Friday, October 1, 2021

A direct speech from Daria Shishova to me


- Stylish look...

- Like a book...

- Man...

- Saw you today...

- Market's day...

- Not helding your pen...

- But somewhere...

- Near Moscow's atmosphere...

- Sketched something for you...

- Completely new...

- Then, I don't know...

- Life's more than an arrow...

- Inside the store...

- Bought two gums...

- For sure...

- Without sums...

- It was a bit like being inside a dream...

- Curiously sweet...

- No scream...

- It was a simple treat...

- Told you this:

"You don't understand Russian women for sure"

"We're the medicine and even the cure" 

- You stared at me...

- Deeply...

- Sweetly...

- Like a huge tree...

- Thy arms like branches stood...

- Provided me food...

- It was good...

- Gave you the paper's sketch art...

- Where you end and I do start...

- Felt not bizarre...

- Stared at a new planet with you...

- True...

- Again...

- Outside human game...

- Forgot the word "fame"...

- Pictured your eyes...

- No lies...

- We did walked...

- And talked...

- Into a spiral's bend...

- Where the world doesn't end...

- Almost in Asia were us...

- Inside a tramway bus...

- You told me this:

"It's your name" 

"Never being tame"

- Clearly remember...

- In September...

- Streets with amber...

- Peeled your mind's out...

- Inside a shout...

- Lost in time...

- Felt myself fine...

- New shoes did I wear...

- Being everywhere...

- "Here" and "there"...

- Thought on something that you told me:

"This is the sea" 

"No river bridge" 

"Staring at thee" 

"Roots Portuguese"

- Thought myself well...

- Not inside a rookish spell...

- Through the glass...

- Passing with class...

- Remembered that you hate "jazz"...

- Thought to myself this:


"Mind's kind" 

"Spirit's awake"

"Body doesn't shake"

"It's way more than a dance"

"Telepathy's chance"

"Man's beat seance"

- Gave you a blank page...

- Without age...

- In 15 minutes formed you a story...

- With utmost glory...

- Felt happy and held your hand...

- It was me...

- Also being free...

- Like a muse's telepathy...

- Entity...

- You told me this:

"Hey Daria, don't forget"

"There's the cat"

"Never act"


- Didn't knew what to you say...

- Gave you a kiss on my special way..

- Near the Red Square...

- Me and you were suddenly everywhere...

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