Sunday, August 30, 2020

A dialogue between my beautiful friend Terhi Ekebom and myself

Told you this:

- There's a line...

- It does shine...

- A song is spread...
- The Cranes...
- Not sad...
- It echoes inside my soul...
- Not brains...
- Wasn't old...
- No pains...
- Dreams and shadows...
- You said to me...
- Thought on Vikings tallows...
- While picturing the ocean sea...
- The song was still on my mind...
- My memories were being kind...
- There was a dream...
- Lost inside my head...
- Thought on face cream...
- Like it was something bad...
- Gals weren't there then...
- I was only being a simple man...
- 46...
- 20...
- An exhibition wasn't empty...
- A tiger spin inside my skin...
- I didn't even scream...
- Knew that Blake, William wasn't mean...
- Eating codfish...
- While trying to learm Finnish...
- Remembered an early one...
- Another exhibition with you as a total artist having fun...
- I only know that I was inside a train...
- Listening to a diva in vain...
- Papers were everywhere...
- They stared at me from elsewhere...
- Thought this to myself:
"Maybe my kittens are inside a bookshelf"
"They surely aren't an elf"
You answered me this:
- Yeah...
- Bad people are...
- They don't stare at a simple star...
- Memories are bigger than trees...
- There'll be a 2021 arts event...
- With honey bees...
- Linked to current...
- You know...
- That we share the same glow...
- Listened to music in the air...
- While creating art in my own atmosphere...
- I remember painting a tiger out of nowhere...
- You thought on it as your inner sphere...
- At the time I was thinking on flying to Brazil...
- Top of the hill...
- Knew about Portuguese...
- Culture based on cheese...
- Portwine being fine...
- There's the city where you were born...
- Without a storm...
- Melting ink...
- Inside a mural sink...
- Was a bit mad...
- It wasn't a reflection...
- Was a bit sad...
- No held action...
- Rain did came...
- Work hours lost in vain...
- It wasn't nature's perfection...
- Quickly thought on a train...
- There's the plague and its economy...
- The world is losting its fee...
- You know me...
- Our spiritual bound...
- We're what we found...
- Drew you...
- Being true...
- You're always something new...
- Pop in out of the blue...
- You're no writer...
- Nature's our inner call...
- You're a sea sighter...
- Murals in a simple wall...
- There was your interview with me...
- That brought the sea towards me for free...
- We're infancy untold...
- Only human beings trying to be bold...
- Sometimes I think on an artwork by me printed in a mug...
- Not being a bug...
- Other times there's a t-shirt with an artwork of a little child...
- Inside a dream not being wild...
- What do I know?
- Sometimes wild things grow...
- This world ain't a show...
- There's poison at tea for free...
- Sailor to be...
- Tailor being me...
- Helsinki...
- You always tell several times about the prettiest city in the world...
- Where art ain't small...
- Portuguese tiles...
- Inside smiles...
- Me, you and Dominique...
- Think on a project not thick...
- Release your inner tiger's roar...
- Forever more...
- I'll cast in art my inner dreams...
- Inside shadows without screams...
- International artists draw us for this event...
- I'm sure that Covid ain't a dead end...
- You know my soul...
- Not old...
I was wondering about life as simple slice...
Eating tuna fish and rice...
Dwelling with international artists inside several arts projects...
There're facts...
No acts...
A memory shone once again telling me this:
- Terhi's not a common simple living being...
- Dominique ain't a memory...
- Art's not a random thing...
- Goblet is always free...
My mind shut down a bit and these sentences were framed on its eye:
- No shadow melancholy...
- No lie...
- A dream is the three of us being art free...

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