Sunday, June 19, 2022

A direct love speech from Irina Alshina to my solid heart


- My Man, 1+1...

- Us having fun...

- Not inside any show...

- Boat's full of snow...

- Light that inside us do glow...

- Entering Norse's mythology...

- You and me...

- My Viking's dress...

- Not a mess...

- Flamerish power...

- Us together by the earliest hour...

- Cabin does us call...

- Near a waterfall...

- Thy necklace on my neck...

- Us listening to a dreamish's track...

- By my shoulders fur being...

- More than sightseeing...

- Come on and tell me that you love me...

- Not only near the sea...

- Cherry's on top...

- Not chewing pop...

- Our languidly kiss...

- Not to miss...

- Wolves that with us walk...

- Amidst our talk...

- They say that Gods...

- Obey frogs...

- Usually I know that cats...

- Are Gods' acts...

- Our flaming lips...

- Moving my hips...

- Inside our boat...

- Love making on your coat...

- Visioning stars in the sky...

- Floating both our spirits real high...

- Ticklish feel I...

- No lie...

- By Asgard do feel thee...

- Ragnarok ain't what we both see...

- Again, let us both start...

- Not playing a part...

- United soul and heart...

- By heathens land...

- There's our hand...

- Arriving to America, North...

- Not eating with knife or fork...

- Love when you to me whisper this:

"Be my spouse, like a tender bliss"

- Don't know what to say...

- Love you during night and day...

- Near the storm...

- Emotions burn...

- Flickerish flame...

- Me as thy dame...

- Not by the Roman Empire...

- Portuguese land being our pyre...

- From Viriathus' country with love...

- Where there's a song's dove...

- Inside the prettiest city in the world...

- Feel us together so small...

- Iron forged being is...

- Not counting till 6...

- Silk during the night...

- Being our source of light...

- Tell me something new...

- Wanna feel again you...

- Inside my beating chest...

- Knowing that we're the best...

- By lands of the Finn...

- You know what I mean...

- By lands of the Danish...

- Not our only wish...

- By lands of the Swedes...

- Where our blood sheds...

- Running on Norway's floor...

- Loving you a bit more...

- Through Faroe Islands...

- Nothing bends...

- At Iceland being...

- Our eternal feeling...

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