Friday, October 1, 2021

A direct speech from Varya Yakovleva to me


- Man...

- That day...

- Russian I am...

- Outside a say...

- Restaurant was full...

- People acting cool...

- Do know...

- Europe's Moscow...

- Sometimes I get lost...

- Without a cost...

- Animated beings...

- Cartoonish feelings...

- Don't leave me like that...

- Fish ate a cat...

- Staring at the amosphere...

- Without fear of fear...

- Again, we walk...

- Towards the board with white chalk.

- Canvas being white...

- Such a sight...

- Please don't mess my head...

- Species are colourfully red...

- Today is music's day...

- We must go towards another day...

- Don't talk with me about Tarkovski's movies or the land without end...

- Let's dance, so just give me your hand...

- Into the landscape...

- Bacchus lost its grape...

- Rasputin his shape...

- Awake...

- Don't sleep...

- Let's merge deep...

- By The Fall...

- Korridor's an hall...

- Sharunas Bartras movies in motion.

- Words lost inside a potion...

- Then again...

- Looked at you...

- Without saying...

- If your shoes were blue...

- Both into a pagan dance...

- Blinkered at our chance...

- Minutes trapped into a clock...

- Hours by the dock...

- Dreadful shock...

- Mermaid's tale faery...

- Being merry...

- Stared again at our shadow and light...

- Delightful sight...

- It's true...

- Something completely new...

- Did shiver and shake...

- Being awake...

- Walked a bit more...

- Called at the restaurant's door...

- Stared at the floor...

- Bizarre it was...

- Picked a bus...

- Into your soul...

- Never cold...

- Entrance to thy heart...

- Thought this to myself:

"It's a start"...

- While watching an elf...

- Maybe it was the ring...

- Observed how the lady did sing...

- Put my everything...

- Into a shapeless dream...

- Always clean...

- Marched the stairs...

- By my side were cuddly bears...

- Infancy began to feel...

- It was top hill...

- Remember that you told me this:

"All energy is a kiss inside a bliss"

- Amnesiac state was I...

- No lie...

- Knowing how you're...

- Never far...

- Forget about media...

- Our motto theme was encyclopedia.

- Taught you a bit of Russian language...

- Being you Portuguese...

- In our entrance...

- Muttered not the word "please"...

- Quickly forget...

- It was you being almost a cat...

- Asked you about an arts show...

- You answered me this:

"There and here, here and there"

"Inside a sphere that roll"

"By The Fall"

"You know me" 

"Source of energy"

"Soliloquially we do stand"

"Listening to an awesome band"

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