Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A narrative linked with life - Corto Maltese's book project/exhibition - international artists

 I know one thing and one thing only, writing and communicating with people is real hard, so when I'm not communicating with people (some people don't understand that a person who writes a lot must rest a bit from written words and maybe they should communicate with me not with written words but by spoken words, others don't undertand anything at all and bomb me with written words hammering my heart and brain a lot), I try to focus myself in this project to find out a way to come full circle with this project/exhibition about Corto Maltese with help by some of the best international artists that I know of and that's a character created by Italian maestro Hugo Pratt in 1967.
 In a previous post I've wrote that Corto had two daughters with a narrative in motion along artworks created for this project by French artist Sandrine Rastrelli with two artworks by her and Corto's daughters, one being from Valentina and another one because of a love interest that broke his heart into tiny little pieces.
 Below is a narrative in motion with written words, some info and artworks by some  international artists who entered on this rollercoaster project with me.

This is only me wearing a Corto Maltese swatch wrist watch with an artwork by Hugo Pratt and a lighter with a printed bat 

Sometimes writing with feelings while trying to show some facts with research for this character makes me wonder about life not being a cake slice... 
 Other times it seems that I must suddenly turn myself into God of Light while sleeping with Melissandre.

This is Sandra who I love with red hair as Melissandre character from American writer George R.R. Martin masterpiece "Game of thrones". 

There's poetry in motion inside this project because the most important aspect to it, is first who Corto was when was created by Italian maestro Hugo Pratt and everybody that read Corto's adventures know that Corto is Hugo and Hugo is Corto being both immortal inside books.
Argentine writer Adolfo Bioy Casares wrote a magnificient book named "the hero of women" in 1978 and Hugo Pratt always was real fond of the female aspect inside Corto's books.
 I'm almost sure that Hugo Pratt when lived in Argentina during the fifties and later sixties of the XXth Century read some books by Adolfo while creating his own masterpiece named "Tango" there and that was first published in 1987.
 Maybe Corto wasn't (or isn't) only Hugo at all but every single men who had their own heart destroyed in a tiny frozen moment of this thing named life.
 In today's society where there're only lovers left alive with mysteries everywhere, maybe Corto is  a reflection of what men must be in it.

This is an artwork based on Corto and drawn by his creator Hugo Pratt on 1975 and a pic of me holding a Portuguese book edition by Argentine writer Adolfo Bioy Casares 

There's a book named "les helvetiques" first published in 1988 due to his move in 1984 to Switzerland in a tiny village named Grandvaux, in Canton de Vaud where he tells swiss myths throughout world History during his stay there till his death in 20th August 1995.
 Hugo Pratt believed in adventures and wanted to see the secrets of a vast land as Syberia is and that belongs to the biggest country in the world that is Russia, so he put his character in it, trying to find what mankind is all about.
 There's a restaurant somewhere in Europe that provides an awesome atmosphere to all people that enjoy life and where Hugo Pratt's Corto character's ghost is, so as I stated before Corto isn't only a lover but a man who tries to enjoy life, while being fond of women and what life really is.

These are book covers for Corto Maltese adventures created by Hugo Pratt while paying homage to Switzerland (where he died) and to Siberia in Russia

In 1965 Hugo Pratt moved to Ireland and in there created masterpiece book "Celtic tales", first published in 1980, trying to find a bit of druids eessence that frequented oak forests and acted as priests, teachers, and judges and whose earliest known records come from the 3rd century bce there.
 Corto and Hugo were firm believers of paganism and this aspect was nicely evoked in this masterpiece graphic novel.    

This is a Corto Maltese drawn by Hugo Pratt in a restaurant's menu  

These are Corto Maltese pages wriiten and drawn by Hugo Pratt paying homage to The Celts that were druids providing magic in 1200 B.C. 

Corto Maltese in some restaurant in Europe is only a sailor being a tailor and a lover with hia own ghost.
 This character and its creator maybe didn't had the time to read the mesmerizing "Brief Lives" Sandman graphic first published in 1994 and written by English writer Neil Gaiman, where the lord of dreams and her sister Delirium enter on a quest to find their brother Destruction seeing in this journey how brief live really is.
The same could have happened with "Dream Country" by the above mentioned writer that was published in 1991 and where a man traps a muse, a cat dreams a dream, a Shakespeare tale is told or a woman with masks starts to decay. 

This is me holding two books named "Dream country" and "Brief lives" based on Sandman character created by British writer Neil Gaiman with a couple in love in a restaurant along a menu with a Corto Maltese artwork by Hugo Pratt

Corto Maltese talks with ravens...
Corto Maltese isn't afraid of shadows at all. 

These are Corto Maltese printed pages originals by Hugo Pratt 

I've mentioned before in this post that Corto was Hugo and Hugo was Corto like can be seen in the tribute to them by the current artist on Corto's new adventures written by Spanish writer Juan Diaz Canales and Spanish maestro Ruben Pellejero.
 Corto never was in some sort of a "Vendetta" quest like in masterpiece graphic novel "V for vendetta" first published in 1982 and that was created by English writer Alan Moore and British artist David Lloyd.
 Corto's the ghostly aspect of what a man with a broken heart is.

This is a tribute to Corto Maltese and Hugo Pratt by the current artist who is this character new adventures artist that is Spanish maestro Ruben Pellejero and myself holding masterpiece book "V for Vendetta" by British artists Alan Moore and David Lloyd and that turned into a movie starring Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman and John Hurt 

This is a restaurant with Corto's artworks by Hugo Pratt 

Corto isn't a statue kissed by a belle...
Corto isn't a fox that casts some spell

This is me holding a Portuguese book edition by Croatian writer Dubravka Ugresic named "The fox" and my muse Elena with a sailor statue.

Corto was a lover while being a bit of a soldier...
Corto had two daughters...

This is me carrying a personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt, an artwork by French artist Sandrine Rastrelli with one of Corto's daughter while creating it and an artwork based on Corto by Canadian artist Stan Wany 
Corto believes in fables...
Corto isn't a reflection...
Corto isn't action...
Corto believes that christmas is always late...
Corto believes that December has 34 days...
Corto is in between days...

This is a Corto Maltese artwork telling this to Bocca Dorata character: it's December 34th and the first day of the year hasn't arrived yet." and a pic of myself, knowing that clearly that I was born in 30th December 1973 along an artwork by Italian maestro Marco Polenta 

Corto is a sailor...
Corto is a tailor...
Corto isn't dead...
Corto loved being with Dragonlady in her bed.

These are tribute artworks to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese by Canadian artist Stan Wany, Argentine artist Wally Gomez, Indonesyan artist Wendy Saber Core and Uruguyan artist Matias Bergara with a tribute to Corto and to American artist Milton Caniff's character Dragonlady

Corto dreams with women...
They also dream with him...
Corto smokes...
Corto loves telling jokes...

These are artworks based on Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese character by Italian artists Massimiliano Veltri, Alberto Lavadori and American artist Rikki Romero 

Corto is a shadow cast at last...
Corto isn't past...

This is only me and a tribute artwork to Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese by Italian artist Franco Bianco 

Fernando Pessoa that's a Portuguese writer wrote about a sailor in 1913 in Lisbon, Portugal.
 Hugo Pratt was born in 15th June 1927 in Rimini, Italy.
 Pessoa couldn't be refering to this character that's a sailor because Pratt wasn't even born at the time when Fernando wrote that poem.
 I'm sure of one thing, Corto always was and always will be a man with a broken heart roaming the world for free.

This is Fernando Pessoa's poem "The sailor" published in 11/12 October 1913 in Portuguese magazine Orpheu and Pessoa drawn by Portuguese artist Almada Negreiros 

This is a book cover of the above poem "The sailor" by Pessoa and a manuscript of it by the writer himself 

This is another painting based on Pessoa by Portuguese artist Almada Negreiros and a printed artwork in a personalized t-shirt by Italian artist Stefano Zattera for another book project that I'm organizing with help by international artists named Daria inside an Aria being Bela with my Russian friend Daria Kovaleva 

Unfinished list of artists organized in alphabetical order because of their birth country and who created artworks and to others who will creste more artworks for this upcoming project and that can be seen in previous artworks for it in previous posts in this same blogue either as a simple printed picture or mixed inside collages  with a simple theme created and written by me with simple narratives and that are:

Martin Arrizabalaga 
Pablo Burman 
Wally Gomez
Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera
Stan Wany 
Sandrine Rastrelli
Henrik Kim Rehr 
Wendy Saber Core 
Alberto Lavadori 
Franco Bianco
Gianni Alegra
Marco Polenta
Massimo Perissinotto
Rolando Cicatelli
Stefano Babini
Stefano Zattera 
Regina Pessoa
Renato Abreu 
José Luis Ágreda
Ruben Pellejero
Branko Djukic 
Milivoj Vukojevic

Many thanks to all international artists who support this project along others also organized by me that are Daria Inside an Aria, Didi Wray in a love story every single day, Mascara girl watching foltball by the Fall, poems to several women that I wrote poems to as an homage to Hungaryan actor Bela Lugosi (just because they are Bela) and that can be read in this blogue in previous posts on it and finally my own autobiograhy with excellent artworks based on me and that can be read also in this same blogue while I'm in an identity and love quest.
Special thanks to Daria Kovalenka, Mascara, Elena, Didi Wray, women that I write poems to, all my nieces, nephews and cousins, my soulmate Sandra and last but not least my kitty Ilvie who I miss a lot since May 2016 till now and that was stolen from me from my ex-wife in a divorce.

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Sequential love story/arts project - Part 97 - International artists

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