Sunday, October 20, 2019

A poem to my love Elena that isn't a dove but it's Bela


- Shoot me Man...
- Don't stare at me with your pen...
- I'm mother and father...
- Love you by The Fall inside a call... 
You said this to me.
I was listening to music with you when you said this to me out of the blue:
- You know that I'm fresh as a rose in May...
- You know that I love you every single day... 
I was gazing at a poster and how your yellow jacket was a love magnet... 
We were inside a love song without being at Hong Kong.. 
 You whispered this to my left ear:
- In Vino Veritas...
You whispered this to my right ear:
- I'm your bride to be when we dance inside a pretty romance... 
It wasn't raining at all and we were by The Fall...
 Leaves were in the ground and in it a golden leaf we found... 
You told me this:
- This is a piece of my hair...
 I was touching it and without knowing what to do then, I was with a quote by you on my mind:
"- Man, I fucking love you, be kind"
We were observing a fountain inside a mountain...
We were observing a statue in movement in a street near a peak... 
You told me this:
- Man, your hair is peaky...
- I love you neaty... 
We were running high and low when we heard a blow... 
- Maybe, it's our hearts beating into one... 
You said this to me. 
- Maybe, it's because we're having fun... 
I replied this to you... 
Your ripped jeans aren't old... 
They are your protection for the cold...
- Our hearts are on fire... 
You said this to me.
- We're where we love to be...
- You love me and I love thee... 
You were saying this to me... 
I was staring deeply into your eyes that had no lies... 
We were dancing tango while drinking juice mango... 
You were telling me this:
- Eleven...
- Twelve...
- Thirteen...
- Fourteen...
- You know what I mean... 
I was a bit confused with your words because being me is being you... 
I was searching in you something new...
- I'm Helen of Troy...
- Let's have some joy... 
You were telling me this...
- I'm Viriathus...
- This isn't a factus lapsus... 
I answered you... 
You told me that a child was somewhere running wild... 
You told me that our feelings, emotions and love have pride inside a ride. 


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