Friday, September 16, 2022

Sequential love story/arts project - Part Twenty - International artists


Me and Alexandra

Kitchen table 

Fritz Lang's Metropolis set 

A simple kind of guy 

Artworks by American artists Bill Sienkiewicz and Brian Biggs who I worked before along several international artists in several art exhibitions

With Alexandra, Ksenia and Terhi Ekebom along comic strip pages of Sandman saga written by English writer Neil Gaiman and with art by American artist Marc Hempel along a pic of the Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to my hometown, a Bauhaus poster and a still from Winona Ryder from Dracula's movie masterpiece

A Sandman artwork, a woman named Joana who I love along a still from Swiss-French director Jean Luc Godard and Swedish actress Greta Garbo

With Alexandra, Janina and Daria along stills from American actress Winona Ryder and Sheryl Lee and a Bauhaus poster

With Terhi Ekebom and Annie along comic strip pages from Sandman saga written by Neil Gaiman with arts by American artists Jill Thompson, Vince Locke, Shawn McManus and Marc Hempel 

With Alexandra and Daria along artworks by Ukrainian artist Igger Bigger and American artist Brian Biggs with whom I curated several art exhibitions in the past along several international artists and with whom I created comic strip pages

With Natalie, Ksenia and Zhu along comic strip pages of Sandman saga written by English writer Neil Gaiman and with art by British artist John Watkins and American artists Marc Hempel and Russ Braun along artworks by American artists Bill Sienkiewicz and Brian Biggs who I worked before along several international artists in several art exhibitions

Passing at Bolhão market the day after his reopening to public after several years being closed along Alexandra who I love, definitely remembered every single day that I went there before it being closed with my first wife Anabela Martins Ferreira and a girlfriend named Vaida because I truly believe that love memories are the best ones to remember and of course that the market now is a true wonder as the below pictures prove it. 

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...