Tuesday, September 13, 2022

A direct love speech from Polina to our shared heart


- Man of mine... 

- Delicacy is fine... 

- Lame fashion is... 

- Give me immediately a kiss... 

- Through my passionate lips... 

- Morning us greets... 

- Touch my hips... 

- Fill me up with sweets... 

- Jacket of mine by your hand... 

- Where the world does bend... 

- Take me into our hotel room... 

- Wanna love you real soon... 

- Sparkle light of us towards the moon... 

- Wearing my red sunglasses at day... 

- Thinking about "Come What May"... 

- Opening room with a key... 

- Fell immediately into thee... 

- Blanket's by the floor... 

- Definitely want you even more...

- Leather being red... 

- Drive me mad... 

- Tongue of mine tasting body of you... 

- Something completely new... 

- Laying myself back... 

- Sin being our loose pack... 

- You and me and me and you... 

- Developing something new... 

- It's in everything that we do... 

- Love when you hum to my ear... 

"Feel no fear" 

"Being myself more than thy dear" 

- Thy belt do I loose... 

- It's you who I choose... 

- We're more than lovers in the streets... 

- Morning us greets... 

- Sugar is our main keeps... 

- Don't wanna now an orgasm... 

- Clearly wanna I a pleonasm... 

- Sounds that we make... 

- Inside our inner shape... 

- Opening our legs... 

- Flame does begs... 

- Don't mention that I'm only beautiful... 

- Wanna be fruitful... 

- Into the tub bath... 

- Touch my body inside our act... 

- Meat being our impact... 

- Don't know where my head is... 

- Beautifully it's being thy miss... 

- Position number 6...

- Call me more than baby... 

- Being thy charming shady... 

- More than goofyness... 

- No need to dress... 

- Letting time pass... 

- Black hair of mine... 

- Sweetening you just fine... 

- Water putting us wet... 

- Body oil being our delightful bet... 

- Tell me baby of mine... 

- Wanna us both to be definitely fine... 

- Panties by the chair... 

- Don't care... 

- Stockings everywhere... 

- Again must we work together... 

- Bodies of ours not made of leather... 

- More than some fluidly massage... 

- There's our love's passage... 

- No mirage... 

- Baby... 

- Hate word "maybe"... 

- Lazy days... 

- Sweeten us with no prays... 

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