Sunday, October 20, 2019

A poem to Isabel Berg that's a norwegian teacher who I love while being Bela

Me and Isabel 

You were staring at me...
This is true...
This wasn't new...
- There're news in Norway...
- There're words in a glorious day...
 You said this to me...
 I was looking at you...
 This wasn't also new...
 You were blonde then...
 I acted as a frontman...
 You have red hair...
 You never talk about despair...
 - All the pretty words you say, Man...
 - I wanna hold your hand...
 We were reading the newspapers...
 A title was in it:
"Free speech zone"
- I've told you that this was true while we were inside a dome...
 I was proud of you and the words that you write being light and bright...
 You are me and I'm you...
- Strange colors always gave us hours...
- You know who I am, Man.
- Virtue is being true while forgetting to be blue...
 You said this to me...
- Your blue eyes were shining so high that I thought that I could reach the sky...
 You told me about love an joy when we both play with a toy...
 - We aren't a thorn waiting for something to be born.
 I said this to you...
We were in some crowd...
- Man, let's be whatever we want to be?
- You know that I live, am and believe...
 You whispered this to me in my left ear...
 Your hands were soft...
 They weren't cold...
 Your heart was beating fast...
 After the crowd left we were the last...
 You weren't my past at all near the Fall...
 - Man, we go back...
 - Man, we met...
 - Your heart isn't an act...
 You said this to me...
 I knew that we were inside a nordic dream and that we didn't scream...
 I hugged you tight...
 It felt right...
 You were me...
 I was you...
 You were the sea...
 I was new...
- Will you love me forever inside you in a feeling that I always knew?
 You asked me this...
 I wasn't understanding what to you say..
 It was during the day...
 I remember that later the night was bright...
 And you were pretty as a star that's never far...
- Man, be me...
- Man, be thee...
- Man, be us...
- Man, we're in a bus...
You told me this...
 There was a bliss...
 - You...
 - Me...
 - United...
 - Be...
Your lips were the core of the universe...
 We weren't lost in a verse...
- Man, we are beings with sight and insight...
- You love me...
- I love thee...
- This isn't ordinary...
- This is extraordinary...
 You told me this...
 I bought you food for a mood...
 We don't pray for rain...
 We don't believe in pain...
 - Old Europe is dying...
 You say...
- Old Europe is in flames or are it mind games?
 You asked me this while I gave you a kiss...
 There was a tale to tell without a spell...
 There was silence...
 We didn't believed in science...
 There was the sky..
 There wasn't a sigh...
- Man, you know who I am...
 You repeated this endlessly...
 I knew who you were, are or will be...
 I whispered this in your right ear:
 - 1...
 - 2...
 - 3...
- I'm you and you're me...
 No stories were told...
 You were worth gold...
 No tales to tell...
 You were bold...
 No script with a grip...
 You are a sail boat...
 No words to say...
 You are a rain coat...
- Man, this is me talking to you...
- Man, time isn't shy or a sigh...
- We're where we fly...
- This is me...
- Don't forget...
- Talking to thee...
- This isn't the bloody internet...
 I stare at you and with my hands covering my eyes I was telling you this:
- There are no lies...
- There are no sighs..
- We go back...
- It's a fact...
- Love you...
- It's true...

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