Sunday, October 20, 2019

A poem to Anna who's a Russian teacher being Bela

You and me were by the sea...
This was a fact without an act...
You told me that you loved the rain with no pain...
I was staring at your shirt that was white and that glowed in the night... 
You were telling me about a night shift... 
I was taking a lift... 
You had written words in your body as swords... You asked me this: 
- Man, you told me that I'm pretty...
- Do you think that I'm neaty?
I was by your side inside a kiss...
You were telling me something about a miss...
You were telling me that serpent's hiss...
I was staring at your eyes...
They had no night cries...
I was staring at your face...
You were ageless inside human race...
You were wearing a black hat that had inside it a pink cat...
I was walking in circles as a bat...
You shouted this to me: 
 You were holding a gun in your left hand for fun... You were thinking about a train in vain... You weren't thinking on any pain... 
You continued asking me this:
- Hey Man, did you miss me when I wasn't with thee? 
- Do you remember that our embrace was a lace?
- Did you felt my hands on you as something new?
- Do you remember when we were at that party where candy was handy?
- Do you remember our treasure inside our own pleasure?
 In seconds, I wasn't processing all that you asked me, so I've answered you:
- Yes, I remember that I loved thee... 
You were being kind with your mind and told me to write you something out of the blue about our love that was true... 
I didn't knew what to think when I looked at my pot without ink... 
I remember that I was at our kitchen sink... 
You suddenly came out of nowhere jumped into my back and told me this:
- Love you Man, you're my Jack..
I stared at you and not knowing what to do I was counting...
- One...
- Two...
- Three...
- Four... 
While telling you this:
- Anna, you know that I love you more...

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