Friday, October 25, 2019

Narrative in motion me and French artist Sandrine Rastrelli Corto Maltese had two daughters - International artists

I was with Sandrine...
She's an astonishing and pretty woman...
She's one of the most talented artists that I know drawing women...
 Below are poems by me narrating a tale of Corto's that had two daughters in an affair with Valentina, that was kept in secret since the 70's, and Sandrine drawing them in movement along an Heilung song filled with pagan raw poetry...
Many thanks to all international artists who're involved inside a tribute exhibition narrative to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese character. You're the best.
Special thanks to Sandrine 

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 01

They tell me that we have a feeling...

They tell me that we have healing...
They tell you that life's a start...
They tell you that life's hard...
They tell me about the Great God Pan...
They tell me that I should give you my hand...
They tell you that what's new is being blue...
They tell you that in order to breathe, you must eat...
 You tell me this:
- Man, drawing is creating a world within ourselves...
- Writing is putting words into book shelves...
I don't think...
I don't even have ink...
Feelings are attached...
Maybe being you is trying to have more than one patch...
 You tell me this:
- Man, we only have one life...
- Please cut me a cake slice...
 Dinner was finished and we didn't knew what to do, where to go, what to watch, so we started mixing an animal instint with ink...
 - Golden hair, she has...
 - She's not a game chess...
 You said this to me a bit sad feeling bad...
 - Fall was more than staring at a wall...
I said this to you...
- There're white pages to fill,Man...
- I borrow you my pen...
There's a blank note...
 You said this to me
There was some kind of paper boat...
There was an artwork with a coat...
There was longing...
There was funding...
There was charity...
There was an entity...
There was love without a dove...
 Your hair was silk mixed with milk...
 You put a mask in order for your own beauty to be a task...
 - Hey Man, there's no tattoo...
 - I don't know where's my glue...
 Tears were fears in your eyes...
 Fears were tears without lies...
 There was a lonely tree...
 There was you and me...
 There was a shiver when we were in a river...
- Man, memories is what we've...
- There's blood on our head...
 We were trick and treating...
 We were knitting...
 We have feelings when we talk while we walk...
- Kids, they say Man...
- Can you explain to them what's a hand without a pen?
 We were simple soldiers looking with joy at some toy...
 We were a word thrown at the earth...
 We were an image that was giving birth...
- Time flies...
- You know that Man.
 You said this to me...
 I was mirroring your eyes without any lies...
 I was filling pages with ages...
 I was you being me inside thee...
 You were magic in time where minutes made a rhyme...
 - Man, don't tell me that...
 - You know that two languages are a fact...
 I was talking with you...
 Words were being new and new...
 I know you...
 You said...
 You weren't feeling bad or mad...
 Pretty as a picture...
 Your silhouette was a frozen image that chimes where ancient glory of the past is fleeting moments of something that we both knew that was going to last...

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 02

- Man, I'm your Maltese Girl...
- You know that I love you by the Fall inside a call...
 I wasn't understanding how you said this to me  we weren't even near the sea...
 You climbed into my back...
 While telling "What the heck?"
- Man, you know that I'm the devil...
- Man, you know that I'm your shadow cast...
- Man, you know that I'm always with you at last...
 You said this to me.
I was feeling myself determined to seek your soul that's worth gold...
- Man, there's the kids you know?
- Life, ain't an arrow or a bow...
 I was staring at your pretty eyes...
 There was no poison in them at all...
 - Man, there's a serpent in the house hall...
 You screamed to me...
 I caught her with my bare hands...
 Gave it freedom without dreams...
 Your nails were on my face...
- Man, I'm going to kill you...
- I love you and this is true...
- Why didn't you killed the snake?
- Why have you put it inside a lake? 
 Your questions were inside my brain...
 I didn't had answers to give you...
- Girl, London's calling...
- Come with me without any warning...
- France is Dance..
- Italy is pretty...
 I was whispering this to you on your left ear...
 You told me about a spear...
 You told me something about fear...
 You told me that you double dared...
 You told me that you were fair...
 Your soft hands were touching paper at home base...
 You were deep inside a gaze...
 Your beauty was kind...
 Maybe it was your mind...
 Your heart was a indie beat...
 You weren't in a treat...
- Man, I'm tall...
- Man, I'm not small...
- Man, pay attention to the wall..
 You were saying this to me...
 I was observing your face inside human race..
 I didn't knew what to do...
 You appeared out of the blue...
 Your jeans were tight...
 There was light...
 You told me something about the night...
 We went out to buy fruit...
 We went out to buy a suit...
- Man, it's Holiday...
- You know that lots of people walk the streets during this day...
 We arrived home and you put your red dress...
 We were playing chess...
- Kiss or tell?
- Secret or bell?
- Mystery or spell?
 You asked this to me...
 Tarot cards were being spread in a bed...
- Be me and you...
- Be true...
- Love you..
 I whispered this in your direction out of the blue..

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 03

- Man, you're inside my mind?
- What can I do?
- I didn't knew that you were so kind...
 You said this to me...
I was observing your beauty...
Not in silence or mirroring science...
You were in a dance with me
Told me about a romance
About a séance 
What the world told you
I was a bit in a state a shock
But I knew that you rock
I was whispering this to your right ear:
- Hey sweet, will you give me a treat?
You were staring at me while roaming free
No answer was given...
Words weren't posted...
They were shouted inside a yell... 
You said me this:
- Man, don't cast me a spell...
- I know that I'm belle
You told me this
 There wasn't a kiss...
You were funny...
You weren't a bunny...
You whispered in my right ear:
- Man, are you listening to The Cure in a endure?
 I didn't knew what to answer you...
 I didn't knew what to answer you...
We danced...
We smiled...
We were out for a while...
You shouted at me this:
- Man, you're smoking a cigarette...
- This is bloody internet...
 - Come with me watch birds fly in the sky...
You were astonishingly beautiful then...
I couldn't describe you with a pen...
There was a cat passing by...
He asked me this:
- Man, are you in love for real?
 I was scared...
Really scared...
Cats don't talk...
They walk...
You held my hand and told me this:
- Forget about the cat...
- He was wearing a hat
- Didn't you see?
- A rabbit passed by and was observing hours passing by turning them into flowers...
I looked at you
You were true...
You were true...
You told me that rabbits pop out of hats and don't use fishnets...
You were so cool...
You weren't a tool...
 You weren't fool
 It was a cold night and the sky burned so bright...
You told me to fly with you to the moon...
I was feeling a bit loon...
There was your kids and needs
 There was you...
There was your soul...
There was something worth gold...
There was a joy...
We weren't a toy
You whispered in my left ear:
- Man, love how you stand...
I was just looking at you and knew for true
That the sky was merging inside you

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 04

- Man, there was a dream...
- You were eating an ice-scream...
You told me this
I've answered you:
- This is fact...
- There was an act...
- A sparrow wasn't an arrow...
You asked me this with a bow:
- Can we watch the movie in the front row?
There wasn't any snow...
I remember your glow...
There was a pencil in a house...
 You were wearing a pink blouse...
You told me about a phone...
You told me about home...
You even told me that bread wasn't to spare...
A Maltese Girl was inside a call:
- Man, we're in the Fall...
- I'm in a house wall...
- I'm framed with shame
You were shouting at me:
- JOIN ME...
 You were a precious flower in a garden lost in an hour...
There was a seagull in the street where we meet...
 She told me this:
- Man, you must greet for a treat...
She was flying high in the sky...
 Your hand was held into mine without a sigh...
- Man, we're crazy but we aren't lazy...
 You said...
 There was someone knocking at the door...
 There were toys on the floor...
 There was a mess inside a game chess...
- Man, I need ink...
- Tell me what to think...
You said this to me...
 There was a bus for us...
 There were tiles as files...
 Your eyes were shadows without lies...
 I didn't knew what to do...
 I've told you:
- There's no time...
- There's no glass...
- There's class...
 You were walking a corridor...
 You told me even more...
 Kids were running high and low without any blow...
 There was you...
 There was me...
 A Dog said this to me:
- Come on Man, be thee...
- You love her...
- She's your sea...

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 05

There was a dinner...
You were there...
I was near you with a spear...
 You asked me this:
- Hey Man, do you believe in me?
- Will you find myself in a tree? 
- Will you dance with me while writing a romance?
 I was in the clouds...
There was some storm...
We were reborn...
- The beauty of you is that your skills ain't bills...
- Love you by the shore and love you even more...
 I said this to you...
There was a bird...
He was quite odd...
He started saying this to me:
- Hey Man, it's Sandrine.
- Is she your dream?
 I was gathering water on a well...
 You were by my side without any spell...
 There were two cats in my mind.
 The first one said this to me:
- Give me a dime, be kind.
The second one asked me for a lighter and he was brighter...
 They told that our love was strong and that we had a bound...
 You were wearing my jeans by all means...
 You asked me this:
- Man, I see fishes flying in the sea so high...
- Where must we lie?
 The stars were looking bright and the night was a marvellous sight...
 I answered you this:
- You're Girl Maltese...
- We lie wherever we want at ease...
 Your eyes were fire then...
 There was no pen...
A squirrel passed among us and told us that we lost our bus...
 The world was ours for the taking because we knew that wonder joy was on the making...
 There was me and you...
 There was roasted chicken with rice and the potatoes were really niece...
 Your arms hugged me tight and there was light with us in an insight...
 - Man, you know who I am...
 You said...
 There was no glam...
 There was no bang...
 The universe was for us...
 There was a nut to crack...
 There was a pack...
 With me feeling good you told me this:
- Man, just love your food.

Maltese Girl by Sandrine Rastrelli - 06

- There is time...
- Count to ten without a rhyme...
 You told me this.
 There's was something a story to tell...
 You were deep inside a tale...
 You were me being you...
 You told me that Corto had a real child and that she was wild...
 I didn't heard you shouting at all...
 You were inside a call...
 There was some prey...
 There was eternity...
 There was thee...
 There was thou...
 There was a bow...
 Your eyes were telling me this:
- Hey Man, today kids were calm...
- Can I see your palm?
 I was staring at you...
 You were wearing a white and black dress...
 It wasn't a mess...
 There was something beating in your chest...
- Man, it's my heart...
- Don't start...
- Take me to the sea were you and me roam free...
 I was keeping these words on my head...
 I was treasuring them with hands bare...
 I wasn't in your head then...
 I didn't had a pen...
- Come on Man...
- You know that Corto had a daughter...
- You know that she always was pretty as a painting...
- She never was at all aching...
 You told me this...
 I was wearing a green pullover...
 Maybe it was time to to observe the sun and have with you fun...
- Des paroles,Man...
- Ç'est quoi, ça?
- Quand est-ce qu'on va?
- Tu le sais déjà?
 You asked me this...
 Words were inside me:
- Para sempre...
- Presente...
- Nunca ausente...
- Ser um animal é ser um mero mortal...
- Ser a razão é ter coração á mão...
 You weren't understanding me at all...
 Maybe it was The Fall...
- Ich schreibe fuer dich...
- Liebst du mich?
- In trauemen bleiben wir...
- Du bist mit mir...
 I was telling you this...
- No se que hacer...
- Escribir es decir...
- Sonrir es escuchar el mar...
- Fuego...
- Tierra...
- Luego...
- Niebla...
Me decias esto...
 I wasn't really thinking at all...
 There was a building being built and was real neat...
- Non voglio parlare con parole del figlio...
- Se que l'anima he en te..
- Non voglio sappere latino...
I was telling you this.
- Man, you're what's right in the night...
- You're a vampire...
- You're barbed wire...
- You're a cat...
- You're a bat...
You said this to me.
 There was sardine cans in the supermarket...
 Carrefour was its name and city was only a game...
 There was a cake in a rack...
 There as an apple inside a pack...
 You told me this:
- Come on Man, ride with me...
- I want to sense thee..

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