Working on a project with Daria and help by international artists inside a narrative is a bit random, but in the end of the final product, it'll all make sense (or maybe not)...
Daria is Bang Bang while kissing my pen...
Daria is a beat séance without science...
Daria is kind with her mind
Daria inside a séance
Daria is a Vampire without a wire...
Daria is Bela and not Cinderella...
Daria searches for Philip...
Daria isn't a grip...
Daria dreams with Jeffries...
Daria isn't messy...
Daria is Horne
Daria isn't a thorn...
Daria is Audrey...
Daria is funny being yummy...
Daria inside an Aria thinking on Philip Jeffries
Daria is 23 years old...
Daria is 31...
Daria is a 21 soul...
Daria is a Voodoo spell...
Daria is belle...
Daria isn't fashion hill billy and she isn't silly...
Daria loves the sea...
Daria loves a sailor being a words tailor...
Daria kisses the sun for fun...
Daria 23 years old as a stone
Daria is a book...
Daria is my look...
Daria is a cook...
Daria is a tiger...
Daria is a gum...
Daria is fun...
Daria is a pen...
Daria isn't a man...
Daria is a pencil...
Daria isn't fashion style for a short while...
An Aria isn't roll and rock or a shock
Daria is where angels fear to thread...
Daria isn't all the time in her bed...
Daria is Meow...
Daria is a shout in a park at dark...
Daria is a kitty...
Daria is pretty...
Daria is sweety...
Daria is an embrace...
Daria is a race...
Daria is inside a book being pretty as a kitty
What can a writer write about Daria?
She's inside an Aria...
She's being Bela...
She's not my Cinderella...
She has lips...
She has hips...
She has hair...
She has despair...
She's never cold or old...
She's fire and stone...
She's a nuclear bomb...
There's some writer/performer
Daria is Intoxication...
Daria is a pagan nation...
Daria is action...
Daria is passion...
Daria is Romance...
Daria loves to Dance...
There's Intoxica
Daria is my car...
Daria is never far...
Daria is hands...
Daria doesn't bends...
Daria has a heart...
Daria always starts...
Daria isn't a war on the floor...
![]() |
Daria is a car never far even if a war is only a star |
Daria isn't bad...
Daria sometimes is sad...
Daria loves pics in her bed...
Daria loves music in the air...
Daria dances inside a double dare
Daria's lips and hips
Daria isn't a replicant...
Daria isn't an ant...
Daria isn't a robot...
Daria is hot...
Daria is a shot...
Daria isn't a memory...
Daria is she and me...
Daria isn't Blade Runner's character Rachel...
Daria isn't poetry in motion...
Daria isn't body lotion...
Daria isn't love poison...
Daria isn't food...
Daria sometimes isn't on the mood...
Daria is a t-shirt...
Daria is art...
There's a Portuguese poet named Fernando Pessoa drawn by Almada Negreiros and there's Daria drawn by Italian artist Stefano Zattera printed in a personalized t-shirt
List of international artists who drew Daria for this book project that can be read in previous posts in this same post with a simple narrative.
Martin Arrizabalaga
Pablo Burman
Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera
Stan Wany
John Kurokawa
Rolando Cicatelli
Stefano Zattera
Branko Djukic
Rikki Romero
Many thanks to all international artists who created or will create artworks based on Daria...
Special thanks to Daria Kovaleva because I know that she isn't a countess, a mess or a game chess...
Below is a video with a dialogue between Philip Jeffries and someone that inspired a bit this project of me and Daria
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