Saturday, July 16, 2022

A direct love speech from Olga to my solid heart:


- Man, do me tell... 

- Outside a spell... 

- If magic must we together behold... 

- Not feeling ourselves small? 

- Into our time... 

- Dwelling cards fine... 

- Sugarish prime... 

- Don't say that I'm funny... 

- Call me thy bunny... 

- Don't speak to me in English... 

- Not my bloody wish... 

- Entering our dance... 

- Torrid romance... 

- Do know... 

- That our love ain't a show... 

- Sparkle stardust... 

- Nothing must rust... 

- Kiss my lips... 

- No hidden treats... 

- Wanna learn Portuguese... 

- Never saying please... 

- Moscow's streets... 

- Not bearing spaceships... 

- Let's go into that Restaurant... 

- Be Prince charmant... 

- Tell me again... 

- About voice's pain... 

- Let's throw into the air more than a paper plane... 

- Feel myself tame... 

- There's that Tool's melody... 

- Inside our everlasting sea... 

- Just don't tell me... 

- About a fallen tree... 

- Open my heart... 

- It's a start... 

- Bear it with art... 

- Don't play some part... 

- Today's afternoon time... 

- Inside sunshine... 

- Saw your jeans by the floor... 

- Do knock at our door... 

- By kitchen there's bread and butter... 

- Moving us further... 

- Street empty was... 

- No passing bus... 

- Love, it's just us... 

- Press Play... 

- Not only today... 

- Don't care I about any Pause... 

- Just because... 

- Fast Forwarding... 

- Sharing with you an ice-cream... 

- Don't you dare to be to me mean... 

- Back Rewind... 

- Way kind... 

- Forgetting Rec button... 

- Love's always once upon... 

- There's my eyes... 

- In between people that sighs... 

- Wanna grab thy hair... 

- Feel you everywhere... 

- Into thin air... 

- Chuckling in and out... 

- No need to shout... 

- To hum... 

- Having us fun... 

- Chewing more than a gum... 

- Prepare me food... 

- I'm in the mood... 

- We can... 

- Should... 

- Together we bang... 

- Again into downtown street... 

- Heart and soul are ours to keep... 

- Move me deep... 

- Tell me sweet... 

- That beneath... 

- We're more than a stylish treat... 

- Whatever we both do say... 

- Not inside a pray... 

- Being actually more than a sun's ray... 

- Kiss me not only in May... 

- No theatre play...

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