Thursday, October 10, 2019

Poems to Eshley - Russia's love

We were dreaming...
We weren't screaming...
We were spelling something into a rock with the help of a simple clock...
- Tick...
- Tock...
- Run amok...
You were gazing a wall in the Fall...
There was a mirror in the house hall...
We were writing...
We weren't fighting...
Your beauty was purity...
Your smile was something worthwhile...
You told me that you were sad...
You told me that you weren't mad...
You told me that you were a queen...
You even told about what has been...
You told me about cream for your face...
You told me about a devil's embrace...
You told me that the killing moon came too soon...
You told me that in some tide, we'll both have a ride...
I observed your black hair and while rolling some dice, I instantly knew that you were nice...
You shouted this to me:
I wasn't understanding if you were stating a fact inside an act...
Your trembling hands were soft to the core while you reached some shore... 
You told me this:
- The road to sucess always was a mess...
Being in a road where earth is fire, you told me something about wire...
You asked me in a serpent's hiss if joy was a bliss...
You were shouting this at the moon:
You were awake then and you asked me about a pen... 
 The sun was fun while in the rain we ran... 
 The streets were full of people then and we didn't knew where to stand... 
 You didn't carried a phone... 
 You didn't loved to be alone... 
 You loved being at home... 
 I was telling you this:
- Be more than a child...
- Be wild... 
 Inside a book shelf you found yourself... You told me this:
- I'm a queen bee...
- I'm whatever you want me to be...


We were close...
You were telling me that you wanted a rose...
I was with you merging your beautiful hair with mine without a spear... 
You asked me this:
- Man, are you still in love for me?
- Do you want to share our memories near the sea?  
 Your white dress wasn't made to impress because you actually were a princess...
 You told me this: 
- I'll be your queen...
- Don't be mean...
- You've got the devil inside you...
- I know that this is true...
 We were inside a car...
 I was driving real far... 
 Your name is Elena... 
 You know what was aenema... 
 You gave me a tool when we were by the pool... You told me this:
- Don't be bad...
- Give me a kiss...
The light was bright...
You were telling me something about green and I was actually seeing steam...
Your lips covered no fangs...
You were not a vampire in a short wire...
Pretty as a picture...
You weren't leisure...
You were pleasure...
You told me this: 
- I want to do what's right with you being my light so tight...
I wasn't understanding you then...
A curtain was covering my pen...
You shouted at me:
 I was telling you this:
- Love you sweet heart...
- There's a path where both you and me start...
 You were real kind and made me dinner knowing that I was a sinner...
You told me this:
- Man, love you too...
- Tell me what's new?
I didn't knew what the Fall would bring when you asked me for a ring...
 You asked me this.
I've bought you a sweet for a treat...
You were staring at me...
I was thinking on thee...
Your blue eyes carried no lies when tears of joy were your smile for a while...
- Give me a slice of the cake that yesterday we both ate... 
 You said this to me.
We weren't cold at all (even on the Fall)...
A volcano was inside our own space in a human race... 
 You told me this:
- Love you MAN...
- You are more than a pen...
I was staring at your body that was wet...
You told me something about some net...
You told me something about a cat...
You asked me about math...
You asked me about our path...
A blank page was our age...


We were having dinner...
You told me that you wanted me to be a sinner...
I wasn't understanding what you meant then...
 I was by your side and not in a den... 
 Your beautiful blue dress was your essence and presence... 
 You told me to dance... 
 To have a romance... 
 To be inside a trance... 
 Your perfume was in the air... 
 We were where angels fear to thread... 
 I was staring at you for 8 seconds for a while... 
 I was in love by your smile... 
 You were telling me this:
- Be my morning star that's never far... 
 My heart was on your hands... 
 You were dwelling with it  like a magic children's cube on the tube... 
 - Man, let's fly away...
 - I need you to be with me every single day... 
 You were saying this while covering my eyes... 
 I could sense cherry pies...
 - I made you one and this isn't a lie... 
 You whispered this with your mouth while staring at my body when we were out...
- Man, Love your t-shirt...
 You said... 
 You were inside an interview and I was observing a gift gave from you to me and it was something new...
 - Love you...
You said...
You were a flower by the hour...
Never thinking on something sour...
- I'm your heart and inside your head...
- Love when I sit near you by the bed... 
 You were saying me this while I was taking pics of you inside a kiss... 
 You were kissing my neck...
 I was carrying you on my back...
 Mirrors were nothing for us... 
 You told me about our own beauty in the bus...
- Man, be with me...
- I love thee...
You were joy...
You were a smile...
You had a toy...
 I was thinking this on my mind:
- Love you...
- Must be kind... 
You told me about a flower, and an hour without being sour... 
- I love you Man, with or without your pen...
  I was happy and without knowing what to say to you words were on my mind: 
- Be kind...
- Be a white night...
- Be whatever she wants you to be... 
You were telling me this:
 - I'm your belle and we'll forever be inside a kiss...


Estavamos ai...
Tu falavas-me aqui...
Estando ali...
Eu escutava Idles enquanto uma cantiga de amor era a tua flor...
Interrogavas-me isto:
- Man, que vamos fazer?
 Eu pensava em lazer e prazer...
Existia um restaurante perdido e tu sussurravas isto ao meu ouvido direito:
- Vamos sair daqui num instante? 
- Eu trago o meu diamante...
O teu perfume deixava-me em extâse total...
A tua beleza era uma certeza sem igual...
Música era a nossa paixão num crescendo de emoção.
 Tu gritavas:
Eu escutava o teu coração numa sensação...
A tua roupa era sombria...
O teu corpo era esguio e estático numa ampulheta sem fio... 
Tu dizias-me isto:
- Eu sou tu e tu és eu... 
 A identidade perdia-se numa cidade com a tua beldade... 
 Requintes de palavras lavradas eram despejadas num mar de gente para sempre... 
 Os teus olhos eram safiras... 
 O teu cabelo era um conjunto de punhais nada mortais... 
 O meu corpo era parte do teu enquanto me sussurravas isto ao meu ouvido esquerdo:
- És meu...
A tua silhueta misteriosa fazia a tua presença gloriosa na tua própria essência...
 Astrolábios guiavam o nosso caminhar até cair sem parar... 
 Andavas ás minhas cavalitas... 
 Eu retirava algum folêgo ás minhas tripas... 
- Papel...
- Tesoura...
- Pedra...
Dizias-me isto enquanto as tuas mãos percorriam o teu/meu corpo... 
 Era um vulcão nada morto... 
 De repente e sem sequer pensarmos, a nossa playlist mudava e escutavamos Bauhaus numa esperança com lança.
 A noite estava quente... 
 O nosso corpo dizia "presente"... 
 Tu entravas na minha mente... 
 Falavas dum tempo ausente e eu sem saber o que te dizer ficava a pensar nesta frase:
"Será que as nossas manhãs irão ser sempre cheias de luz sem uma cruz?" 


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