Sunday, October 20, 2019

A poem to Daria inside an Aria as Kovaleva Duchess being Bela - International artists

Daria inside an Aria

I'm Kovaleva Duchess...
- I'm not a princess... 
You said this to me... 
 You were Daria by The Fall without a call... 
 Your hair was attached... 
 You were inside a fur jacket that isn't vexed... Your eyes were black pearls near Saint Petersburg's walls... 
 Your hands were red with the cold and your skin wasn't old... 
 You told me this:
- Man, a castle is a map...
- You know that this is a fact...

I was wondering towards myself:
- Is Daria telling me something about a book shelf?
- What the hell is she talking about?
So, I've asked you:
- Hey belle, the sky is new...
- The night isn't blue...
- What do you mean while telling me that your castle is green? 
 You stared into my eyes... 
 You were deep... 
 You were asking me about a ship... 
 You were being tame... 
 You were fame... 
 You were a Duchess with a star... 
 You were staring at a pink jar...
 The colours on it were doom...
You said...
- Let's break it into tiny pieces, Man?
- I know that your mood's not bad... 
 I've asked you to wear your coat...
 It didn't suit... 
 You told me about fruit... 
 I told you that I wasn't the thin white duke... 
 You shouted at me:
 I couldn't mess with you because every single day you were something new.
 So I told you:
- Girl, let's be inside a forest into the trees even if we found some bees...
- You control the sea...
- You control the space where we meant to be...
- You're not an umbrella...
- You're Cinderella...
- Your name's not Anabela...
- You're definitely Bela...
You replied this to me:
- Man, there's space in my broom...
- Everywhere's gloom...
- Give me a map...
- Don't be a brat...
- Don't forget that I'm your belle and that I cast you a spell... 
 I never argue with you at all... 
 We are by The Fall while being inside Nature's call...

Duchess Dasha

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