Thursday, October 17, 2019

Short narrative inside a poem to Daria's book project inside an Aria being Bela - international artists

Sometimes (only sometimes), I think that all is violent, all is bright filled with light.
 Working on two complex projects with Daria with her being inside an Aria (while) being Bela is funny not because she's a bunny, but because of her legs, nails and hands that were (sort of borrowed) to someone in a moment of sorrow.
 I had to do some research from June until now and Daria is a BLOW inside a SHOW.
 She told me that people sometimes shouted to her "Love you Dasha".
 So it's really hard thinking on what to do inside this narrative/book with her inside a look.
 Some of the best international artists that I know of created artworks based on her for this book project organized and being written by me as can be read in previous posts in this same blogue such as:
 Rolando Cicatelli and Stefano Zattera (whose artwork I've printed in a personalized t-shirt for this pronect) from Italy.
 Pablo Burman and Martin Arrizabalaga from Argentina 
 Branko Djukic from Serbia 
 John Kurokawa from Japan 
 Stan Wany from Canada 
 Rikki Romero from U.S.A
 Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera from Bolívia 
 I only know that her hands and legs have secrets to be told or even to be unfold.
 Below is a picture with me, my belle Elena and her inside a Shakespeare act as a fact and a poem about funny things that life brings when comunication is at hand when she tells me:
- Love you Man. 

My belle and Daria inside an Aria

Being Bela inside an Aria.
You have pretty legs...
You ring me bells...
You cast me spells...
You say this to me: 
- Hey Man, I know that I'm your belle...
- I know that I'm your witch inside a spell...
- Isn't it spooky that my legs and hands were framed by a zombie that wasn't blondie?
 I didn't knew what to answer you, so I thought to myself:
- Maybe Daria is telling me something new... 
 Your hands weren't bookends... 
 Your nails weren't something ordinary, in fact they were extraordinary... 
 I was staring at your face while you were being Bela as Cinderela.. 
 I was staring at your hair and you were Daria inside an Aria with no despair...
- Zombies are fashion.
I said this to you...
- Zombies love legs and hands as passion... 
 You replied this to me out of the blue... 
 We were in Saint Petersburg and you told me that flowers pop in and out in some lake without a shout... 
 You told me this:
- Man, don't be mean...
- Man, use your pen...
- Man, use your heart and brain with no pain... Your hair was astonishingly beautiful and without me knowing it, night was fruitful...
- Man, never mention me that I'm in some sort of  a shakespeare act as a fact... 
 I wasn't understanding you because your teeth were on my neck and I was falling back... 
 I've told you this:
- Be bloom...
- Don't be my doom...
You came out of nowhere and took a cigarette from my lips while shaking your hips... 
 I was really scared in that frozen hour... 
 I knew that you were beautiful and not sour...
- Man, come with me...
- Must show you something...
- You know that in France there's dance and romance... 
 I wasn't scared now... 
 I was grabbing your hand figuring out where we would end... 
 You told me this:
- Man, promise me to be bright...
- I'll be your guiding light...
- I'll be your insight...
- I know about your might...
- Let's do a walk and a talk into the night...
I was observing how you moved into a groove...
 You were my book inside a look... 
 You bought food for us for some mood...
- Man, an apple you've...
- Don't be bad... 
 I knew that I was inside a serpent's kiss when you suddenly made a hiss...

Below are three songs from a movie that we both love while we were observing a dove.

And Daria's legs, hands and nails are in the picture below with her smile for a while

Daria and Dasha's legs being Bela 

Many thanks to all international artists involved on this project/narrative/book 
Special thanks to my love Elena and Daria that is my bell(e) and really speaks my language 

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