Saturday, October 5, 2019

A narrative inside books that I worked on, I'm working or will work on with help by international artists

A short intro 

What's fiction?
Where do reality is when facts are a proven thing?
I was actually reminding myself in the last two weeks of the work that I've did/I'm doing/will do in the upcoming future.
 Something triggered in my mind about books that I've worked on the last three years in one of the worst moments of my personal life.
 I'm proud of creating an awesome book collection dedicated to Italian maestro Guido Crepax with an astonishing design, size and wonderful contents for American publisher Fantagraphics that publicily stated that were the best books that they published in 40 years as a publishing company.
 Of course that I'm not happy with this stinky publisher and its owner Gary Groth who robbed me of my rights regarding it, since I was series editor on it and developed all contacts with Crepax's heirs by linking several international essayists and artists for it in years of work. 
 Fantagraphics is a bunch of pirates, snakes, vile people and thieves who profit thousands of dollars with ideas of other people like me, maybe they should chance their name to Fantashit.
 I didn't lose lots of things with these guys because I'm continuing to be myself even after they robbed my ideas once again in another book collection, that I've alone organized dedicated to Argentine maestro Alberto Breccia and the writers who worked in his entire legacy and with whom I established lots of communication in several languages, revising contracts, stories background, researching material during endless hours and that's worth thousands of dollars in the exact same way like they did with Crepax's heirs, poisoning the minds of Alberto Breccia's daughters, Cristina and Patricia Breccia while I was the agent of their father's legacy and their friend also. 
 As a simple example (among others) without my help, these pirates, would publish only an half of Perramus masterpiece because they even didn't knew the whole Perramus stories.
 They produce good book editions and have a good distribution channel but their knowledge regarding European or South American artists is ZERO. 
 They're stinky, vile and huge viper snakes and they should put the money that they'll earn with my ideas where the sun doesn't shine.
 I'm still a simple and humble guy who loves arts and love working with international artists being simple, honest and direct.
 I know that books take time to produce, some take lots of years to be finished, nevertheless I helped lots of publishers and artists by voicing my opinion or helping them on whatever I can do in their works because I never forget how hard it's to create art in the XXIst century.
 The past is always a good mirror for ourselves as human beings,to try to be even better in the present or upcoming future.
 I really appreciate all the international artists who stood by my side in this renewal of my personal and professional life. 
Below are pics of the book collections that started in my mind alone and the final product because imagining something and turning it into something real is real hard.

A guy born in the prettiest city in the world that organized from root and alone, two book collections by two of the best international comic book artists that are Italian maestro Guido Crepax and to Argentine maestro Alberto Breccia to a real STINKY comic book American publisher named Fantagraphics 

Personal card of Alberto Breccia's heirs agent and organizer of Alberto Breccia's book collection to STINKY Fantagraphics with design by Argentine maestro Mr Ed  

A quote

Presenting to an audience the first Fantagraphics Crepax of a ten book collection that I organized out of nothing comparing it with a French book edition from Albin Michel

My name on the introduction of the first book Crepax Fantagraphics book as series editor of it 

Professional card as Fantagraphics consulting editor with design by Argentine artist Mr Ed 

Presenting to an audience the second Fantagraphics Crepax of a book collection that I organized out of nothing - 01

Presenting to an audience the second Fantagraphics Crepax of a book collection that I organized out of nothing - 02

My name on the introduction of the second book Crepax Fantagraphics book as series editor of it 

Thinking on organizing/writing further books in my mind

A tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax by American artist George Pratt illustrating an Italian article for the Valentina/Belinda tribute mega project that I developed/organized and curated in exhibitions all over the world with help by more than 150 international artists and that can be read in previous posts in this same blogue
 I also know that writing books isn't as simple as it seems because to develop the final product that we have on our minds is real difficult depending on lots of moments that we pass in our own lives. 

My blonde Valentina - Elena Pavlenka 

 I know that when I was writing stories based on a XXIst century woman with some references and key elements in it with Elena on my mind and with several international artists and being their narrative set in the cities and countries that can be read in the below pictures captions made me enter in several worlds and state of mind at the same time in a continuous loop/brainstorm of ideas (because those stories were fiction and reality that I was passing by in my life at the time when I was writing them).  
 I'm proud of these stories and on my opinion the artists who drew images based on some of my ideas with historical/fictional background created some of their best artworks ever.
Being these pics simple visual reference, I'm really thinking on publishing these stories maybe next year in an excellent publisher. 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Barcelona - Spain and with artworks by Argentine artist Mr Ed - First Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Barcelona - Spain and with artworks by Argentine artist Mr Ed - Second Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Barcelona - Spain with artworks by Argentine artist Mr Ed and extras by Spanish maestro Santiago Sequeiros - Third Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Le Mans - France and with artworks by Spanish artist Fidel Martiñez Nadal - First Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Le Mans - France and with artworks by Spanish artist Fidel Martiñez Nadal - Second Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Le Mans - France and with artworks by Spanish artist Fidel Martiñez Nadal - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in London England and with artworks by Spanish artist Pedro Espinosa and extras by Argentine artist Quique Alcatena - First Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in London England and with artworks by Spanish artist Pedro Espinosa - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in London England and with artworks by Spanish artist Pedro Espinosa - Second Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in London England and with artworks by Spanish artist Pedro Espinosa - Third Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Warsaw Poland and with artworks by Polish artist Magdalena Minko and extras by Japanese artist John Kurokawa and British artist Brian Bolland - First Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Warsaw Poland and with artworks by Polish artist Magdalena Minko - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Warsaw Poland and with artworks by Polish artist Magdalena Minko - Third Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Milan - Italy and with artworks by Spanish artist Sandra Hernández - First Part  

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Milan Italy and with artworks by Spanish artist Sandra Hernández - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in São Paulo Brazil and with artworks by Brazilian artist Brao - First Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in São Paulo Brazil and with artworks by Brazilian artist Brao - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Kyoto Japan and with artworks by Japanese artist John Kurokawa - First Part

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Kyoto Japan and with artworks by Japanese artist John Kurokawa - Second Part 

Pages of a comic book written by me inspired in Elena set in Kyoto Japan with artworks by Japanese artist John Kurokawa and extras by Spanish artist Ivila Caballero and American artist Jeffrey Alan Love - Third Part 

Project of a book being published in the future based on my blonde Valentina - Elena with artworks for it by Argentine artist Mr Ed, Spanish artists Daniel Esteve and Felipe H. Navarro, French artist Johan Sfar and American artist Jeffrey Alan Love

Project of a book being published in the future based on my blonde Valentina - Elena with artworks for it by Argentine artist Santiago Caruso, Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, British artist David Lloyd and American artist Brian Biggs

Project of a book being published in the future based on my blonde Valentina - Elena with artworks for it by Argentine artist Carlos Nine, Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj, Spanish artists Javier Olivares and Sonia Pulido and American artists Paul Pope and George Pratt

Project of a book being published in the future based on my blonde Valentina - Elena with artworks for it by Spanish artist Ivila Caballero, Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas, British artists Dave Mckean and Brian Bolland

Interview by me to Crepax's heirs published in Portuguese newspaper due to the release of Valentina by Guido Crepax in a Portuguese book edition

Project Daria inside an Aria being Bela 

First limited book cover with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

First limited book international artists bios with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

Second limited book cover with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

Second limited book international artists bios with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

Third limited book cover with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

Third limited book international artists bios with tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax by international artists organized by me and published by American publisher Fantagraphics

At Boavista - Porto

Trying to help publishers producing quality books is surreal some times, below you can read lots of surrealism that I had to pass in some of the worst moments of my life, but in the end, I'm also proud of these books even with some publisher's huge mistakes while producing books.

Interview by me to British artist David Lloyd published on Portuguese newspaper Público because of masterpiece "V for Vendetta" created by him and written by British writer Alan Moore being published in a Portuguese book edition 

Original illustration that I've asked to British artist David Lloyd of "V and Evey" characters of the before mentioned masterpiece "V for Vendetta" created by him and British writer Alan Moore to the Portuguese book edition and that the publisher said to me that wouldn't publish it due to "lack of space" on the book... (sometimes stupidity really freaks me out)

Awesome book named "Savages" where I worked with Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj that was worldwide distributed 

Original illustration that I've asked to Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj of masterpiece "Luna Park" created by him and American writer Kevin Baker to the Portuguese book edition and that was published in it with an interview by me to Danijel

Cover of Portuguese/Finnish/Polish book edition of masterpiece "Miracleman" by British writer Alan Moore where I've organized all the extras on it

First page of Portuguese/Finnish/Polish book edition of masterpiece "Miracleman" by British writer Alan Moore where I've organized all the extras on it

Cover of complete works by Swedish artist Max Andersson that I've pitched to Fantagraphics and that is going to be published in the upcoming future.

Complete works by Swedish artist Max Andersson that I've pitched to Fantagraphics and that is going to be published in the upcoming future with a personalized drawing by Max to me.

 I know that I also need to figure out the best way to publish book anthology "Lost in a Nordic Dream" with help by some of the best artists/human beings that I've met in my life, being Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom my guiding light when I was in the darkness, by giving me support and telling me that I was a force of nature. 
Below are some of the books that I must compile into an astonishing single huge book with a stunning design that's in my mind.  

Book "City of crocodiles" by Swedish artist Knut Larsson to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 01 

Book "City of crocodiles" by Swedish artist Knut Larsson to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 02

Book "Äke Ordür" by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 01

Book "Äke Ordür" by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 02

Book by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 01

Book by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream" - 02

Book by Danish artist Henrik Kim Rehr to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream

Books by Swedish artists Joakin Pirinen and Gunnar Lundqvist to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream"

Book by Swedish artist Clara Bessijelle Johansson to be used in upcoming book anthology organized by me named "Lost in a Nordic Dream

Interlude by British singer PJ Harvey reciting a mesmerizing poem by British writer John Donne Published in 1624 about what isolation really is because "No man is an island". 

While working on my latest project with tributes to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese, I've found interesting researching material about historical Russian figure Rasputine that became a character villain/friend in Corto Maltese's adventures and that can be read below in printed pictures with historical facts mixed with an extraordinary artwork by French artist Isabel Pessoa based on Corto or how "Fight Club" masterpiece David Fincher's makes lots of sense comparing it wirh Corto's own adventures, trying to link this same sense in British band Joy Division line of thought or even David Lynch Twin Peaks Tvseries and all its mysteries that in my opinion also collide a bit with Corto's world in excellent tribute artworks to Joy Division or Twin Peaks by French artist Barthelémy.





List of international artists that illustrate this post and that I've worked, I'm working or will work in the upcoming future either on books or on worldwide exhibitions organized in alphabetical order by birth country

Carlos Nine
Quique Alcatena
Mr Ed
Santiago Caruso
Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera
Alex Korolkovas
Danijel Zezelj
Henrik Kim Rehr
Terhi Ekebom
Isabel Pessoa
Johan Sfar
John Kurokawa
Magdalena Minko
Daniel Esteve
Felipe H. Navarro
Fidel Martiñez Nadal
Ivila Caballero
Javier Olivares
Pedro Espinosa
Sandra Hernández
Santiago Sequeiros
Sonia Pulido
Clara Bessijelle Johansson
Gunnar Lundqvist
Knut Larsson
Joakin Pirinen
Lars Erik Sjunesson
Max Andersson
Brian Bolland
Dave Mckean
David Lloyd
Brian Biggs
George Pratt
Jeffrey Alan Love
Paul Pope

Many thanks to all international artists who supported or are supporting some of my ideas.
Special thanks to Elena

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