Thursday, October 3, 2019

Narrative about the work that I've done, I'm doing or will do in the upcoming future with help by international artists


In a previous post in this blogue I've mentioned that I'm a bit of "control freak" because in life memories and organization is the key to develop work and ideas.
Below are book projects, worldwide exhibitions or narratives that I've developed as something real in life or others that I'm developing for the upcoming future to turn projects into exhibitions or to be printed in books because writing and organizing lots of times in my mind isn't as simple as it seems since I'm only one person working with lots of international artists.
Knowing that I love my work and international artists are the best human beings in the whole world. 
 In another post I'll create a narrative with imagens of the boons where I worked on or am/will work with in the upcoming future.

Work on books from 2016 to 2019
Complete Crepax book collection - 10 volumes for Fantagraphics as creator and series editor of it.
Complete tributes to Valentina by international artists - 10 volumes to Fantagraphics 
Complete upcoming Alberto Breccia collection for Fantagraphics as creator of it and former Breccia's heirs agent 
Book collection dedicated to Argentine maestro José Muñoz (still unpublished)
Book collection dedicated to Croatian maestro Danijel Zezelj (still unpublished)
Complete works by Swedish artist Max Andersson to Fantagraphics 
"Miracleman" by Alan Moore - Portuguese/Finnish/Polish book edition for GFloy 
"Luna Park" Kevin Baker/Danijel Zezelj - Levoir 
"V for Vendetta" - Alan Moore/David Lloyd - Levoir
Crepax - Levoir 
"Savages" by Danijel Zezelj 
"Alguém tem fósforos" portuguese book anthology (as writer) 
Upcoming projects as writer/editor with artists artworks
XXIst century woman graphic novel finished and unpublished set in Barcelona - Spain (art by Argentine artist Mr Ed), Le Mans - France - (art by Spanish artist Fidel Martiñez Nadal), London - UK (art by Spanish artist Pedro Espinosa), São Paulo - Brazil (art by Brazilian artist Brao), Santiago do Chile (art by Catalan artist Toni Benages Gallard), Porto - Portugal (art by Portuguese artist Paulo Pinto), Kyoto - Japan (art by Japanese artist John Kurokawa), Warsaw - Poland (art by Polish artist Magdalena Minko), Milan - Italy (art by Spanish artist Sandra Hernandez) with extras by several artists
"Cats as pets" 
"Lost in a nordic dream" graphic novel anthology with Swedish artists Max Andersson, Lars Erik Sjunesson, Clara Bessijelle Johansson, Knut Larsson, Nicolas Krizán, Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom, Danish artist Henrik Kim Rehr and Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel 
"My Autobiography" 
"Zombie Lady"
"Mascara girl"
"Daria inside an Aria being Bela"
"Didi Wray, a love story every single Day"
Poems/love stories book anthology

I believe in objects being personalized as key elements about memories of the work that I've done, I'm doing, will do, with help by international artists in order to remind myself of the work that I've did while promoting it. 
Below is a list of artworks by some international artists who I worked with (I could have printed others but I'm always on a low budget due to personal issues) organized in an alphabetical way with their birth country that I've printed in simple t-shirts or mugs with their names and themes/work on captions  because I do believe that our work should be made with our whole essence, body, heart and soul in movement in a passionate way clearly knowing that Summer's gone and that we're approaching Fall.


Personalized t-shirt for Narrative Didi Wray, a love story every single Day 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Mr ED for Identity exhibition and autobiography

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on my kitty Ilvie by Argentine artist Mr ED for Cats as pets exhibition 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Mr ED for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Mr ED for tributes to Alberto Breccia exhibition while I was organizing alone a complete collection of his works to be published at Fantagraphics from this maestro being also agent of his heirs PatriciaEnrique and Cristina Breccia 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Patricia Breccia for cats as pets exhibition 

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Argentine  artist Wally Gomez for upcoming tributes exhibition to Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt  


Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Brazilian  artist Alex Korolkovas - part 1 for tributes exhibition to Valentina by Guido Crepax 

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Brazilian  artist Alex Korolkovas - part 2 for tributes exhibition to Valentina by Guido Crepax  

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on Valentina and Belinda by Brazilian artist Alex Korolkovas for tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax exhibition 


Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj for an Identity exhibition and an autobiography while helping him on his book "Savages"

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Croatian artist Danijel Zezelj for written narratives that inspired my work with XXIst century women 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom for upcoming "Lost in a nordic dream" graphic novel anthology 


Personalized t-shirt with artwork by French artist Walter Minus for written narratives that inspired my work with XXIst century women 
Personalized t-shirt with artwork by French  artist Walter Minus for exhibition tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax 


Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by German artist Lars Henkel for memories of an arts festival organized by me at Porto in 2012 named Mab 


Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by Itallian artist Stefano Zattera for Zombierella exhibition 

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Italian artist Stefano Zattera for Narrative "Daria inside an Aria being Bela"


Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Spanish artist Daniel Esteve for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by Spanish artist Javier Olivares for my help on publishing his masterpiece book "Las meñinas" ar Fantagraphics

Personalized t-shirt with a tribute to Valentina by Guido Crepax and Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt by Spanish maestro Ruben Pellejero for exhibition tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax  

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by Spanish artist Santiago Sequeiros for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Spanish  artist Santiago Sequeiros for tributes exhibition to Valentina by Guido Crepax 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson for upcoming "Lost in a nordic dream" graphic novel anthology 

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Swedish  artist Max Andersson for a solo exhibition by him in Portugal in an European tour and his complete works published at Fantagraphics with my help.

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Swedish  artist Max Andersson for upcoming "Lost in a nordic dream" graphic novel anthology 

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork by British artist David Lloyd for Portuguese book edition with my help of "V for Vendetta" masterpiece

Personalized t-shirt with an artwork for my help on bringing David Lloyd to Lisbon to promote "V for Vendetta" masterpiece with my help 


Personalized t-shirt with an artwork based on myself by American artist Bill Koeb for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Canadian  artist Dave Cooper - for being former Fantagraphics consultant book editor part 1

Seven artists artworks from different countries displayed in two t-shirts

Personalized t-shirt with artwork by Bolivian Artist  artist Sergio Alejandro Abrega Aguilera, Canadian Artist Stan Wany, Serbian Artist Milivoj Vukcevik and Italian artist Stefano Zattera for upcoming tributes exhibition to Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt  

Personalized t-shirt with artworks by Argentine artist Mr Ed, Spanish artists Fidel Martiñez Nadal, Pedro Espinosa and Polish artist Magdalena Minko for upcoming GN written by me set in Barcelona, London, Le Mans and Warsaw 


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Carlos Dearmas for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Fernando Sawa for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist German Genga for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on my kitty Ilvie by Argentine artist Mr Ed for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on my youngest niece Letícia by Argentine artist Mr Ed for Identity exhibition and an autobiography
Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Valentina by Argentine artist Mr Ed along prints by American artists Jeffrey Alan Love and George Pratt for tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Argentine artist Mukor Bazan for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Cats by Argentine artist Patrícia Breccia for exhibition cats as pets 


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Valentina by Brazilian artist Alex Korokolvas along prints by American artists Peter Kuper and George Pratt for tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Valentina and Belinda by Brazilian artist Alex Korokolvas along prints by Argentine artists Mr Ed and Santiago Caruso for tributes to Valentina by Guido Crepax


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Danish artist Henrik Kim Rehr for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Finnish artist Terhi Ekebom for Identity exhibition and an autobiography


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Italian artist Rolando Cicatelli for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Italian artist Stefano Zattera for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Zombierella by Italian artist Stefano Zattera for exhibition to Zombierella

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself and my youngest niece Letícia by Japanese artist John Kurokawa for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel for Identity exhibition and an autobiography - 01

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Polish artist Bartosz Jekiel for Identity exhibition and an autobiography - 02

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Polish artist Magdalena Minko for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Cats by Polish artist Nikodem Cabala for exhibition cats as pets 


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Alberto Breccia works by Portuguese artist Julia Barata for tributes to Alberto Breccia works

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself and my nieces by Portuguese artist Ana Biscaia for Identity exhibition and an autobiography


Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Alberto Breccia's El Eternauta by Spanish artist Javier Olivares for tributes to Alberto Breccia works

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Spanish artist Joaquin Aldeguer for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself and my kitty Ilvie by Spanish artist Jon Ander Azaola for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on Zombierella by Spanish artist Ruben Pellejero for exhibition to Zombierella

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Swedish artist Knut Larsson for Identity exhibition and an autobiography
Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Swedish artist Lars Erik Sjunesson for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Swedish artist Max Andersson for Identity exhibition and an autobiography

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Swedish artist Max Andersson to promote his European tour and presence in Portugal with my help

Personalized Mug with an artwork based on myself by Swedish artist Nicolas Krizan for Identity exhibition and an autobiography 

Many thanks to all international artists who support some of my ideas.
Special thanks to Daria, Didi, Mascara Girl and a Zombie Lady.

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