Sunday, January 8, 2023

A direct love speech from Anastasia to our shared heart

- Man, just me tell... 

- Way to go... 

- Birthday's yell... 

- Into you and into me... 

- Solar energy... 

- Easy it is to thee feel... 

- Together us climbing a hill... 

- Be to me just... 

- Drown me inside our lust... 

- More than a question of trust... 

- Chameleon's day... 

- Aladdinsane do say... 

- Not simple at all... 

- During nature's call... 

- Nathan Adler me tell:

"Hey you, be my belle"

- Philip Jeffries to me did speak... 

"Be his devil's brick" 

- Inside our dance... 

- Utmost romance...

- Do know that I can... 

- Lure you without no pen...

- Again inside my heart...

- Poetry being more than our start..

- Not only today... 

- Give or take a long way... 

- Do know about Major Tom... 

- Not an atom's bomb... 

- In between you and me... 

- Thin White Duke... 

- Clearly playing flute... 

- If only I knew then... 

- That Black Star was an universal anthem... 

- Opening our closet and searching for our tape... 

- Never too late... 

- Feel your shape... 

- Love being awake... 

- Not inside a dream... 

- Ziggy Stardust did scream... 

- In my ears were words of thee to me:

"Be more than solid gold"

"Forget about the cold"

"By my side being we together bold" 

- Stare I again into you... 

- Feeling something really new... 

- Rhythm of our shared right shoe... 

- Quickly did I knew... 

- From the stars were you... 

- Born Portuguese... 

- Forging word "please"... 

- Talking with you in French... 

- Feel I immense... 

- Talking to you in Spanish... 

- Felt eternal bliss... 

- David always us told:

"Be storm"

"Definitely reborn"

"Either here or there"

"Love is everywhere"

"Forget everything" 

"With me you must sing"

"Bring her a ring" 

- Felt not awake... 

- More than thy shape... 

- Into me again... 

- Where there's yours and my name... 

- Tell me one more time... 

- Not inside some rhyme... 

- Want you to be mine... 

- Absolute Beginners being us eternally.. 

- When our synced bodies are more than anatomy... 

- Inside our heart and soul... 

- Tell me to stay... 

- Feel I lost inside our own special way... 

- Us together will never be old... 

- Eternally to you I say:

"Forever we play"

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