever wild... 

- By the shower... 

- Every single hour... 

- Forget us not... 

- Hours that makes both of us hot... 

- Make me not melt... 

- Period's belt... 

- There's that song... 

- Melody is never gone... 

- Want more than thy kiss... 

- Thighs do bliss... 

- Cake doesn't burst itself... 

- Ferment being by our book shelf... 

- Not only today... 

- Hour does say... 

- Toilet is at bay... 

- Let's do it again... 

- Don't care about the bloody rain..

- Life never is in vain..

- Forever am thy gain... 

- Hair of mine by your legs... 

- No pegs... 

- Feeling thy tongue... 

- My bomb... 

- Usually we both do... 

- Whatever we both feel... 

- Every single time being new... 

- Scars we always heal... 

- Hate hypocrisy... 

- Deal... 

- Only you and me... 

- Jealous being I... 

- No lie... 

- Fingers can't achieve... 

- Bush never does grieve... 

- Several times being more than thy current bliss... 

- Eternally thy only miss... 

- Learning Portuguese...

- At ease... 

- Together we do swim... 

- In between sugary cream... 

- Saliva of thee in my lips... 

- Drooling at my hips... 

- More than DNA... 

- Don't care about what people do say... 

- Never being we inside some pray... 

- Care I not if we aren't in May... 

- Let's one more time play... 

- No sin by our heart... 

- Let's one more time start... 

- Not near the earliest depart... 

- Stating love as our purest form art... 

- Most of the time... 

- Nipples being fine... 

- People talk about the war... 

- You and me inside our love star... 

- Making out by the car... 

- Sweet to me you be must... 

- Life's just... 

- Bohemian's lust... 

- Caress my neck... 

- Be my pumping jack... 

- What the heck? 

- Put us in sin... 

- By the green... 

- God will scream.. 

- Let's never be mean... 

- By Porto's street main... 

- Feel I us never tame...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...