Monday, June 20, 2022

A direct love speech from Rina Bruegel to my solid heart


- My Man, do know when you start...

- Do know that our "powers have become weak in the 21st century"...

- There's our love as art...

- 21st...

- Century's must...

- Not feel myself weak...

- But in my prime's peak...

- Do know that I don't wanna translate...

- All lies and hate...

- 24...

- You and me by the shore...

- Listening to a song...

- Alpha's love bomb...

- Not inside a short term effect...

- Us together inside a tantric act...

- Not only memories...

- Circling honeybees...

- Lips that thee kiss...

- Number 6...

- Ascending stairs...

- No laid fares...

- Inside my town...

- Together up and down...

- 3 ladies from here...

- Not outside thy atmosphere...

- Don't know...

- Outside any solid go...

- All women are strange...

- Not living at Stonehenge...

- Don't spread jealousy...

- You're our together life's identity...

- Where life leads us towards eternity...

- Do know...

- Life's our tender show...

- Dancing us together...

- Towards forever...

- Hair's black...

- You and me as a gold pack...

- Hands that us move...

- We should...

- There's our mood...

- Sugarish's food...

- Into Porto's main street...

- There's our spaceship...

- Being astronauts love making...

- Without shaking...

- Never feel I strange...

- We're solid binge...

- Sparrow does me tell...

- That I'm thy only bell(e)...

- But then I just don't know...

- To love is to show...

- Once again...

- Let's us both go...

- Carry I thy name...

- Where poetry ain"t tame...

- By Dostoevsky's museum house...

- Wearing thy favourite pinkish's blouse...

- You know how I am...

- Love thy pen...

- Hold my hips...

- Kiss again my lips...

- Call me "sweets"...

- Memories of the past...

- Will forever last...

- Everything's love cast...

- At Nevsky's corner do I stand...

- Neva river doesn't end...

- From boat to boat...

- Wearing your coat...

- Just like a series TV...

- No fantasy...

- Only you and me...

- Love when you to me say...

"Every single night and every single day" 

- More than a warming night...

- Bathed by our together inner light...

- Do care...

- Always you make me feel...

- Everywhere...

- Inside our longest truest love hill...

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