She's my wild child when we're hugging trees observing Fall(en) leaves.
Below are two poems (one in Portuguese and another in English) dedicated to my life that's a cake slice along project Daria inside an Aria being Bela, another one based on a Zombie Lady that's shady and a bit of my autobiography having all three of these projects of help with artworks by some of the best international artists that I know of as can be seen in previous posts in this same blogue with some words about the projects after the written poems to my belle.
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Elena |
Um poema para a minha emoção Elena Pavlenka que me ama.
Nunca fico parado, pois o amor não é algo irado.
Sussurras isto ao meu ouvido direito.
- O teu poder está na Rússia e não na Prússia.
- Será que me consegues amar somente com o teu olhar?
Vou escutando uma música dos The Cure onde um beijo é mesmo um ensejo (sinónimo de desejo.) Dizes frases simples:
- És um verso solto num mar revolto...
- Sou a tua estrela com cabelo loiro que sempre te mostrou um tesoiro...
- Os anos não passam por ti (nem sequer se atrasam).
O teu corpo esguio cola-se ao meu durante dios a fio.
Interrogo-me algo a mim mesmo enquanto te carrego nos meus ombros:
- Será que a Ásia é maior que a lua sabendo eu que sendo tu a minha estrela dourada não és nada faseada?
Vais-me questionando:
- Ensinas-me o Português, o Francês, o Espanhol, o Alemão e o Inglês?
Eu olho para os teus olhos da cor do mar e fico sem ar.
Sussurras isto ao meu ouvido esquerdo:
- Eu ensino-te Russo...
- Eu respeito o teu fuso.
Fico a observar um pardal a voar e dás-me um sinal com o verbo amar.
A Ásia passa a ser uma realidade numa cidade.
Passeio contigo em São Petersburgo... (sem saber onde é o burgo.)
Pagas-me um gelado na praça vermelha onde observo com exactidão que as paredes da mesma são uma certeza com a beleza da tua presença.
Os teus lábios pintados percorrem o meu corpo num toque suave e cristalino onde nada é pequenino.
Os teus braços agarram-me em 1001 laços...
Fico sem saber o que fazer quando te volto a colocar nos meus ombros e com a perfeita noção da emoção levo-te bem para lá duma qualquer coisa chamada "ilusão". Gritas pela casa:
- És mais que um ser com personalidade, pois carregas a alma da tua cidade.
Fico sem saber o que te responder quando me perguntas:
- Ficas comigo até o sol nascer e inclusive até entardecer?
2019 papéis ficam a voar no nosso quarto enquanto te respondo:
- O nosso prato...
- O nosso copo...
- O nosso talher...
- Será sempre...
- A nossa certeza..
- Na tua beleza..
Eu e Elena
- One plus one is fun.
You told me while you were looking at the sun...
I was visioning the necklace that I gave you and it was an ace...
You were wearing the white jacket that I've bought you in a store while you were begging for more.
- Love you Man...
- Love your pen...
- Love where we stand...
- Grab my hand...
- Kiss me as a gentleman...
We were sweating without melting...
We were in the park and it wasn't dark...
I was thinking on your words knowing that you weren't only my pleasure but my true treasure...
- Remember...
- I love your jeans...
- September...
- Joy aren't dreams...
Your eyes of blue were moving my body and my heart for a start...
- I don't want to fly high...
- With you must I lie...
I was telling you this inside a kiss...
You looked at my arms...
You mirrored my legs...
You told me that who wants doesn't begs...
I've gave you an ice-cream and told you that I'll always love you...
You answered me that you knew that this was true...
Your hair's band was loose when I kissed your hair in open air...
- There's something for us without need of speed.
You said this while you were laying in our bed...
I was telling you that you weren't my dove but my love.
- Two in one in the sun...
You said this to me...
I was cooking for us Portuguese codfish...
You were with water in your mouth while waiting for it with your dish...
After dinner, we went where the trees bend...
You told me this:
- Give me a flower...
- Don't think on the hour...
- Gold hair isn't sour...
Your pink dress was filled with my own ink...
You asked me this:
- Are we going to see where boats sink?
I was only staring at your beauty...
I was gazing at your purity...
You were my soul of old...
You were my head on the door...
You were my faith on the floor...
Kissing your red lips I was holding your hips...
- Love's pride in this life's ride...
You said this to me...
While you were staring at fishes in a lake, you told me that your body and soul was mine to take...
- There're always you and me inside a bound where angels sing about what our love mean...
- You are me...
- I'm thee...
- We're a tree...
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Flowers for my belle... |
Elena is my treasure and she loves the below Cocteau twins album with the same name as much as I do released on the first November 1984 by 4AD label.
And then there's sometimes me and her with our love among a pack of wolves when I'm working in projects Daria inside an Aria being Bela, to a Zombie Lady and even on my own autobiography with help by the best international artists that I know of as can be seen below, because Russia is cold and makes people turn old.
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Artwork by Italian artist Stefano Zattera with a pack of wolves among emotional zombie human beings |
Daria being Bela
Then there's a Zombie bitter lady aka Zombierella in Saint Petersburg who doesn't know what a story is with help by international artists in a project that I worked with her and that can be read in previous posts in this same blogue with a cool message story/narrative as can be seen in the animated video by Bolivian artist Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera below with a tribute to her as a musician by my side.
Last but not least, there's the love that I've for my kitty Ilvie who was stolen from me in a divorce and that I miss a lot, because love is a feeling, it isn't simply a word or a sword and that was my trigger why to finish an autobiography with help by the best international artists ever in several countries.
Elena helps me a lot and we love each other but what can we do when a thief doesn't give me back what's mine?
Many thanks to Bolivian artist Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera for creating videos with me and Daria inside an Aria and even for Zombierella project, to Italian artist Stefano Zattera for his constant support on some of my ideas/projects and to French artist Barthelemy for three awesome animated videos with Bauhaus British band "Bela lugosi's dead" first single and Cocteau Twins album "Treasure" covers along a tribute video to Twin Peaks Tv series.
Special thanks to Daria, my kitty Ilvie (always and always) and to my love Elena
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