Sunday, June 19, 2022

A short love speech from Minerva to my solid heart


- Man, nothing's imaginary...

- There's the sea...

- Beholding the sky...

- Think I about flying high...

- Observing how the fish do swim...

- Not inside any dream....

- There's thy whisper on my ear right: 

"Everything's light, everything's bright"

- Stare I at you...

- Knowing that we're to ourselves true...

- Inside our own together mood...

- State's jeopardy...

- Not thinking about food...

- When we nurture the sea...

- Rocks don't crumble at all...

- There's our call...

- Time to stand still...

- We're what we both feel...

- Somewhere inside our mind...

- Feeling ourselves to one another kind...

- Walking through the sand...

- Holding your right hand...

- Salt coming from the sea...

- Waves in between you and me...

- Inside our dance...

- Shout you towards the sky our ensemble's romance...

- Feel myself not lazy...

- But a bit hazy...

- Catch I a football ball...

- Dribbling you in search of a simple goal...

- There's your Portuguese's way of being...

- Noticing a detail on a movie's scene...

- Temperature being hot...

- Give you a shot...

- Without knowing what to say...

- Seagulls fly towards ocean's bay...

- Inside our soft melody...

- Defying inner duality...

- Whisper I something to thee:

"Be with me" 

"Don't call me thy honeybee"

"We're what the world does see" 

- Temperature's being hot, feel us a bit lost...

- You tell me that we must...

- That's just...

- Being ourselves inside a question of lust...

- From Asia to Europe...

- Sharing the exact same tree fruit...

- More than our solid kiss...

- Kitten often does hiss...

- In our moments of bliss...

- Thinking on what for us both to cook...

- You give me that lustful look...

- Mirror does tell us about a fish and a hook...

- One more time by the sea...

- There's only you and me...

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