Monday, August 17, 2020

A love poem to my soulmate Isabel inside a trip where reality is our entity...

You tell me this inside a kiss:
- Man, don't mess my head...
- Sometimes you're to me a bit bad...
- Pagan heart...
- Deep where we start...
- Free my mind...
- Be kind...
- I'll let myself go...
- Our love ain't a show...
- Loose your pen...
- Act like a Danish...
- While being born Portuguese...
- In the fridge, there's cheese...
- I know that you never say "please"...
- But our dance...
- Our Romance...
- Sweaty times...
- You and me inside rhimes...
- Viking's shield...
- In the flat field...
- Never being bored...
- Your words are our sword...
- You know me in your mind and soul's eye...
- I know that you leave women sighing without any lie...
- A bit jealous I am...
- I clearly know that you aren't a god...
- Not even Superman...

- You're my simple Man with a pen...
- My curious insight...
- Bringing me light...
- The spirit of us is rising within me telling me clearly that our fire still and always will burn...

- I know that the world still turn...
- Don't act as Grant Morrison's Invisibles...

- Parabola syllables...
- Sometimes at night...
- There's our sight...
- So bright...
- Gazing at the bulb light...
- Come on, don't be like that...
- Tip of your hat...
- I feel your arms...
- No alarms...
- One time you told me this: "They don't love you like I love you"...
- I didn't understand if it was you being my Man with something new...

- Raise of Gods...
- Our own odds...
- I remember your kitty lost there...
- You love her while being ourselves lost in our atmosphere...
- Atlantis born inside an Atlantis storm...

- The city where you were born in the world is the prettiest one...
- This is fact...
- Not a pun...
- I remember when we first met by the sea...
- Only you and me...
- We watched a movie...
- Your head was on my shoulder...
- Remember that you weren't feeling groovie...
- I was being bolder...

- I know that you're Massive...
- Never passive...
- You hate cowards that aren't direct...
- Our third act...
- In the night...
- You always brought me more than light...
- A flower here and there...
- You writing a book out of nowhere...
- My red hair's in your chest...
- Not being a pest...
- Having our shower together...
- You told me that being naked was meant in all our moments forever and ever...

- While waiting for the night to come...
- We were only one...

- You know Man...
- No spam...
- My spirit was open to you...
- Out of the blue...
- An orgasm that was something real new...
- You taught me a bit Portuguese...
- We were at the time eating bread with jellyfish...
- You stared at me asking me how it's to be Danish...
- I didn't knew how to answer you...
- Viking's weren't something new...
- Paganism wasn't buddhism...
- I mirrored your eyes...
- Motion picture was coming to an end...
- We hadn't popcorn at all...
- No bitter end...
- We always had our own call...
- I know that we're going to marry one day...
- Don't care about what people say...
- Thought on what my daughter told me:
"Remember that the bigger the fish is while swimming in a river, I'm sure that it does shake and shiver"...
"Being my mother, you're Danish..."

"You spiral out on your own wish"...
"Man's Portuguese, he architects emotion being your love potion"...
"Quickly think mother..."
"He's strong while being flesh, skin and bone"

"You're my nature being mature"
"You're my DNA..."

"I know that you both love each other more than a single day"...
"He gave you a snake's ring..."
"This is true"...
"He doesn't sing"...
"You both together are something new"...

"No true blue, I love you"...
Also thought on what my basic instint as a teacher was telling me inside thee:
"His mind's everywhere"...
"Read thousands of books in several languages elsewhere"...
"Knows how to comunicate in several languages without the word/feeling "hate""...
"Kids always want his attention"...
"No pagan nation"...
"Women want him to write about them"...
"With his own simplicity he has fun"...
"International artists draw him smoking cigarrettes or being with his brats"...

"Not a normal guy at all"...
"As a teacher what can I tell him?"...
"That I do love him?"...
"That his life's knowledge methodology is being with me?"..
Without thinking at all continued telling you things to your heart:
- Man, where we live is where we start...
- Be my love...
- I'm not a common dove...
- Loose yourself in me...
- Let your spirit grow...
- You're not slow...
- Muscled legs...
- That never begs...

- Lusitania, I know...
- Arrow and bow...
- Near Pessoa's statue I was...
- Made more than 300 kms to be with you inside a bus...

- Clearly knew that our love gates...
- Were more than simple lakes...
- You carried no book...
- Fell in love by your inner and your normal look...

- Your mind, my Man...
- Your heart with a pen...
- In a split second you knew what were thinking in, every single men and women...
- My love potion of forever and ever...
- I know your personality...
- Mind and heart's totally free...
- Only for me...
- Sometimes you call me and I don't know...
- Sometimes you write me without a show...
- Sometimes don't know what to answer you...
- Sometimes I don't say that "I love you"...
- But you know that words/feelings in my body, heart soul and mind are true...

- You enter inside every fiber of my soul...
- Not being a vampire at all...
- Maybe it's love and I'm being a shy girl...
- Once again remembered some words that my daughter told me:
"He's the real deal"...
"You're both in love with or without a letter seal"...
"Open your heart once again"...
"His lips are calling you with no pain"...
"Et in Arcadia, he does stands"...
"You're my mother"...
"No loose ends"...

"He's not only intelligent"...
"He's your heart being brilliant"...

- My Man, look...
- I'm listening to two songs Depeche Mode's "Freestate"...

- Not pictured inside a frozen lake...
- Massive Attack's "safe from harm"...
- I know that you're my charm...
- My own blonde, red or brunette hair...
- Knowing about our love being fair..
- Ultra romantic you're...
- Always with me riding a star not far...
- My hands embrace you...
- My lips kiss you always being something real new...
- Either in or outside a kid's social network...

- As mutual friends we've a Danish artist in bloody U.S.A...
- You're always with me at bay...
- I'm your bride with pride...
- Mutual ultra feelings isn't playing a part...
- I know where we both end and start...

- No art culture's at stake...
- We're a bit of mankind's piece of cake...
- I'm good...
- Cook you food...
- You're my love mood...
- I never know when you merge inside my inner being...
- It's never a short thing...
- I know that we aren't a show...
- Something that in the univerve does glow...
- Beseaching yourself...
- You're my private book shelf...

I stare at you not knowing what to do...
Your smile is more than a short time without a rhyme...
Your eyegaze does me embrace...
The necklace you wear...
Our own bold soul's bear...
In the shadow of ourselves...
I enter on it...
There, where the world dwells...
Inside common spells...
Knowing that you and me are more than a piece of land...
No short amend...
You usually say this to me when I'm you and you're me:
- Man, our life's together is true...
- Always something new...
- All the books that you've or will ever read...
- All the words that you write into myself lead...
- All the movies or TV series that you've or will ever watch...
- All the art that you put inside you as a clock cog part swatch...

- Is me...
- Being thee...

Answer me simply me this:
- Do you love me like I love you?
- This ain't a metaphor...
- You and me forever more...
- Want to marry thee...
- We'll be family...
- Don't close your mind...
- Safe from harm...
- You're and always will be kind...
- Our biological alarm...

- I'm your Belle...
- Don't forget...
- Simple spell...

- Don't be a common bat...
- Comunicate with me with your soul's cat...
- Your sunglasses, my Man...
- Masterclasses even without a pen...
- Boundless love I give to you...

- When you to me in Portuguese write...
- My mind does ride without any slide...

- Your native tongue ain't English...
- Not even Spanish...
- I want you to learn a bit of Danish...
- Land of Danes, my Man...

- Celtic folkore by our own shore...
- I know that you love antropology...
- Being my private "V"...

- The world's on our hands, my Man...
- Marry me and I'll learn how to google drive your pen...


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